Firearms and Significant Others


New member
Stop me if you think this is outside of our sphere, Mykl.
(You're OK, I smell Hoppe's #9 here... :) Mykl )

Ok, I'm wondering how many of you folks have ever come into serious, like SERIOUS, conflict with your significant other over your guns or gun beliefs. Answer if you like.

Further, how many of you fellows gave up on a relationship "prospect" because of irreconcilable views regarding guns?

I was wondering. Ignore me if I'm crazy.

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited March 11, 1999).]
Man, this is an old joke. We used to raz anyone in our circle that happened to come up with a new girlfriend: "You know what going to happen next. First the fast cars go. Then the motorcycle. Then the guns." Anything that costs serious money and/or time seemed to be a potential serious conflict. I still remember telling my best girl (at the time), " the Corvette was here before you, and it'll be here after you're gone." I still have the 'vette. And the guns...

So I have to say, yes. This subject is non-negotiable in a relationship. It's too big a part of me to give up for anyone. There's always someone else. I can't ignore a basic facet of my existance.
My FIRST wife had a problem with my guns.
My Second and LAST wife has none! :D
Doris and I had a nice short talk about guns,knives,bows,cigars,etc. before we got married. Been eight years now, and my only problem is that now I have to buy HER guns too! I can live with that! :D :D :D

Your mind is your primary weapon.
My first wife had a serious problem with guns. She was the reason I would not allow them in the house. This was in 1970-1972. She is currently 4 years into a 7 to 25 year term for attempted murder. Seems that she thought shooting husband nuber 5 for the insurance money was a good way to finance her drug habit.
Wife number 2 , we are still newlyweds after 18 years :) has no problems with Our guns as long as we can afford them. We enjoy many good times at the range.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Interesting thread.
Wife #1 and I disagreed about everything BUT guns! Short marriage....
Wife #2, like Hal says, Been married 24 years this April & still on our Honeymoon. She's not too much interested in guns, but she can shoot the S&W Mod 28 (N-frame, 6" bbl, .357 Mag) as well as I can and she encourages me to shoot. So, SHOOT!
Women marry men think that they'll change (or that they can change them). Men marry women hoping that they'll never change (remember the difference beteen a new wife and a new job?)

Anyhow, my wife is prety much a pacifist and wasn't too keen on having one (now seven) in the house when I got back into shooting last year. She's slowly coming around, and after visiting her sister in NM (out in the country a good was from Albuquerque), she accepts that a gun is a good thing for dealing with coyotes, rattlesnakes and maybe some two legged varmits (no poblems to date, thank God).

The truth of the matter is, we live inside the beltway outside of DC, where the threat from 2 legged varmits, though low, is still higher than in Leftout, NM. We have a street light in front of the house that provides an attractive place for people having car trouble to stop (we're near a major highway), and often times they need a phone. We're hapy to help, and most are happy for the assist, but there have been a few interesting incidents both pre- and post-gun in house and she's definitely more comfortable with me and the gun around. Eventually, I'll get her to the range, but in the meantime, I just spoon feed her Lott and Quigley and related sources as opportunities permit. She's big on women standing up for themselves, but OTOH, she's not sure if she could shoot someone, which is a kind of key thing to resolve for anyone considering a gun.

She's about to move to an office closer in (at her current location she knows the security people and they walk her to her car if she works late), but that's about to change, and I suspect she's going to get a bit more interested in a CCP, or at least stop working late (yes!).

One day at a time, M2
Ask Q how she's got to where she is now...had much more to do with her than it did with anything I ever said or done.

Cornered "but cheery" Rat
Early in our courtship I was up-front in a kindly way with my first and only wife regarding my gun hobby. She accepted that guns were an important part of my interests, although she herself had no interest in them. I guess she figured I was a package deal. Anyway, her ready acceptance--and trust, since guns can be seriously abused--made me admire her all the more. Since we we've been married she's gone to the rifle range with me a number of times, and always seems to enjoy herself (BTW, she definitely prefers .22s and 9mms over .45s, and Glocks and S&W revolvers over SIGs and 1911s). In sum, our spouse/gun situation has worked out well, due, I think, to a combination of my openness and her wisdom.
Well, this is a rather sexist thread! ( just kidding :) )

So in the interests of balance:
Most of the men I've dated do a double take when they first come to my house and many have become distinctly uncomfortable ( I also collect custom handmade knives which I actually like more than guns). This opens up a discussion of political beliefs and they are chagrined to find out that not only am I not a demure lil airhead, I have a very strong belief system.

