First Handgun (Conceal Carry) - Suggestions?


New member
Hey guys,

So I am looking into getting my first handgun. Now...I actually have a lot of experience with guns in general and I own several rifles and two shotguns. I actually shoot sporting clays competitively so I am not new to guns. I have shot many hand guns (Kimber 1911s, Wilson Combat 1911s, Nighthawk Custom 1911s, Glocks, Sigs, Revolvers, etc), but I have never owned a hand gun myself.

Anyways...I think it is time for me to get a handgun and preferably something that can be conceal carried (I am actually take a conceal carry class in two weeks). Now here is the thing - I don't really want something really small, but at the same time I want something that will be relatively comfortable to conceal carry. At this time I am thinking of going with the Glock 19. My mom actually has a S&W M&P Shield but I really don't care for it.

So...what do you guys think?

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My first carry gun was a Raven .25 auto. The classic Saturday night special. Still have it but don't recommend as a carry gun. Later I tried a ruger LC9 when they first came out. I got the camo polymer NRA version. Good looking gun and easy to carry but horrendous trigger and not particularly accurate. (Now that I've learned more I know that it wasn't too bad in the accuracy department, it's just that sub-compact polymer carry guns are generally not accurate, i.e. If you can hit an 8 inch plate at 25 yards half the time you're pretty close to maxing out the capabilities of the gun.) I traded it for a ruger LCR in 357 and never looked back. Great trigger and will hold a three inch group at 15 yards. Very versatile on ammo. Not too small (I have big hands). That's my two cents.
Glock 19 and LCR357 are my first real handguns. I pocket carry the LCR loaded with Hornaday 38 spl 110+p Critical Defense. Still working up a carry rig for the G19 but almost have it. You will get a gazillion suggestions but you can't go far wrong with either of those. The important thing is to pick a manual of arms you're comfortable with and train, train, train.
The Glock 19 is not a bad choice, but I'm a revolver guy, so I have to go with medium frame, 4" revolver in 38 Special. Either a Smith & Wesson Model 10/64 or a Model 15/67, the difference being fixed or adjustable sights, and blue vs stainless.

Yea, a 2" version might be a little easier to conceal, but the 4" version will be easier to shoot if you're just starting out, and not that much harder to conceal. 38 Special ammo is relatively inexpensive if you stick with the practice stuff for practice, and in the peppier S/D loadings quite adequate.

357 revolvers are an option, but generally they're heavier physically in a gun that's basically the same size as their 38 cousins.

Save the smaller J-frame sized guns for later after you've got more experience.

If you want a semi-auto, IMHO again, the Glock 19 is the medium sized revolver of semi's.
What is it about the Shield that you don't care for? Looks, thinness, grip size or contour, capacity? Knowing that will help with other suggestions.

In the same general size and capacity range as the Shield, I can recommend the XDs, LC9s Pro, PPS, Glock 43 or even the 709 Slim.

In the next step up in general size, the Glock 19 is probably the prototype. Look also at the M&P Compact and the FNS Compact.
When I made my choice for my first handgun I put together a list of what I wanted and went from there. My list was something like this:

-min of 10 rounds
-small for concealed carry
-no external safety
-easy to field strip
-not a glock

I tried glocks multiple times, I know I don't like them as much as I've tried, so they were off the table from the get go.

I wound up getting an XD mod 2 (almost went with a XD(m)), and since then I decided I really like the tactile loaded chamber indicator and the striker indicator as well. The mod2 is a double stack so it's 13+1 with the flush mag and 16+1 extended mag. It's about an inch thick which is barely larger than the XDs, which was another consideration (I believe it had 9+1).

Anyway, I doubt you would be disappointed unless you wanted to get a more expensive gun or wanted different features. For size, I'd probably go with the XD(m) 4" and you'd be fine.

You'll pay about $500 if I were to estimate.



Edit: xds only carries 7+1 or 8+1, so that's why I didn't get it. I remember now.
Thanks for the suggestions guys - I am not a big fan of revolvers (probably because I haven't shot a lot of them). So I will probably stick with something like the Glock 19 or XD
If the Glock 19 is ideal size, then it is about perfect. At a slight bit wider is the XD MOD 2 4". I think I would like that gun since I'm really sold on XD over Glock.

There are numerous double stack 9 compacts from FN, SIG, CZ, etc, so it would help to know a few priorities or other wants.

