Firearms Training

Depends on what you're looking for...

Schools have their area of focus, IE: Tactical Shooting, Defense, Police, Military, etc etc

Thanks Stratus. I'm cool, every confrontation is educational including these. They help in dealing with people with wide varying personalities which I do every day. Although I did let Desertscout1 get to me a little I learned from it.

Yes Fairbairn and Sykes were the founders of CQC, along with Rex Applegate who learned from Fairbairn. The "Shooting to Live" book is small but full of information. It is based on why and how Fairbairn and Sykes developed their firearms training for police. For a good book on CQC you might also read Rex Applegates book "Kill or Get Killed" if you haven't already.
King_pin ... Somewhere in the bickering match someone mentioned getting local training first. If you are asking about places to train, it would suggest that your level of training (or skills) is low to moderate. That being the case, I would also suggest getting some loacl hands on before seeking a large school. I say this because you can learn much more if you have a solid base before going to an intense and condensed 2 or 4 day course. Remember, most of the larger schools focus on different techniques, each have their own reasons. Having a knowledge base before attending will allow you to determine what works for YOU.

If you would let us know in what area you live in, one of us should be able to guide you to a local instructor that will help you build this foundation.
Ok, Rimrod needs a cold shower I think... :p

My basic premis about training is that no matter what kind of training you get, good, bad, or indifferent, it's ALWAYS training. I may be new to the gun side of training, but I'm certainly not new to training that will save your life. I've been training for many years about fireground operations and I've had everything from the best to the worst when it comes to training. The LAST thing you want is BAD training when you're talking about walking into a room where you can't see at all, have the lives of innocent people you are trying to save, the always looming risk of collapase, with tempatures reaching into 4 digit degrees. Pretty much one of the LAST places you'd want to have horrible training on what to do and when to do it. One mistake there could mean the lives of yourself, your crew, and the people you are paid to save.

ALL TRAINING IS GOOD TRAINING. It either teaches you something you haven't thought of before or it shows you something that you should never even think of doing. I look at all the training, good and bad, and use it to make myself a better firefighter and make my brothers better firefighters, That all comes from getting the best training and the worst training. It all teaches you something. I have been helping to train 5 new "probies" all this week on the fireground. We need to see how they were trained so that we can help "fix" things that could kill them or us in the next fire we come across. We have to depend on them when the SHTF and we need them to know what to do and what not to do.

We can all sit here and bicker about how training is good or just a waste of time, but when it comes down to having lead thrown through the air, hopefully some of that "training", good or bad, steers you in the proper direction. I've had my butt in the **** and I've felt the weight of close to 1,000 degrees trying to get inside my bunker gear and I can honestly say that every piece of training I have ever had, good AND bad, has helped bring myself and my crew back out safely.

So I say get as much trainging as you can and put everything in the best perspective that you can based on your exeperiences and goals. Hope you NEVER have to put that training to use against someone else, but be prepared to do so if need be. Never stop training.
I attended Front Site 4 day handgun earlier this year. I found the training and instructors outstanding and would highly recommend it. Look for certificates online for the training. You can find good deals since many people have bought memberships and are given certificates for classes they can sell or give away.
I've been to blackwater and Suarez International. Both were good, would recommend either, but I believe Blackwater is only teaching LEO and Military right now.

Go to blackwater and tell those guys none of them have ever fired their weapons in the line of duty and they don't have any expertise in how people react under fire. All you've established here is that you got crappy training or don't know how to utilize the training you received for 20 years. One of the best things I was taught as a youngster was that even if you get crappy training you can take something useful out of it.

added: Would you go try brain surgery after reading the how to book? Read the books then get some quality training. Even a book taught brain surgeon has to have his first patient.
If you have suggestions/advice that may help the original poster, please make them. If you have nothing to offer, but prefer bickering, please find another board to do it on.

I don't like to lock threads, but whey they start becoming a "mine is bigger than yours" contest, I will.

Be aware that some folks have commented that Front Sight may try to sell you on membership. I don't know that I've heard anything negative about their actual training, but a few have complained about about the "sales pitch".

There is a considerable amount of ego and emotion tied up in this topic for some of those who have attended one class or another. They see any negative comments about "their" training institution as a reduction of what they paid for and what they learned.

From what I've seen on the web, most of what you'll get at any of the better training institutes is fairly similar but the flavor may be a bit different.
YEAH! WHAT HE SAID!Training is never a bad thing.No matter what it is your doing or attempting to do.Some will work for you,some will not.But you will know whats what when your done.we hope
Front Sight's 4-day entry level defensive handgun class is an outstanding value if you can find a cheap course certificate; I've seen some being sold for $150.00 and heard of them being sold for less. It's a good launching point for further training, with them if you like their instruction, or with one of the other schools or traveling instructors.
For the value, go with "Insights Training Center" Their system of shooting and learning is above the best. I have been attending their classes for over four years now in addition to other places and still find that they are the tops. Check out the website at Look over their schedule for the West coast and the East coast and get to one of their classes. The General Defensive Handgun class is perfect. On the fighting end, there is the Unarmed Self Defense class. You should round out your skills so that you do not have only the firearm to rely on in a situation, learn some unarmed stuff too.