Firearm's Owners Unification Project: Last Chance.

Rob Pincus

New member
Months ago, we started a program here at TFL called the Firearms Owner's Unification Project. The prpject was initially met with great interest and support. The project centered around a couple of paragraphs which many felt concisely stated their feelings about further gun control.
We wanted to publish the paragraphs in a full page advocacy ad in USA Today, which would take almost $60,000. After much discussion we settled on a final text for the statement and an amount of $50 to get your name on the full page ad.
We decided to allow only names, not titles or commercial entities be placed with the statement.
We formed a corporation in AZ as a financial and legal shelter.

In the first two weeks we recieved a great response, but we have less than doubled that response in the ensuing two months.

Here is where we are:

1. we cannot forsee raising the necessary amount of money in any reasonable amount of time.

2. we do not have enough money right now to run the ad in anything close to a national news paper.

3. the text of the ad is not up for debate.

4. The amount of names (and therefore, the cost) on the ad will not be changed (1200).

What follows is the text of the ad and a link to the page with the Supporter Forms. Posts of support here will be considered pledges for $50. If we see a significant change in the momentum of the project, we may continue it, if not, the project will be cancelled and checks will be returned.

To Whom it May Concern,

No More Restrictions. Not one more restriction on types of firearms, variants of firearms nor individual firearms. Not one more restriction on a class of ammunition, caliber nor type of bullet. No restrictions on a single accessory, tool nor book related to firearms. No more limits on the types of guns, the number of guns nor the amount of ammunition that I can own. Nor any restrictions on the frequency with which I can add more of the aforementioned to my collection. We will no longer tolerate the slow encroachment upon our right to keep and bear arms. For years the piecemeal banning of items and restricting of our rights has served to divide law abiding gun owners into various factions. These factions have struggled over limited resources and acted only when their particular interests were threatened directly. That time has ended. This space has been purchased by individual gun owners of America: hunters, sport shooters, firearms collectors, policofficers and self-defense advocates. If your intention is to take our guns, come take them, all at once.

The time for division has ended. If your goal is to take our guns away, please face us as a group, in the legislative halls and courtrooms of this country. Be open and honest about your intention to deprive American Citizens of a constitutional right, an American Tradition, a recreational activity, our private property and a means of protecting ourselves and our families. We are ready to unite to defend all of those things.

ARRRE YOUUUUUU REEEEADY TOOOOOO RUUUUMMBLLLLE! come on folks, let's see if we can pull this off. at the very least, people will see that there are folk's out here that really care about what's going on in the country, and would very much like to see it rectified...

what me worry?
Are the 43 names on the web site the only people that have signed up for this?!

My name's there, but I'm shocked to think that these are the only people that have signed up.

Come on guys and gals!
My name's there. Y'all are still holding my check.

It's put up or shut up time, folks. What's it gonna be???


Deo Vindice
There are two names to add to the list and several people have sent in less than $50. A few people have contributed over the required $50.

We are not even close to $10,000 at this point. There is a long we to go and without a significant show of support in the next week, the project will likely be terminated. If that happens, the money put in by Rich L., Jeff Thomas and myself will be used to pay for the legal fees of setting up the corporation and the expense of returning the checks.

Have you setup facilities to take credit card donations. People are willing to donate, but most people don't want to go through the trouble of writing and mailing a check. You need to make it so that people can make an impulse donation to the cause. You also need to make it so that people can donate less than the 50 bucks required to place their name on the page knowing full well their name won't be. Just some thoughts...

As noted above, several people have contributed less than the $50, knowing that there name would not be in the ad. In fact, some people have donated the full $50, but requested that their name not be in the ad.

The Credit Card thing is not practical.. though anyone out there with a business that would like to take credit card contirbutions and forward us a large check with a list of names is welcome to do so. :)


It is a little late for "advice" at this point... please use the search engine to see all the thought and effort that has gone into this project. What we need is supporters.

My check is on the way.

I'm new to TFL and maybe I've been living under a rock or something but this is the first I've heard of this... and it's brilliant!

Shouldn't this be posted on every forum on this board and every other gun board as well? Some of the hunter-types, etc. don't always make it up to the "general discussion" forum and this is too important an opportunity to miss. Not advice, just my .02
Guess what came in the mail today (FINALLY!):

My State Tax Refund!!!

