Finally,,, an Appleseed event in Stillwater, OK.


New member
An Appleseed event in Stillwater, Oklahoma,,,
But it's gonna be a cold one as it's scheduled for Feb 22-23, 2014.

The gentleman I contacted said something about a special "WinterSeed" patch. :eek:

But what the heck,,,
I'll just pretend it's winter in Valley Forge.

Now to gear up my rifle,,,
I was looking at the Marlin 795 that they have assembled in a package.

It's a standard Marlin 795 with the M1 web-sling with an extra mag,,,
And it is outfitted with GI style sights from Tech-Smith.

But then I noticed that tech-Smith makes the same sights,,,
That will fit my Mossberg 702 Plinkster,,,
I might go that route instead,,,
The 702 is accurate enough.

I already have a web-sling for the Mossberg,,,
As well as several spare magazines,,,
I'm actually good to go as it is,,,
But I like those sights a lot.

The other route I could take is to use my Beretta NEOS Carbine,,,
The gentleman I have been in contact with recommended that I use it,,,
He said there is no problem at all in using a scoped rifle for the Rifleman qualification,,,
I even have a workable idea as to how I can rig an M1 web-sling to it's miniscule carbine stock.

But no matter which rifle I choose,,,
I'm very much looking forward to this event,,,
I'll just take a small camp stove and make hot chocolate.


I've heard of these events & it's piqued my curiousity.

Are self loading .22 rifles all people use or could a guy go at this with a single shot .22 or a bolt action centerfire in a mild caliber?

How many shots are fired & at what range?
Hello kawasakifreak77 & vostracker,,,

It's my understanding that you could use a bolt or single shot rifle,,,
But semi-auto magazine fed are recommended because some stages are timed.

I've been told that even with a bolt-repeater,,,
Some people have trouble getting all their shots in the time limit.

I copied this from a different forum,,,

The 25m AQT we use has simulated distance targets that are the same size in your sight picture as man-sized targets at the actual distances.

Stage 1: One simulated 100 yard target, one mag, 10 rounds, 2 minutes, firing from standing.

Stage 2: Two simulated 200 yard targets; mags of 2 and 8, 5 and 5 in the targets, 55 seconds, start standing, shoot seated or kneeling.

Stage 3: Three simulated 300 yard targets, mags of 2 and 8, 3 3 4 in the targets, 65 seconds, start standing, shoot prone.

Stage 4: Four simulated 400 yard targets, one mag, 10 rounds, 2 2 3 3 in the targets, 5 minutes, shoot prone (this stage counts double).

To score Expert and get the Rifleman's patch, you need to score 210 or higher.

With my old eyes I really don't expect to shoot "Expert",,,
I'm going more for the general fun of the event,,,
But who knows, I might surprise myself.

About that Oklahoma weather,,,
You're correct about that vostracker,,,
Even in February it could be sunny and warm.


A couple of suggestions.

Make sure your rifle is zeroed for 25 meters BEFORE you got to the shoot. This is clearly spelled out in their "preparations before you arrive" but some people don't read or don't understand.

I attended an Appleseed shoot in 2012. The lady shooting next to me showed up with a brand new AR type, scoped .22 she had just purchased. When we checked targets after the first 5 rounds, my target had 8 or 9 holes in it.:rolleyes: It took the two range officers about 2 hours to learn that the rail mounted on the lady's rifle was installed incorrectly, and that the scope hadn't been properly sighted in.
A few suggestions for your Appleseed.
1, get yourself some cushy elbow pads. Don't fool yourself that your cold weather coat will be enough.
2, bring at least 3 magazines
3, bring a shooting mat or something to lie on. preferably thick.
4, When shooting the AQT, load one magazine with TWO rounds, the second with 8. Start with the TWO round mag, fire ONE rd & change mags (assuming a semi auto) finish string. This way you do not get a bolt lockback or a "click" taking much time to then change mags.
5, Believe it when they teach you the "Natural Point of Aim" it really works.
6, The best sling for Appleseed is the leather 1907 with a quick disconnect sling swivel.

Have fun and get your Rifleman's patch.

