Firing .45 GAP from a .45 ACP revolver

Competition Extended Firing Pin for S&W 610 by Apex

Lunkhead: "I can vouch for James K's theory. I routinely get misfires in my S&W 610 using .40 in moon clips. Every time it is a light primer strike that I have narrowed down to the energy absorption by the moon clip. Not one single instance using 10mm that headspaces on the case mouth."

I put the Competition Extended Firing Pin for S&W 610 by Apex into my revolver and it solved any problems with it going bang.
As a reloader I find no advantage to loading .45 GAP as I already have plenty of ACP brass, dies etc. You may be able to do it with moon clips but why bother? The .125" shorter length really offers no advantage for reload speed in moon clips anyway, and .45 acp is much easier to find and less expensive.