Firearms confiscation with changes in State laws???

I found a couple UK documents on this, they've already banned Kusari-gama, Kyoketsu-shoge, Kubotan, and Shuriken. I had to laugh as I read the list. Seriously, most people have never even seen one of these weapons outside of martial arts action movies and anime. I had to look them up just to know what they were (except shuriken, knew that one.) Kusari-gama is a sickle on a chain, Kyoketsu-shoge is a hook-knife on a chain, Kubotan is when you put your car keys on a little stick(!), and Shuriken are of course throwing stars.

Were these antique Japanese weapons (and car keys) really a huge problem in England? I couldn't help but imagine a bar fight in a pub in east London. "Look out lads, he's got a Kyoketsu-shoge! Grab your Kubotans! Smack in the gob with your car keys before he finds room to swing! Anyone got a Shuriken?"

This is the madness that ensues when weapons bans go into effect. Now they'll ban the cheap samurai swords, and they're already talking about banning "fantasy knives" (goodbye, Excalibur...) Then they'll have to ban axes and hatchets, cricket bats, pointed sticks, boots, thumbs, fingers, teeth, pieces of fruit, common sense... all of these things can be used as "offensive weapons."

I really don't like Americans comparing themselves to the English when it comes to personal freedoms and rights. The English are subjects of the Monarchy, Americans are the power in this country. There is a big difference and one we fought and won a war for. The English can be themselves and give up their rights when asked, I don't believe Americans should.
Bartholomew Roberts writes:

There are a couple of examples of states attempting to confiscate firearms that were registered through earlier laws. This has happened in New York City with pistols and semi-auto rifles

Please tell me when. I've been living in New York all my life and have not heard of any such thing. The only thing I can recall was back in the 70's when New York had a gun amnesty program where you could turn in any illegal/unregistered firearm and not be prosecuted. It lasted for about a month.
I think that if the government tried to confiscate legally owned guns from law abiding citizens, they would give up in a month. I think too many people would be killed over it, leo and citizens.
The biggest thing has always been that in places like new York city and California is that people moved the banned firearms to a family members house outside the affected area, or sold them with plans to buy again when/if they moved.

If you do a nation wide ban then there is no family members house you can move them to and no one to buy. I can tell you now that 90% (or so) of the people who turned their guns in had it in their mind that they would move out of the area and get them back one day.

If the government thinks that a nation wide ban will work just like a state wide or city ban they have their heads up their butt.
In Crook County Illanoy,

Last year an AWB was passed and went into effect early this year. The action that will be taken is to wait until the otherwise law abiding citizen comes into contact with LEO with the banned gun and will be dealt with on an individual basis rather than by going to confiscate any. Most cops/politicos may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night!
