Firearms Anonymous

12 steps

1. We admitted that we have loved ones, and that their safety is important.
2. Came to believe that the government can't protect us as needed.
3. Made a decision to take responsibility for our own safety.
4. Ensured that we are responsible gun owners.
5. Made certain we are well-versed in firearm safety.
6. Prayed for accuracy.
7. Trained all those we live with in the use and care of firearms.
8. Became knowledgable about all laws concerning owning/carrying/transferring firearms.
9. Made a point of talking about our condition whenever we are asked.
10. Practiced whenever possible.
11. Sought through sales, layaway, and deferred-interest programs the acquisition of more firearms.
12. Having realized that responsibility, discipline, hard work, and positive attitude were important in everything we do, we realized that this is NOT a disease, and went and bought another gun.
Big O keeps talking and my wife keeps listening. Tonight, on the way home I very gently brought up the I think I need an AR subject. She said, maybe... Hummm... Christmas is getting closer....

I'm not addicited, I'm devious.

Well she did ask how many more I thought I needed.... I did tell her 3, I think. Or was it 4? Ummm 12 ga, .45, .223, BUG, Nah... It musta been 5.:D
When the subject of buying another gun comes up, I tell my wife.
I'm buying them so when I pass on our (presently 11 year old) Grandson will have something to remember Grandpa by.:D
I'm certain I am not alone. How do you all cope? I've been getting by one gun at a time.

I guess this is a useless thread and won't be surprised if it's closed. I just felt like getting it off my chest because my wife just doesn't understand.

Easy. I'm not married. I buy what I want.
I can live without the guns, but I would not enjoy life without my Wife.

The nice think with my Spouse, I can have it both ways. The secret is to show similar consideration toward her and the things she is addicted to.

It is not all about "Me".
The secret is to show similar consideration toward her and the things she is addicted to.

Yea right, it doesn't work that way, not after 22 purchases. I am ready to stop - maybe.

Six-gun,,, yes she does,,, but not the same.
Her Sister went out this summer and bought a NEW SABB SUV,,,,, on a credit card, because her friend did.
3 years ago I tried to buy my wife a new car because she is in her 50’s and never had a new car in her life.
Her answer. “I would rather have the truck (02 GMC 4WD Step side) and why don’t you get a new car!”
Yes I am a lucky man.
lamarw has the right idea ... I always get my wife something nice when the occasion warrants; that's why when she got a bonus a while back, she gave me half and told me to go buy a new gun ... honest!! That's how I got my Smith 637 ... remember those famous words to live by -- Happy wife, happy life ...
Its' not a addiction it is a hobby and investment. Well that's what I keep telling myself and anyone who will listen.

Really if you can afford to buy firearms and ammo with out spending money you should not have spent go for it.

I'm at the point in life where quality is much more important than quantity so my purchases are less often, but generally cost more.
Hello, my name is rixret and I"m a gunaholic. Just give in and get another gun,
It makes ya feel good don't it. Now go get another.
I'll make you a deal; pay me $200 for my trouble, and I'll take those guns off your hands. If you need me to take any further acquisitions, I'll give you a discount rate of $150. :D
I have such a great wife,
She said I could either get a new gun for Christmas, or I could get the Dillon XL 650 reloading set up I've been thinking of getting.( And she"ll pay for it ! )
Now I just have to figure out how to get both.

I want a Dillon sooooo baaadddd. Just bought a pistol and costly (for me) holster though. :(