first buck with 17hmr

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New member
the buck was about 80 yrds i shot it hit the durt i went up to it there was i fairly big hole in the fron about a dime but no exit hole. just joking just wanted to see how it got your guys attention.:o
It was about my second hunt i was using a browning 243 my brother was using a 300 savage my dad was also using a 243 my friend was using a 303 british and his dad was using a 8mm. i shot one buck my friend shot another one, and my dad shot a 4 pointer at 300 yrds:eek: I kind of got mad when he shot it because i was aming for it then i hurd a bang and a thwackthen the deer walked 10 feet and died:mad:
anybody els been hunting?
No offense but you really really need to improve your spelling. Personally I was horror struck and then I realized you were kidding. I laughed my head off.
thats true i do have bad spelling but i don't really care about that to much. untill i have to write essay but in our school we have spell check. Has been rattling in any dear?
My eyes about poped out of my head when I saw this title.:eek:, but then again I know one guy who took a deer with a 22 short. Congratulations on the good hunting. I bagged my first buck on saturday with a Remington model 700 chambered in 243, and last year I got my first doe with the same gun. For my part of the country that is the best hunting gun and caliber there is, as long as you get the right bullets for the job at hand. Both deer droped after the first shot, the doe died soon after, but sadly I had to use my K-BAR on the buck because I jurked the shot high.:o

Congratulations, man I love that 243.
Is there a spell checker on this site???

The reason I ask is because some of the sites have a spell checker, some download and write in there own prossesor and they have spell checks.

I truly believe that Kirby San, should be more caring as to how he spells.

We all try, but make some type O's. Your spelling makes it hard to follow, pretend you are doing an essay and 1000 people are going to read it and your name is on it...

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dog.
Th quik brn fx jumed ovr th lzy blk dg. See what I mean?
nice way to catch attention i was ready to burst in here and rip your head off then i realized there was no way youd be that big of an idiot. the title did what it was supposed to do, caught my attention.

congrats on the successful hunt. love the .243 stick with it.

lol You got our attention all right. :p

I went hunting a few times not with rifles or shotguns this year though. Didnt get anything the 3-4 times I went out with the crossbow. Thats ok it was also the first 3-4 times I went deer hunting :D

Maybe next year I will fill my tag. This years is sitting in my hunting pack about to expire Dec 31st. Maybe I should go out a few more times. We will see though. :)

By next year I plan on being done setting up a deer hunting rifle in 30-06. M700 with a Weaver K4 though :D

i have convinsed my friend to get a tikka t3 243 instead of the 7mm:D. He seen how flat shooting it was and it had enough power to drop the buck i shot. He couldnt hit nothing with his 303 and we did some practise shots with it and it was on the money so he asked if he could borrow my 243 to shot the dear that was about 150yards away from us i said fine by me he naild it the deer droped and so did his jaw:D . next thing he said im going to get me a 243.

glade to see lots of people like the 243 for deer. shooting a deer with a 22short that is not right nor is the 17 hmr. keep up the good hunting guys/girls. Really sorry about the spelling i really try to its just not my thing but i do try some of the incorect words are type o's
You might try writing in short sentences too. I see stuff like this and I just pass it by; why bother trying to read gibberish?

However, congratulations on getting a buck.
Why? whats wrong with killing deer with rimfires? I got one with a rock the other day and my sling shot last year:eek: :D
Just kidding guys, keep the hounds at bay.
I borrow an ol 06' for my hunts, lets say I dont have to excercise my incredible:barf: :rolleyes: tracking skills!
I hunt for deer for meat, for adrenalin, for stories, for life!
I thought you were serious. Decades ago when I was in the gun business a guy brought back a .22 Mag rifle he had bought for his 90-year-old dad. I was concerned that there was something wrong with the gun, he said "nope, not a thing, I'm just tired of cleaning the deer".

Turns out his 90-year-old dad was an early riser and would "hunt" deer in the garden, from his kitchen. The old man head shot 4 or 5 deer with that .22 Mag in less than 2 weeks - - the problem was he'd call his son at dark-thirty in the morning and ask him to drive all the way out to the farm and clean these deer.

When the son tried to explain he had to get ready and go to work the dad would sigh and say "don't worry about it son, I'll try and figure out a way to dress it out myself". The son was so worried that his dad would hurt himself, he called in late to work and took off to clean the deer.

The guy/son asked us to take the rifle back. He showed us several pictures of a truly ancient looking old man with a giant grin on his face, the bolt action .22 Mag across his chest and dead deer hanging at his side. The son explained how he was certain this rifle was going to end up costing him his Pa or his job . . . we bought the rifle back and I still smile about that whole situation 20+ years later.
kirbymagum go to Best Buy and get you a Webster's new world dictionary that you can load into your computer. It cost me all of $9. It was the bast $9 I ever spent. It stays in my tool bar and when ever I need it there it is to use.

I was one of those kids my mom should have put her foot up my !!! a few times:) . I was a smart kid. I just didn't like school. Wedster's in my tool bar has tought me much.
i get two things from what you are telling me it will be worth it with out a dought but another thing you spelt best wrong:D

so did the 22magnum just droped the deer were they stood?
untill i have to write essay but in our school we have spell check

my boss told the staff one time in a meeting, "We have to be A+ students in our work and how we deal with our clients, customers, agents, and companys, even though they all are D- students."

kirby, a lack of interest in putting forth your best effort belies a lack of pride in yourself. just think about it.
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