It goes both ways guys, you have your pre-conceived ideas too ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
First wife was the reason I got into firearms to begin with. After we split up she associated with people I was not too impressed with. Plus her father who still lived across the street from me, was a retired NYPD that had a short fuse and a long barreled .38 Spl.

Wife #2 actually owned a gun when she was single but never fired it. Afer close to 25 years of marriage she still hasn't and doesn't understand the need for me to have more than one (or two or three) but let's me pursue my hobby without any hasseling.
Well, its a little different for me and my wife. I took her shooting for our first date. She had never shot a gun before, but she enjoyed it. We also watched the Ultimate Fighting Championships that night, it was her idea. Needless to say there was no way I was going to let her get away. We've been married a year this week, and she still loves guns. In fact she wants her own ccl now. Just lucky I guess.
Both Oleg and I got into shooting a little over a year ago when I had an annoying caller who knew my name, address, phone number and that I don't drive a car.

Since then, we've acquired quite a little arsenal around the house, and have been teaching other people to shoot... I sometimes wish I would have had a head start on learning to shoot before this maniac started calling, but better late than never.

It took a long time for me to get comfortable with the idea of shooting, let alone the idea of having to actually defend myself with a gun should this wacko come through the door.

I still don't know if I could shoot to kill, but I want to be the one to make that decision should the need ever arise, not a Chief of Police.

The whole mess was kind of a wake-up call and got both Cornered Rat and I interested in the laws here in Minnesota. I still can't get a CCW permit even after all this.


"Oh, grow up, 007."
My wife is as interested in guns as I am. The only problem I have is keeping the guns for myself after I buy them! Be careful what you wish for!
My wife is fine regarding firearms and self defense. Just need to get her a little more involved, out to the ranges and such. And, she is helping me teach the boys safe handling, etc.

If we didn't see eye to eye on this issue and politics in general, I don't think we'd still be together. Life philosophy matters.
Great responses, everyone. For me, this kind of tied in to my "Why do you have that thing?" thread. It seems like there are a lot of people out there for whom guns are an instant thumbs-down verdict. I know, I know, they're not worth my time, but there are a lot of them. Anyway, now that I've divulged too much about myself...

DC: Note the careful, gender-inclusive wording of my first post. It's all these other guys who have turned it into a testosterone-fest! Incidentally, I've not met many "demure airheads" with doctorates.
Problem with my wife, yup a big problem. If I want to buy a weapon and she has her eye on one too then we hassle over who got the last gun and who's turn it is to choose the next weapon we buy.

I waited till the second date to take her shooting. But she took to it like a natural.
It's nice to know that anyone that attempts to harm my little 5'4" 125pound wife is going to be easy to find as they will likely be DRT (Dead Right There)
Mrs. Dan had a Browning .380 when we met. On our first date, I showed her my G-22. She actually had a CCW before I did! (She's lived here in GA. longer than me).

Despite this, she still doesn't understand why I'm always angling for a new/different/better weapon. However, she never hassles me about gun stuff. In fact when we leave the house she usually asks "are you carrying?". My reply is always "of course."

She likes her Ruger SP-101 and Golden Saber 125gr .38+P loads.

A beautiful redhead who likes guns and tolerates me, I'm a lucky man. Life can be good!


Check me out at:
I admit that in my urge to play "catch up" with the threads I've missed this week, I nly read the initial post, this may have been covered already:


I have had SERIOUS conflicts with my wife over guns:

She thinks the Blaser is hers and I NEVER get to carry my 642 anymore!

My wife and I do tend to have some different ideas about guns, but no mroe so than I might have with some members here at TFL. She is a very strong minded gun rights advocate and a very talented shooter. She has recently become a hunter, which has lead to more conflicts, as she thinks she actually knows how to hunt just because she shot a few animals... but that is another topic.

A long time ago, I did have several arguments with a girl I was dating about gun ownership and the relationship did not last. We never could've gotten married or anything, but I was willing to avoid the subject for little while. ;)