Firearm's Owners Unification Project: Last Chance.


Your thoughts are appreciated, but we have already hashed the project out. I refer you to the search engine here at TFL, look under "USA Today" or "FOUP".

We are looking for 1200 supporters, not 20,000.

I believe the type of people who will put there names on this statement will abide by it.

Ewok is correct in that this is as much a "rallying call" to other gun owners as it is a statement to the Anti's.

"Edward S. Pierce, jr." is our latest supporter, his name will be added to the page shortly.


I'd be HONORED to help FOUP in any capacity I can...

I would like to talk to you off the boards though, please call me asap (emailed my number), or email me your phone and I will contact you!

I am new to TFL this week, but a long standing member of
Every one is always asking, what can we do?.
Then when a few people take the time & money to organize a way to get in the national news you guys clam up, not your mouths just your wallets. This board lets us bitch and moan every night without any fees, then when they have a great idea and need help to pull it off most of the members on this board are nowhere to be found. So what if you don't want your name in the ad, just ask and it won't be. But please send in the fifty bucks, it's like donating a dollar a week to this great site. A chance for us to be put in the newspaper in a positive light.


[This message has been edited by rifleman (edited July 01, 1999).]
Ok, I’m going to tell my story and hopefully, it will motivate a few people to get on board this project.
About a year and a half ago, I bought my first firearm. I have purchased four others since that time. I never thought I would own a firearm, but figured it was getting harder and harder to get them, so I did. Even though I didn’t own a gun, I have been a member of the <A HREF="">NRA</A> for over seven years, so I have been supporting the RKBA long before I owned a gun.
About nine months ago, I had surgery for a ruptured a disc in my back and have 6 to 9 months of rehab to go. I am self-employed, so I have been living on money that should be going for my retirement. Basically, I am on a fixed income.
Since the time of my injury, I have joined <A HREF="">GOA</A> as a life member (cost $500) and <A HREF="">JPFO</A> (cost $20).
I have also sent the <A HREF="">NRA</A> about $500 in donations so far this year. Last but not least, $50 for FOUP.
I wish I could send them more, but I do as much as I can. I am sadden to think we can’t get enough people to donate $50 to FOUP. I would think, with what we have been through after Littleton, there would be people champing at the bit to be a part of something like FOUP.
I hope this doesn’t come across like I’m saying I’m better than anyone else; because I know that there are people that are worse off than I am and have done as much or more than I have to support gun rights.
It is not going to be cheap or easy to keep the rights we still have so come on and pony up the money.

[This message has been edited by Bill F (edited July 02, 1999).]

If you are indeed dead set on this format, then good luck with it. But if money is what you're after, get on the horn and get in touch with someone at NRA, GOA, and JPFO and ask if they would inform their members of your project. Tell them for every $10 or $20 you take in, you'll donate $2 or $4 (or something) back to their organizations. That's a win-win situation for everyone. In the end, they can claim partial responsibility for the project's success, and you will have succeeded in getting your message out.

But let me reiterate my last post, I just see this self-centeredness as a key weakness to our (gunowners) defense. You guys become a bunch of angry gunowners mouthing off to whom? You're going to scare allot of folks out there into believing that we are all a bunch of nuts. In addition, your message is an invitation to a conflict. Armed with this invitation, the BATF might very well "come and get your guns", with documented proof for the courts that you invited them. Maybe that is what you really want...a chance to use your guns.

I stand firm on my point about not being intimidated by these anti-gun folks. Provocation is exactly what they want to accomplish. And you guys are lining up, just as they had anticipated. Remember, removing guns from American citizens allows them to accomplish their ultimate goal...of socialism, communism, NWO, globalism, or whatever you'd like to call it. This is exactly what you need to expose. We all need to be focused on the Bill of Rights as a collective whole, which is entirely threatened by these people. While they've got your attention on the 2nd Amendment, they have their other hand in the 1st or 4th. Let's save freedom in America, but let's not exclude all of the other 100 million (or something) other people that may not care about guns. You don't really want to retain your right to own and bear arms, only to have given up the protection of unreasonable searches and seizures, do you?

Again, I must refer you to the previous discussions. We have moved beyond the planning stage, feel free to start your own project. The things you suggest are not practical for FOUP, nor do they fit with the original concept. If you would like to discuss it further, please use my Email link.
Paul, i gather that means we won't get any support from you. that's ok, if you don't believe in it, then you shouldn't support it.
i certainly won't support things i don't believe in. you know w/o the 2nd Admendment, all the others you mentioned ain't worth the paper they're printed on. like Ewok said eariler, this is to wake up other gun owners and make them realize how close we are to losing what we got. the anti-gun folks, think we're nuts anyway, so i don't think we can offend them anymore than we do already. if they had their way, we'd be taken out and shot (funny, ain't it).

what me worry?
Credit Cards:

Contact Midway and the other mail-order concerns and get a link on their web pages.

Up the price to $55 or $60 for the credit card payment. Have the business process the credit card transaction under some generalized business accounting entry so they are not clearly identifiable for us privacy nuts who want to remain otherwise anonymous**.

The business pays the extra money to the credit card company, and gets to keep a buck or three for their service. Net of $50 to the project.

The links should describe the privacy measures for the anonymous people on the ADVERTISEMENT. No illusions about being identified as a gun owner in general, since they are ordering by mail & credit card anyway.

And the ad should list an imprecise number ("And more than X hundred law-abiding gun-owners") who "fear that our Government to leave them alone for exercising this First Amendment right to speak out on this subject of vital freedom." Or language to that effect.

Sorry, I'm broke for the foreseeable future, but I'm writing my Congresscritters.
You and I (and most TFLers) see eye-to-eye on most things we discuss. Our differences are usually minor. But I'm afraid you hit a raw nerve with me. Your e-mail address is not available so I must address the issue here.

You made the comment, "Maybe that is what you really want...a chance to use your guns." I'll give you a chance to retract that. That comment, probably made in the heat of frustration, is above and beyond my position or the position of any TFL member of which I am aware.

Again. I suggest you retract that statement.


I could easily find a reason to use my firearms if that was, in fact, my desire. My goal in supporting FOUP is to warn a large segment of my society that there is a point beyond which my rights will not be infringed by any means. They seem to be ignorant of the main difference between a republic and a democracy-a republic must respect the rights of even an unpopular minority while a democracy can do whatever the majority desires.

So, from my viewpoint, the purpose of FOUP is to avoid violence by giving fair warning. Conversely, from my viewpoint, one possible reason for not supporting FOUP is that the person wants the violence to come.