First powder

Who knows, but my general sense is that things are fundamentally different this time. National politics have now shifted the power to the left in DC. The Dems look like they will control congress and the WH. With that shift, I am very pessimistic that our supply lines will recover like they have in the past.

And this is just the beginning of what's to come. I'm guessing things will get worse, and much worse. Not only for supplies but for the firearms industry as well. The left wants to crush the firearms industry and one way to do it is to amend laws making it easier to sue firearms manufacturers for civil damages.

I sure hope I'm wrong about this, but I see the present situation as being fundamentally different than past shortages...

Just my thoughts...and I have been through all of them reckoning back to the mid-70's...

Who knows, but my general sense is that things are fundamentally different this time. National politics have now shifted the power to the left in DC. The Dems look like they will control congress and the WH. With that shift, I am very pessimistic that our supply lines will recover like they have in the past.

And this is just the beginning of what's to come. I'm guessing things will get worse, and much worse. Not only for supplies but for the firearms industry as well. The left wants to crush the firearms industry and one way to do it is to amend laws making it easier to sue firearms manufacturers for civil damages.

I sure hope I'm wrong about this, but I see the present situation as being fundamentally different than past shortages...

Just my thoughts...and I have been through all of them reckoning back to the mid-70's...

Believe you are correct, and they don't need bills to affect it. Executive orders, local taxes import restrictions etc
Brick of 500 . . .


Yeah, I'm conversant with what usually constitutes a "brick" of primers. I'm 99 percent sure the tag on the empty shelf was $69.99 for a "brick" of 500. If I lived closer to Sheels, I'd go back and look.

In the mean time, the local range I frequent has one brick (of 1000) small pistol primers and are auctioning it off. Two days ago the highest bid was $150.

By the way, Sheels had hollow point 22 shorts. They were $10 for 100, which is kinda pricey for 22, but given that they were shorts (hard to find) and hollow point (never seen hollow point shorts before) I popped for four boxes.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Since I am done with most of my 9MM and 5.56 testing, I been selling powders and primers. I probably sold 30 bottles of powder and several thousand primers, and some brass, and projectiles even, too. I still have dozens of bottles of powder left, which I am surprised nobody wants to buy. But people have issues with open containers. I have like .7 lbs to like .9 lbs of recently opened containers. Everything I sold, I sold for good price. I didn't rip anyone off with $100 for 1000 primers or anything like that. In last 9 months, I have bought total of 2000 primers, and I paid like $40 each. Last time I saw them in stock online was like August. And it was limit 1 per customer.

I do not believe this is like 2009 or 2013. I think this is WAY worse. I will bet somebody a wager right now, that primer supply will NOT normalize within 3 years. Maybe never, because I am expecting reloading to become against federal law very soon.
I will bet somebody a wager right now, that primer supply will NOT normalize within 3 years.

Well I hope it does, because I've only got about 4000 pistol primers, and about 1000 small rifle and 1000 large rifle. I could *not* go shooting, and just sit on them, but that's sad.
Just 2009, all over again.

But this time cause primarily by making everyone want a gun, and then giving everyone "free" money to buy one.
And again in 2013. I don't know if you realize it but the powder and primer shortage follows a ammo shortage and they usually run on 4 to 8 year cycles .
Now I want you to notice something ...4 and 8 years coincide with elections !
The change of power sparks a panic ... the "other side" is going to outlaw ...guns, ammo, defund police ... you name it .
It keeps happening over and over ...when supply returns and powder and primers are available ... you would be wise to stock up and stock deep . Yes ... HOARD !
I put in a lifetime supply ... my kids can divide whatever primers and powders are left after I'm gone ... but I will try to take some with me...just in case .

Yeah, I stocked up when the times were good, enough for my lifetime - provided I don't live past 120 y.o.

And after the primers and powder comes the bullet shortage. Discovered am lower supplied than thought and ordered up some 9mm and 308 target bullets.
@9MMand223only , too bad - I'd buy some. Powder levels are lower than I would like. Heck, even real black powder is hard to find, just Pyrodex and White Hots are all I find. Casting is the best thing that ever happened to me.
I just gave another forum member local to me 5 Lbs of black powder, I think it was 3 Lbs of FFG and 2 Lbs of FFFG. I had it for years and had no use for it. Been looking at other powder I have and I likely have about 40 ~ 50 Lbs I'll likely never use so thinking about selling it. Like USSR (Don) I likely have enough components to shoot till I am 120 years old and I don't see that happening. :)

Like USSR (Don) I likely have enough components to shoot till I am 120 years old and I don't see that happening.

Aw, come on Ron. You know, only the good die young.:)

my kids can divide whatever primers and powders are left after I'm gone ... but I will try to take some with me...just in case .

Haha, the caskets have plenty of space on the sides for primers, casting pot, molds, a single stage (no rush in the next life), lead ingots..... you're going to need some beefy pallbearers.
you're going to need some beefy pallbearers.

lol , that reminded me of carrying my dad . I was in the center left side and I could not believe how heavy it was . When I asked the other two pallbearers on my side if they thought it was heavy they said no actually they were surprised how light it was :eek: that cus I was holding the whole damn thing lol :D
I am not having a problem finding either one.

Bought 6lbs of Unique the other day for normal prices, then got rid of 10k SPP I didn't need for 10k LPP I can use. Today I traded 5k SRP for 8-lbs of Unique. Then went home and found more 8lbs I forgot I had. Am set for both primers and powder for the next 2-years.