Firearm Enthusiasts Are Warming Up to Smart Guns---(really?)

Even with careful engineering/design, quality materials and manufacturing and good quality control measures, you can still end up with an occasional malfunction. That's with the entire focus on making the gun work properly and safely.

Now imagine that the primary focus is making sure the gun does NOT work. I mean, think about it. The whole point of a smart gun is that it doesn't work except in one very specific circumstance.

If making a gun with the whole focus being perfect function can still produce a product that malfunctions, what should we expect from a gun made with the main focus being to make sure that it doesn't work?
Between fighting with both a new "smart Phone" and TV this month, I really want nothing to do with a firearm that will do so few things as expected.
Having had to try and use a smart phone in an emergency, that’s another no from me.

I found out the hard way that touch screens don’t work when covered in blood
Heck, just the touch-to-turn-on features of cell phones have all kinds of problems. You don't need blood or mud for them to fail. Mine won't turn on when my fingertip is wet with water or sweat.
Another point to consider, (and one that will almost certainly be ridiculed as a conspiracy theory fantasy) is the matter of police activated "kill switches" built into the smart gun. The argument will, of course, be that it will save officer's lives, but consider the result when bad guys get their hands on that tech, and they WILL....

Those who ridicule "kill switches" are the ones who most likely support their use. Of course, it is such a great idea, the government will exempt itself from their use, like they do with so many other laws. Smart guns tech is just another device that can fail at best and used for nefarious purposes at worst.
The article is a blatant lie. No firearms enthusiasts favor electo-gizmo-trigger locks. That's essentially what this crap is, as everyone here knows. Just part of the "woke", leftist agenda. Prime the media with lies and then use it in speeches made in Congress.
[The Anti's] "... follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it.
They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous...."
January 12, 1941

Nothing new under the Sun