First Handgun (Conceal Carry) - Suggestions?

You like the Glock 19, so I'd recommend that or a G26. I went with the smaller one, although I have considered buying a G19 as carrying AIWB makes it much easier to conceal. I shoot the G26 well, but would concede that the G19 is the more versatile package. I have a magazine extension on my G26, so it is not much shorter in grip length anyway. Really helps for drawing from a holster though, as I carry a bit lower.

For holsters I would look at a Raven Concealment Vanguard 2 (or their newest upgrade), or one from Off the Grid Concepts. I have nothing but praise for them and their holsters worked great for my G42 and the PPS I had. Good luck.
I've owned handguns for a long time, but when I 1st got my ccw, I started a quest for the perfect ccw gun. Made lots of mistakes and took years to settle on a couple that worked well for carry. BTW, I never found the perfect one. There is always a compromise; size, weight, action, caliber, capacity, simplicity, reliability. I started almost 20 years ago. At least you can get feedback from good folks on this forum so you won't make the mistakes I did.
Wilson Combat 1911s, Nighthawk Custom 1911s,), but I have never owned a hand gun myself.

A Colt lite weight Commander 45 or 9mm I carry one or other as main carry. Last couple months been limited on weight. Motorcycle wreck and hurt back . So Colt Mustang of KelTec . :(
imho semiauto pistols need more practice and love than a revolver. i admire the wide variety of s.a. choices and the expertise of persons who choose a s.a. for ccw. as for me i suggest a revolver for ccw: i had a lousy army basic training experience with the 1911 45acp in early 70s and a wonderful experience in a security course ten years later with the s&w 4" 38 revolver. my first handgun soon thereafter was a taurus model 85 steel 38 snubbie. i will never part with it. it is a bit heavy but that successfully tames recoil, making it and me a much better shooter than alloy snubbies. if i want a lighter ccw i choose a ruger lcr 22lr.
Here are my suggestions:

Ruger LC9 or LC9s
Kahr PM9, K9, or Mk9

I'm not a big fan of Glocks for conceal carry for safety reasons, especially for a beginner. Yeah, I know, you will get folks saying how safe they are with their Glock. That doesn't negate the fact that Glocks have one of the highest rates of accidental discharges. There is no external safety; the trigger is very short and light compared to DAO's, and there are tons of people who can't actually keep their booger-hook off of the boom switch ALL THE TIME! For every Glock fan that tells you "It's your fault if you don't train enough with it to be safe....", there's another one who will confess: "Not only did I set off [my Glock] .45 in my garage, but I passed right through my left hand ...... Yep .... I [bleep]ing shot myself point blank. I'm still having a hard time getting my head around what I did"

In any event, I have a Glock 17 - have had it for years, and have NEVER felt comfortable keeping a round chambered. I figured out that this pretty much renders it useless for me. I won't get rid of it - it's a great combat handgun, but practically speaking, its just another safe queen now.
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Pick yourself up a milsurp. If a 1911 is to large for you then spend $300 and get a Star Super Model B. Yes most of them are old but they are a copy of a 1911 that was made in Spain in 9mm para and used as a secondary arm by the Third Reich and other axis countries.

Even an Italian Military M9 trade in would fit the bill just fine.
Glock 26 w/ 1 15-round magazine w/ adapter - nice size for easy CC but still very easy to shoot (not too small and nice trigger) and bigger mag gives you a soiid grip and plenty of rounds. A J-frame is great for concealment but there's a world of difference in shooting one well. I've tried about a dozen different types of guns for CC and the Glock just seems to work best for me. A 19 would probably work just as well since it's the grip length that makes the difference in CC and the 26 w/ a 15-round mag is the same as a 19. I would assume the 19 would be more accurate with the longer sight-radius but the 26 shoots well enough for me. Some people don't like Glocks with the lack of safety but with enough experience, common-sense and respect for the gun you eliminate the difference (especially since most people learn to simply not use the safety unless its a SAO pistol). And I'm not a Glock fan - just realistic enough to admit they do the job well. But cool? - not even close. I can list a couple dozen guns I d rather have before buying another Glock - at leat until or when the 26 goes belly-up on me.

But one thing about guns - you end up compromising on something no matter what you get. You just need to try to reach that middle ground that works for you.
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