First handgun you ever bought

Brian Bilby

New member
What was the first handgun you ever bought and why?

Mine was a Colt Diamondback because it looked cool and the price was right.

My first pistol was purshased in military in 1968. It was a Colt second gen. SAA .357.
It came with the whole gunslinger set up for $125. I was COOL but I didn't like the sights so traded it off for a beat up S&W Mod 19. Also darn near shot foot off doing quick draws with the thing. One of first big trading mistakes I made. Sure wish I had it now!!!

My first handgun was a Taurus Model 66 357 Magnum nickel plated with a six inch barrel. Got it for $200 the week I turned 21.
My first was a bullseye model Colt Match Target Woodsman, when I was a freshman in college. Paid $50 for it brand new. No wonder I'm considered a senior member!!
It was the summer of 1967. I was just back from the South-East Asian War Games. I felt very uncomfortable at my new night job being unarmed. I bought a Beretta .25 auto just to have something in my pocket. I had no illusions about stopping power. I just felt so naked and helpless without something. It took a couple of months before I stopped carrying it all the time at night.

Neil Casper
An S&W Model 15 4" 38 Spl. Back in 1972 it was still an US Air Force sidearm which I shot and liked. I traded it in 2 months later for an S&W Model 19 6" 357.

Late in 1974, I bought a new Colt New Frontier .22, holster and ammo, for $105.

Sold it a few years later. What a bonehead...


Myself growing up in the era of autos not revolvers I had choosen a Glock 27 and never once have i regreted it. I paid 400 dollars to a Police Officer friend of mine, he had only shot about 50 rds through it. He gave me the gun, 30 rds of hydra-shok ammo, 2 mags with the pirece +1 extensions, and the confidence that I was buying on of the most reliable guns on the market!!

when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
Not the first handgun i had... but the first one I bought.

I was passing through a local/range gunshop one day and saw a nifty looking Colt New Service Army model in the case, asking price was $275, I asked if I could have a look. (this was in 91 or so) When I asked for a bore lite the sales man said, well when you come back with money, I'll give you a bore light. I showed up the next day with cash in hand, partly just to spite the guy.. but true to his word he threw in the borelight for free, along with a dozen full moon clips and the loading tool.

Its an honest to goodness WW1 gun marked US Property and all, it was re-blued in the 50's but the markings are still crisp and it shoots like a dream. These are going for A LOT more than I paid for it, and I'm very happy with the gun.

I've bought a few more here and there, but nothing was quite as satisfying as buying that Colt.

Brian: Mine was a Thompson Contender in 221 fireball. I later put a weaver scope on it and made alot of crows sorry i did so. Man the muzzel blast off that pistol was fierce!! I just read a review of H-S precisions Pro Series 2000; pistol in my latest Varmint Hunter Magazine. [January 2000 issue]. That will be my VERY NEXT purchase as far as pistols go!!!! Now what caliber?? 223 rem or 6mmppc? Happy Holiday's to one and all!
A new Ruger .22 auto with, I think this is correct, a 4 5/8" barrel. I bought it in December 1980 after my car had been broken into and some Christmas presents were stolen. The thief (or thieves) didn't take my cassette tapes though; I wasn't sure if I should be relieved or offended that they didn't like my taste in music.

I kept the gun for a few years, but I can't really say what happened to it. While I was in the army, I left it with my parents, and when they moved from one place to another, it mysteriously disappeared. I discovered it was gone when I got back. It's been recently replaced with a Ruger .22/45, another fine pistol.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
I bought a Taurus PT99 in 1986. My girlfriend's (later she became my wife and then my ex!) stepfather was threatning to kill her and her mother and anyone who got in his way. That Taurus was the best damn handgun in the world during those trying days, if ya know what I mean! :)
A GI 1911A1 US Army manufactured by Remington Rand. That was the first of a long line of 45 Autos, mostly Colt commercials! :)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
First gun I bought with my own money was a Beretta M92SB in 1983. I sold it later to a friend. Good gun, I just thought it was too big for my hands. I wish I still had it for old times sake.
Brian-My first handgun purchase was a stainless Ruger Police Service Six in 357 with a 3" barrel. I got rid of it and missed it so much that I recently replaced it with a stainless Ruger Speed Six in 357 with a 3" barrel. I'll never get rid of this one. In fact, I'm looking for a S&W 65 with a 3" barrel. Those 3 inchers have got me hooked.

Ruger Security Six 4".357 magnum. Stainless
steel Bicentennial Edition (1976). I bought
the gun new in 1976 and still have it. I was
22 years old then. I sure would like to be 22 now.
Browning Challenger II - sweet shooting .22lr.
Liked the looks of it. Suckered by that gold plated trigger!
When I was 14, I bought some piece of crap snub nosed .22, nine shot. Didn't shoot worth a darn so I sold it back to the guy I bought it from.