first buck with 17hmr

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You can't spell, your grammer and syntax are that of a child, and you are just not funny.

.......but hey, just kidding, right? Just wanted to get your attention, right?
Oh, for heaven's sake

Kirby, STOP THE CRAPPY SPELLING. I refuse to believe you cannot spell better than this. This is the nonsense that too many people fall into on the internet. It is IMPOSSIBLE TO READ. It is like fingernails on the blackboard in terms of its irritation value.

Lots of people have trouble spelling on these boards. You, however, are doing this intentionally. Cut it out.


With your poor spelling (thanks public schools :rolleyes: ) and your overall poor attitude, I doubt your are going to get any respect at all here.

Have a nice day.

you're a riot

If he stuck to one misspelling per line, that wouldn't be an issue, would it?

Oh, and hey..... HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

I have to say that this is my first visit into the hunting section and yes.....

the spelling is very irritating. I had to read it twice to even understand what it said. I still don't get part of it.
I just discovered that the forum software (on TFL) has a built-in spell check. It's in the upper right corner of the "message" block when entering a post. Pretty cool.:)
iespell works well here and for forums that don't have a built-in spell checker.
Yew cant beet the price of ether won. Their free!:D
Grammar and syntax check on the other hand....... :)
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