Firearms and Significant Others

The question is not "are you carrying?" but "What are you carrying TODAY?" ;)

Rule number one - Don't date a woman who smokes.. (Ok that one's just a personal thing)

Rule number 2 - Don't date a woman who doesn't like guns.

Rule number 3 - If she out shoots you, take it like a man and ask about the load she is using.

Rule number 4 - If she asks for references on instructors to get her CHL, ask for a second date.

Rule number 5 - If she quotes Cooper and has a NRA Life membership, don't let this one get away. :)

IDPA# A04739
over 2 decades ago when some of our friends heard we were buying a house they asked her when was i going to sell my m-c she asked them why? now when someone ask her what she thinks of guns she replies in what caliber!
why would you date or even consider forming a relationship with a person that doesn,t share same ideals?
over 2 decades ago when some of our friends heard we were buying a house they asked her when was i going to sell my m-c she asked them why? now when someone ask her what she thinks of guns she replies in what caliber!
why would you date or even consider forming a relationship with a person that doesn,t share same ideals?
My wife was not interested in guns when we first met, but after 5 years of dating she was into guns, fishing and all that fun stuff. She has her own pistols and takes some of her girl friends shooting.
Mine was deathly afraid of guns when we met. I thought she was over it, so I made the mistake of mentioning that gun safes (the quick-access kind) are expensive but we'll need one to keep a gun in the bedroom (we're in college, not getting married until June 2000)

That was a serious miscalculation on my part. Much like DC's knives, my girlfriend is wonderful, but when she turns on you, it hurts!
First, we had a long, adult conversation consisting of her saying: "NO. HELL NO. NO GUNS IN MY HOUSE. YOU'LL KILL OUR KIDS!"
Then she wanted to know if we were going to live in a neighborhood that wasn't "safe." It took me awhile to explain that safe neighborhoods are just targets with more loot.
Then she wanted to know how we'd keep the kids from ever finding it. I told her that, jsut like me, they'd always know that mom and dad had a gun and that it was one of the things (others are bleach, electrics, knives, etc.) that they can never play with. Hell, I've survived 20 years in my parents' house, which is a gun-strewn deathtrap by liberal standards.
Finally, we got to the real problem. Turns out that she's afraid our kids will take our guns to school and murder their classmates! Before you rag on her, think about it: what would you think if you knew nothing about guns and watched your local TV news for a few years?

The happy ending is that she finally told me we could have a gun, but I have to teach her how to use it and we have to teach the kids safety. I resisted the urge to say "DUH" and ruin the moment. She's high maintenance but she's worth it!
(also keep in mind that this doesn't include all the things I've been foolish and stubborn about. Ever seen Hell? I have. They call it Guys and Dolls.)


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
Well I wish I was as fortunate as some of you, But my wife is understanding. She has never shot a gun or even handled one of mine. The subject came up BIG TIME when she was pregnant and we were expecting our first little one. Well I won. My son is now almost 7 and loves to go shooting with me. Sporting Clays, skeet, or just plinking some cans. I have a refinished .22 bolt for him and let him know that if he respects it's responsibility I will let him keep it. He has always known that if he even goes near a gun, mine or not, he will never get to be 7 years old. He has always had a healthy respect for guns, and I intend to pass that along to the next little one after May.