Finally wife agreed to get her Carry permit.

Finally wife agreed to get her Carry permit. I have been after her for a couple years to get it done.
Women are funny though. Did not matter what I said.

Two things happened this week that pulled her over the edge.

#1 Guy at work has had three break ins at his place in two weeks.
The last attempt was Thursday night. Appears they get dropped off and hide in the woods until they see no one is home.
In this case, he hopped in the truck and drove three places down the road for a visit. Wife and two kids still in the house.
15 year old son grabbed the shot gun and went out to investigate.
Details for me are sketchy as I am hearing third hand.
But apparently the kid took shot at the fleeing suspect.

When he got back in a few minutes after the wifes call. He grabbed his pistol and the hound dog and went tracking.

Thank God he did not find any body. A little hot headed. Responding Sheriffs dept. Pulled on him as he exited the woods.

( I have allot of issues with what he did, but I was not there and its third hand info)

#2 wife goes to Wally World, And is basically stalked by a slime ball. All through the store, into the parking lot, Follows her over the Arby's.
Just keeps trying to spark up a conversation and wont take no for an answer.

She wakes me up as I am on night shift. I zip on down to Arby's.
I just sit down with her and EYE Ball the creep.
I am 6' 4" 250 and looking unhappy. ( I was)
That was all that was needed. He made a hasty retreat.

While I ate my meal. We talked and she said. Maybe I better go take that class.

Ahhhhhh YEA!!!! Maybe you should...
Good for her on her decision, that's one more license on the books. See to it that she carries the gun THAT SHE SELECTS to purchase and carry.

One additional thought , do have a conversation with her about her Situation No. 2, given the information presented, brandishing a firearm would not be warranted. Putting a hand to the gun in her pocket or purse is fine, along with a verbal command to leave me alone, but that's about it for the situation. She's going to need to learn what is legal and justifiable, and what is not.
Yup.. thats for sure.
its a tool of last resort not the 1st thing you grab.

I was carrying when I came to get her. My scowl was all that was needed in this case.
But allot of women get snatched and grabbed in parking lots.

I was a little upset she went into the parking lot with out an escort.
If she was feeling creeped out. Wally will walk your to your car if needed.
Then she should have hi tailed it out of there. Not went to Arby's.

But it is what it is. The Wolves are out there scanning the herd.
Women have it tough. I can get away with having my head up my butt on occasion. If I make a mistake and some one jumps me. They better bring their A game.
Women and the infirm are the primary targets.

She already has a gun. A 327 Magnum Model 85 snubby.
I got it for her a few years ago for her bedside gun. An upgrade for the 32L she used to have.
I keep stealing it as I like to carry it allot.
She keeps making me give it back. So I think she has that covered.
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Unless you have a complete understanding that you may have to use lethal force, it's all for naught !
A pause for the COZ said:
Finally wife agreed to get her Carry permit. I have been after her for a couple years to get it done.
Women are funny though.

Funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to bleepin' amuse you? :rolleyes:
Did you not consider pepper spray taser etc. Its interesting how people think in different countries, a burglary or a dirty look from a stranger would not have my wife looking for a firearm or me urging her to get one.
@Tamara- I think you missed the key phrase "did not matter what I said". In general I think people cannot be "talked into" the decision to carry - or get training. It has to be a personal choice. (I know you were joking, just saying that "funny" wasn't the operative word)
Once again we see the problem with typed words and no facial expressions or body language to clarify meaning.

Something to remember, okay? :)
Funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to bleepin' amuse you?

It's from the movie "Good Fellas" with Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta, it's a joke!;)
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It was no joke in that movie, didn't he end up shooting poor spider in the foot? My wife has been on the fence for years about it, I'm glad yours finally came around. Good luck.
Funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to bleepin' amuse you?

Joe Pesci from "Goodfellas". C'mon OP. lol

Anyways, I'm really happy that she's finally going about getting her carry permit. Sometimes it takes an incident for someone to be awoken. Thankfully this was lighter than it could have been. I'm still trying to get my fiance to go get hers.

When I worked overnight shifts, I bought her a Glock 17 to keep on nightstand duty. She has no interest in carrying concealed though. I don't know what it'll take to be honest.. It has to come from them. It's very difficult to tell anyone to do such a thing. Even though for us it feels like common sense.
But it is what it is. The Wolves are out there scanning the herd.
Women have it tough. I can get away with having my head up my butt on occasion. If I make a mistake and some one jumps me. They better bring their A game.

Very true. I'm 6'7" and about 200 lbs. My wife is just under 5' and has a lot of health issues that are fairly apparent. I wish my wife would get out more for practice and go for a carry permit, but I don't think she ever will. And it has to be her idea, me talking about it at all just makes her go in the opposite direction. :(

My 8 year old son recently asked if he could start carrying so he could protect himself when I'm not around with my own gun . :o
OP, I'm glad your wife is taking the steps towards carrying. I wish mine would. But that will probably never happen. No interest and thinks all is well in the world. Same with stepdaughter. I gave both of them pepper spray, they through it in their purses and can't access it without searching for it.
I tried for years to open their minds to the threats that surround us and especially women.
Wife watches true crime stuff on TV all the time, I would think that it would alert her to the problems people face with criminals preying on those who are unprotected..... :confused:
That's great news. I think women are the ones that really need to carry guns. Not only are they usually more mature than men and would probably make wiser decisions in the moment, they are also targeted for attacks, attacks of the kind us men not need not worry about, unless we drop the soap in prison of course.

My wife actually wants her carry permit, just when she has a day off during the week, the last thing she wants to do is go to the courthouse. She carries in her car. She does keep it ready to rock within a foot of her hand, so I am glad she at least does that. Although she isn't exactly running around town all the time(she mostly just works and comes home) and her work doesn't allow weapon inside, I would still like her to get it for those rare circumstances when she is out and about alone. She is a very attractive, young and small framed girl, and I don't think she realizes that those attributes can be preyed upon. Like the guy at her office that tells her three times a week "your freckles are so cute", ugh........cringe.
skizzums said:
Like the guy at her office that tells her three times a week "your freckles are so cute", ugh........cringe.
That is what most places would call "contributing to hostile work environment" and is borderline sexual harassment, especially if he's been told to cut it out. Once would be "ugh", twice would be "cringe", but three times *a week*? Cmon, man, knock it off.