The 2022 is compact'ish... so it may be concealable if you use a good holster and are mindful of your clothing choice.
The XD was mentioned, and I forgot they were having a special on the "essentials" package. Pistol and one mag for $350... Good pistol, I had one and liked it.
Someone mentioned getting a good quality compact, and not needing a smaller sub compact pistol later for carry. With a good holster, a compact conceals well.
That can be a good idea, and there are a few options.
The Glock 19 is the defacto "compact" pistol... so sticking with pistols around that size can be a good bet.
The XD is similar but a little bigger, same with the M&P... so they may not work.
The M&P compact is actually smaller than the G19, and only a little bigger than the G26, in the order of a few millimeters, but it offers a decent full grip when using the finger rest magazine. It conceals like a G26 with the flush mag.
Another option is getting a sub compact pistol that will take the full size mags, and getting a mag grip sleeve to make the pistol have a full size grip feel, then you can use the flush fit mags for carry.
The Glocks, XD, and M&P line do this.
There are options, and it may even save some money in the long run.