Firearm's Owners Unification Project is READY TO LAUNCH!!!

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Rob Pincus

New member
Okay everyone, I appreciate your patience, now let's turn the enthusiasm back up.

We have secured approval from USA Today and have initiated the incorporation process for FOUP, Inc.

I have been assured by our CPA and General Counsel that we can proceed to the next step of the project, ie- recruiting supporters.

I invite all of you to proceed to our Primary Website:

Familiarize yourself with the statement and the Supporter Form. Print one out for yourself and get your contribution in the mail, then encourage others to do the same.

Feel free to post the statement and a supply of supporter forms at your local gun shops and ranges. Fax them to pro-gun individuals or businesses. Email your friends the URL and post it to every Newsgroup/forum/website that is appropriate.

Remember the following guidlines:

One supporter per supporter form. We need a separate signed form for each person wanting their name in the ad.

No businesses, only individual names will be placed int he ad, though company checks are welcome.

Let's avoid the term "members" as this is not another pro-gun organization, as such. WE are looking to "supporters" and "contributors".. we will not have pins, newsletters, etc...
Right now, we are treating this as a one time Project.. as in "Please Support this project" or "Join us as a Contributor."

The first 50 people to get their signed supporter form and $50 contribution into us will have their names displayed on the FOUP Webpage as Charter Supporters.

Thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 16, 1999).]
I've already notified the Paul Revere Network and all of my (pro-gun) coworkers.

We may be setting ourselves up for disappointment (or worse), but damn, it feels good to be taking some positive action!
This is a great opportunity for us to stop complaining and start doing something that directly impacts the issue.

Rob, you've really done yeoman's service on this. I'll be contacting the API list and some local gun shops in the next days.
Thanks Rob for spearheading this project.... it is now up to us law abiding gun owners to spread the word and collect the bucks. Will be out over the next couple of weeks giving copies to everyone I know. Our next meeting of our gun club is on the 6th of April. I plan on presenting this to all our 1,000+ club members. As treasurer I do have a little influence and at the least will get a few of the other board of directors to contribute.

In the mean time I plan on distrubting copies to all the gun shops and sporting goods stores.


Rob,if we want to support the cause but can't afford the $50. can we send in a lesser amount to show our support?

Justice for one,Justice for all.
I put a short note & the URL on (Gen. Discussion & Political) and Shooters (Handguns, Rifle, Cracker Barrel, Con. Carry/Self Def, Political). May need to follow up in a few days. "the check is in the mail"

That would fall under the "$50 per name, anything else is appreciated" rule.

We don't want anyone's kids to go hungry over this or for anyone to feel left out, but we don't want to have to get 2500 contributors at $25, either.

Also, I want to avoid having different contibutor levels.

I've posted a short invitation and the site address on - general discussion.

I also e-mailed the USPSA webmaster with the info and site to see if they would mention it on their page.

I plan to contact the IDPA webmaster unless someone has already done it. Will also post it on the open IDPA announcement forum in the next few days.

I've posted quick notes to HK-L and SIG-L, as well as mailing my check today (I want to be one of the first 50!).
Check is in the mail... and that's no lie.. :) Also have posted the link to several different debate sites. Will be going out this evening to distrubute to our local gun shops. Will go this weekend to drop off copies at other gun shops not so close. Have got 3 people signed up at my work. Nice start.

I will be sending my check in tomorrows mail, the mailman has gone for today. I have contacted several boards regarding the project with hope they will post a link to the web site.


Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Link on my site and e-mail sent to RKBA Webring master.

Let's rock this place!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Rob: Great have done a great service for all of us. My check and form are on the way. Now is as good a time as any to let the "other culture" know that we won't submit to piecemeal subjugation....
Okay, the first 24 hours of the project have been great. (although, no one Fed-Exed their check and form in trying to be first ;))

Several of you have posted invitations/announcements around the internet, which is great.

Many of the responses/emails I have seen have asked about the $50.. alluding to the fact that it seems kinda steep for a "grassroote" operation.

Remember, we came up with that number based on the cost of the Ad. 1200 $50 contributions are what is needed to purchase the add. To cut the price down to $20 would require 3000 names.. not only would this take longer, it would also make everyone's name in the add considerably smaller. Many people are doing this to go on record with everyone... they'd rather go on record with a size 12 font than a size 6 !!

I also think that a lower contribution level would lead to more people wanting to "over contribute". It would also send less of a message about just how dedicated the contributors are to gettign our message out.

We have had a 70% increase in Web page visits in the last 28 hours.

Thanks again for all your support and your efforts to gain more contributors!
I'm heading to GA for the weekend, I'll be online sporadically at best for the next few days.

Keep up the good work, guys!

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