First person accounts of Defensive Handgunning

Have you ever drawn a gun in a defensive situation?

  • Never drawn a gun on another person.

    Votes: 70 56.0%
  • Drew a weapon but did not fire...

    Votes: 40 32.0%
  • Drew a weapon & fired... but did not hit BG.

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • Drew a weapon & fire...hit BG.

    Votes: 11 8.8%

  • Total voters
Never really felt good to talk about the last answer choice to me anyway, others, in de-briefings or crisis-managment, or code-red recoverys, (whatever the shrinks want to name it this week) seemed okay with it. And admittedly there is relief. Hell your alive, but I never felt good.
I will say I have been drawn down on by LEOs as well, no problem. I'm a big guy, 6'3'' and you never know what's going to happen moment to moment. So no worries ever. You guys stay safe. Once my readout poops up and you know I'm not a perp, I'm on my way. Can't believe the noise some people make about being detained. Sheesh, Any how Stay safe.
Thanks for the Replies especially Barry in IN

Thanks to all that replied. Barry in IN your type of post was exactly what I was looking for. We all train and prepare the best we can but when the BG is right in front of you s**t happens. You gave a lot of good practical advise. I guess the conclusion is to train, train & train again. Thanks you again to all that replied.

Pulled twice, never used.

Once in a mall parking lot one afternoon a few years ago, the wife, 2 small kids and I were walking across the parking lot heading toward the vehicle. I am ALWAYS watching everyone and everything, just comes from my years as a firefighter and the areas we had to go into at times. Anyway, I see 2 brotha's making their way toward us from 2 or 3 rows over, winding fast through the vehicles and looking straight at us. We were close enough to the car that we got it unlocked and I ordered my wife and kids to get in the car "NOW!!". I had a little Taurus PT22 that had been in my pocket and I was now palming it. When they saw me keeping a keen eye on them, and the rest of the troops were safely in the car, they backed off. They never saw the gun, but did see me watching them.

Second time, I was in my vehicle driving down a street in the middle of the afternoon. There wasn't much traffic on the road, and up ahead I saw a brotha with a long "trench" type coat on slowly walking across the road. I figured he would have time to get across before I got to him. Instead, he stopped, me approaching his left side. He just stood there a look at me for a few seconds, and then stuck his hand under his coat. I don't know if he was reaching for a gun, a club, or scratching his side. I kept a Glock 27 in the console compartment, and I already had my hand on it. When he stuck his hand under his coat, I stuck the G27 up to the windshield and pointed it at him. He ran as fast as he could across the road. If anything had been coming in the other lane, he would have never seen it.

Hope to never have to do it again.
You can never be too careful.

When I was in college, my dad dropped me off in Milwaukee and was driving back to Houston. He likes to take his time and see the sights. Anywho, he stopped on some backroad rest stop in Missouri to catch a nap. He told me that he woke to the sound of a Harley pulling up. He opened his eyes and looked around w/o getting up from his reclined position. There was a big rig on the far side of the stop and he was the only other car there. This big biker dude pulls alongside and raps on his window. Stereotype biker boy pulls a handful of jewelry out of his pocket and offers to sell some to dad to pay for gas money and such. Dad says sure and tells the dude he is getting his wallet from the center console of the suburban. Without taking eyes off the BG, dad asks if he'd be interested in trading instead of selling. BG thinks he's got dad on the hook and bites. Dad asks if he would rather trade six JHPs from his 686 SW for the guys Harley. That dude left two tracks leaving the rest stop. One on the street and one in his pants.

Going to school my senior year, I stopped in Sikeston, MO for the night. Woke up to the pounding on my hotel door. My truck was parked in front and I could see through the crack in the blinds that two undesireables were looking frantic and pounding the door in. I always keep my valuables in the room with me when I travel. My valuables at the time included a new laptop Dell, my CD case and player, and my 870 12ga. I was taking for hunting that year. I hollered through the door "Whaddaya want?!" and the guys reply that they are being chased and need a place to hide. I uncased the shotgun and then threw open the shades and tapped the window. The look those chumps gave lit up the night. They took off around my truck and were getting into a car I couldn't see. I open the door and shout that I have no problem shooting them THROUGH the truck if they don't leave me alone. (actually, I did...the gun was unloaded!!!) The cops later caught the guys doing the same thing at a hotel down the street. One guy was not lucky as he caught two rounds from an out of town state trooper sleeping at that particular hotel.
Middle of the afternoon, standing at ATM, 2 guys walking up behind me at a fast pace. There was a large piece of tinted plexiglass across the top of the machine that tilted down and I could see their reflections in it. They could also see me looking at them and my hand on the Colt that was in the front of my pants. They retreated.
Drawn - Not Fired

Many years ago a relative who was a police officer was working a part time job watching a large menswear store overnight, prior to a security gate being installed. I went out to take coffee and sit & talk guns, family etc. The store was located about four blocks from the clubhouse of a local motorcycle gang. About Midnight, 10 - 12 bikes roared into the lot and started rolling around the car. My cousin shook his head and placed a 1911 .45 on the dash and looked at me. I shrugged and placed a 1911 .45 on the dash. He reached down, grabbed a S&W Highway Patrolman and placed it on the dash, I put a S&W model 60 on the dash. He reached over the back seat and pulled a Pump shotgun to the front seat. I said "sorry, thats all I've got". They roared out of the parking lot.

A lot of overkill but it definitely kept a problem from developing.