Guess what happens tomorrow...

To those that have replied, I say "Thank You". To those that haven't, I say "Dig Deep". You each have my word that funds will be returned if we don't reach our goals. No time for TarHeels! Go for it.
My Wife,my oldest Son and I are in.
All you ghost out there,how about it? You don't call, you don't write,send money. :)

Rob: I mailed my check on April 6th. It hasn't been returned; my name's not on the list...Obvious question: Did the USPS goof, and my letter didn't get to you? Duh?

I seem to go through life hollering, "Help me, help me!". (Saw "The Fly" too many times.)

I have not recieved a check or form from you.

The one name that I have a check for but have not added to the list is Douglas Ott. He will be added shortly.

Also, The FOUP box has not been checked for about a week and a half, since I have been tied up with IMCS.


yes, this should be. I have blanketed many websites a few times in the last couple months. I encourage everyone to to do the same. While it is true that TFL has enough members to fund this, it is clear that that will not happen. This project nees to be spread around the interenet. Forms need to be taken to your local gun dealers, and you should encourage your shooting friends to participate also.

With a strong second wind, we can still get this done, but it will take more than another 10-12 people.

I'll print out your information and make a flyer about it for my monthly gun club meeting tomorrow.

I'll also print some and distribute it throughout my extended family.

The last two full-page gun control ads published nationally received some media attention. I think this is a great idea.
Rob, I read the "Unification" pledge this morning and have given some thought to your cause before writing this...

Firstly, put yourself in the shoes of your potential readers in USA Today or wherever you may get this printed. Who are they? How are they going to take this message that you let them read? Was 20,000 signatures really what you thought you needed to get a message like this across to these potential readers?

This is how I'd take this message. "Wow, these people who own guns really are nuts!" Let me explain. Firstly, your potential readership is a segment of the population who either a) has no interest in various "special interest" groups, b) has been the subject of months of negative gun propaganda, c) will look at who the letter is by and turn the page, d) take it as a threat to our government, or e) cannot include themselves as gunowners. Remember, if there isn't a benefit to the reader in there, he/she will most likely ignore the letter's content. USA Today is read mainly by business travelers and business people who are eager to look at the headlines, the sports page, or the market closings, and typically ignore advertising type inserts.

Once this letter goes to print, you can neither change it or take it back. You are committed to your pledge. And all who signed it and pledged their respective donations will be waiting impatiently for a huge response, that may never come.

What is it that you really want to accomplish with this letter? Hopefully, its not just a self-centered, self-serving gun protection campaign, because it is a fact that ALL of our rights are being lost, not just our 2nd amendment rights. And wouldn't it be infinitely more effective to draft a pledge, "By the People and for the People" that would cover a wide range of current Constitutional erosion and usurpations? Forget about the guns for a moment, and think about all of your rights as a collective whole. They are under a massive attack.

Shouldn't our fellow uneducated Americans receive a cluster bomb approach rather than a rifle bullet approach? I believe that if you can convince the readers of this letter, or better yet, get them to at least question their government's role in this usurpation, you will have brought together a wide demographic profile of Americans with one wide sweep. Anger them, but at the same time motivate them. The 2nd amendment freedom will soon thereafter come into a much clearer focus for them.

You will unite the people who have been subject to years of calculated dividing, into one cohesive freedom loving machine. For the first time seeing the light of day, you and your fellow Americans will have exposed the corruption and usurpation which have taken away what was earned by our forefathers. This, my friend will get America's attention.

The American people love photographs and illustrations. This "allegence pledge" should include a few to drive the points home. This is where the pen is mightier than the sword! Exercise your 1st amendment rights to save all of your rights, not just your 2nd.

Imagine if you will for a moment the power that a group of citizens (like the NRA) would yield (with 3 million members), if they spoke to all Americans as a singular united group, not mentioning the threat of losing guns, but of losing individual freedoms, liberty, and the American way of life.

You want money? You'll buy the newspaper once Americans are awakened.
The intent is to get the attention of other gun owners. There are something like 60 - 80,000,000 gun owners in the US. Ten percent, or less, belong to pro-gun groups like NRA, GOA, JPFA.

Rob has never said that it had to be USA Today, that's just the paper that has given a price and permission to run the ad.