Frankly, I carry a Dan Wesson CCO.
How proficient are you with semi auto pistols? Do you feel you can handle the relative complexity of the semi auto platform with racking the slide, operating the safety, limp wrist shots, etc in an emergency situation? Are you willing to train on a regular basis, at least once a month?
If not then a revolver is for you. Its advantage is its relative simplicity, you just pull it out, point and shoot. It will still function if hung up in your jacket where a semi auto's slide could hang up and malfunction. I have heard of shooters pressing the mag release instead of the safety. When the magazine drops on the ground, you have a small hammer in your hand.
For these reasons I chose a hammerless Ruger LCR in 38spl to carry, I do train on a regular basis seeing as I am not a trained LEO or similar I choose to keep my life simple. The bottom line is it's still your choice!
Those are good points Bob...I just don't have a lot of time behind a revolver and I never cared for the really long trigger pull, but I can see your points.
I personally carry a Sig Sauer p229. Perfect size in my opinion. No external safety. Really easy to shoot. If you do go with a p229 get used to the double action to single action transition. That was the only problem I had at first was getting the first shot off accurately. But with some training and time you can become proficient with it. The most important thing when deciding a carry gun is to use what you are comfortable with. If you have a shooting range nearby where you can rent and shoot some of your options I would recommend that.
Best for Who

I like a lot of other people tend to recommend the gun(s) I use. Its simple, I/we wouldn't have bought them if we didn't think they were the best. I would be careful about buy other peoples recommendations 00%. They may be the best gun for them but not you. That said, I chose the largest caliber I can handle and that is 45 ACP. I also go back and forth between a couple pistols for comfort and or dress reasons. The two guns I carry most are a Para Elite carry with a 3.3" barrel or a Springfield XDS 3.3. Both are in 45 ACP. I'm near 60, 6'1" and 245 pounds so I can handle the 45.If I was smaller and/or had issues with that large a round I would step down to a 9 mm.

What ever you are thinking about I would try to shoot and holster it before I bought if possible. Narrow it sown a little and ask friends if they have an example of what you are looking at and if you can shoot it. If not some ranges have rentals you may be able to try.

Good luck and let us know what you choose and why.
I am kind a new to the forum; however, my EDC is a CZ p-07 duty DA/SA. Not only is it a fun range gun, the ergonomics are excellent and can usually be purchased for $450 or less. I have over 1500 rounds through mine. I use a N82 IWB holster to EDC. Be careful in choosing a holster, the beaver tail can get you. I have had no problems with functionality, except with ZQI ammo (cheap crap from Wally World FTF issues about every 15 rounds).
If you are new to CCW, here are my thoughts.

I would say a 3 inch SP101.

Here's why.

It's a revolver capable of shooting light recoiling 38spl and heavy 357 magnums, depending on your level of experience and comfort.

It's no frills. There is no safety, but the long trigger pull to a beginner can be safer than a semi with no safety and a 4 to 5 pound trigger pull. The long trigger pull on a revolver is easy to master for most, because they don't "stack" weight. It's hard to tell when a revolver is about to go off, but the semi auto can usually be anticipated, leading to a flinch.

The 3 inch is plenty concealable, but accurate.

The thing if built like a bank vault and will last a lifetime.

Revolvers are an easy platform to master the manipulation of. You open the cylinder, and either it is or isn't loaded. They are not as ammo picky as autos. There's a whole laundry list of reasons.

Once you're not new at actually carrying anymore and have mastered your preferred method, then move on to an autoloader.
When I started, I concealed a medium sized pistols (Sig P6, Walther P99) which is comparable in size to a Glock 19.
Now, I CC a Kahr K9. The K9 size pistol is easier to conceal and more comfortable on the waist than the mid-size pistols.
If I have to pick a Glock for CC, it would be a G26.
The Glock 19 and others in the same size category are a good starting place for a CC gun. I am carrying my CZ P07 as I write this, in fact, which is right in that size category. I have found that it is a bit big for some circumstances, though, and on those days, I am really glad to have my PT 111. If you need one gun for all CC situations, you may want to look at smaller options, like a Glock 26, PT 111, etc.
If you like the Glock 19 size, then go for it. It shoots like a full size and conceals well. I don't know what trigger style you like best, but take a look at an HK P2000. Exact same size as a Glock 19, but Da/Sa. They can be had for the $600 range new right now. That is what I trust my life to. It is my absolute favorite handgun.

Most importantly though, choose a handgun you will actually carry. Also holster choice is almost as important as the firearm choice. If it isn't comfortable, you won't carry it. Aliengear is a lot of holster for the money, and it is what I use. I would say the nicest holster I have used is a stealthgear.

Also, stick with 9mm. For a first time owner it is the way to go. It is the cheapest to shoot, so you will practice more. It also will hold the most rounds.

I would also suggest getting a second firearm. Something smaller that you can throw in your pocket for when your clothing makes it harder to conceal the larger gun. (Or when there are too many layers to effectively iwb carry). Get it in the same caliber as your larger firearm so you have no excuse not to practice with it as well. Something like a Glock 43, Kahr PM9, shield 9. Preferably the same manual of arms as the larger gun.

Just my 2 cents. Take it for what it is worth, but unlike a lot of Internet commandos giving advice, I carry all the time. (Not accusing any current posters)
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CZ-75D PCR or P-01. They are about the size of a G19 with similar capacity. Maybe a tad heavier, but not much as they are alloy framed. The P-01 has a rail, the PCR doesn't. I've carried a PCR since I bought it new in 2000. It is an all around pistol as it is large enough to be a great range, and home defense gun but conceals well.