Shows how detached I am. I'm down in guthrie and have never even heard of such an event. Even before this. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that. I guess this is how you find out about these things though. Sounds awesome though. Hope you do well!!
Hey, just registered here and happened to see your post. I'm an Appleseed Shoot Boss in Michigan. I'm sure they do some small things differently on OK, but it's the same basic program Nationwide...

Yes, there is a special Winterseed patch (it's blue, with icicles :cool: ) for those who shoot a Riflemans score on the AQT (Appleseed Qualification Test) under winter conditions. Usually the temp needs to be below freezing.

The course of fire you posted is correct. With regards to getting all your rounds off, MOST people do NOT get all their rounds off the first time through stages 2 and 3, even with a semi-auto. Riflemen persist however, and once you master Riflemans Cadence you'll be done with 5-10 sec to spare. It is entirely do-able with a bolt action as well, despite what many will tell you.

Yes any kind of sights are welcome at Appleseed. If your eyes need some magnification, bring a scope. We do encourage scopes to be set on their lowest power however. You really don't need a ton of magnification the way things are set up.

I've never shot a Mossberg .22, but as long as it'll keep the shots inside a 1" square at 25yd and cycle reliably it will do fine. If you've already got a GI sling on it, just add the tech sights and you're set!

I wouldn't advise the Neos carbine, however. Reason being that the 9mm (or .40?) holes it punches would give you an unfair advantage in scoring when it comes to seeing if you earn the Riflemans patch. Maybe bring it as a second option and ask your Shoot Boss, it is ultimately up to him/her.

The most important thing is that you come to the shoot! Remeber, Appleseed isn't an equipment race. Any off the shelf 10/22, 795, 597 (and I suspect 702 as well) with bulk ammo should be capable of shooting a Riflemans score. The challenge you'll face on the firing line is honing your skills as a Rifleman. Come to have fun and learn and I guarantee you will do both!

edit to add: if you bring extra hot chocolate, I'd say you'll be sure to come away with some new friends! :D

It's Tech-Sights, but I do appreciate you thinking of me, Smith-Sights! I only have time for the Mosins right now.

I recommend Tech-Sights for the 10/22.


I used a 10/22 with Tech-Sights to earn the patch. I think this is the only existing picture, though, as I went to a bolt action after winning the patch.


This was shot with the 10/22 equipped with Tech-Sights.

I made Rifleman scores with the bolt action; scored higher than with the 10/22. I learned how to work a bolt action fast that day!

I'm thinking about going to another Appleseed and using the Mosin if I can find a full-range event. I doubt I'd make rifle man with it; I'm a lefty and just can't cycle the bolt fast enough on a righty's rifle.

Still, I don't have sticky bolt -- cured it years back -- and it will load from stripper clips as fast as a Mauser.

It would be fun, even if I didn't win another patch.

I sort of wonder how a righty firing a Lee-Enfield would do? The course of fire was designed around the M1 Garand. If ya'll wonder why you're firing one or two, then reload with eight, this is why!

Good luck to you, Sir.


I wouldn't advise the Neos carbine, however. Reason being that the 9mm (or .40?) holes it punches...
You're probably thinking about the CX4 carbine. The Neos carbine is a .22LR gun.
...9mm (or .40?) holes ... would give you an unfair advantage in scoring when it comes to seeing if you earn the Riflemans patch.
I thought any caliber was acceptable?
That's good to know. I've been trying to soak up information about these matches. Next time there's one close, I'm thinking about giving it a shot--so to speak... :D
I thought any caliber was acceptable?

There used to be a 8mm max listed as Ben mentioned. I'm not finding that anymore. Checking into it.

Don't think of Appleseed as a match though. You aren't competing unless it is with yourself or against your friends. Think of it as some of the best marksmanship instruction you'll get combined with just about the most inspiring story about our shared heritage as Americans. Get out to one, you won't regret it. If you can only make one day, come Saturday when we cover the bulk of the instruction.
I've been to a couple of Appleseed's and I believe that it is an experience that is well worthwhile. I plan on going to more events. I really want to shoot a full range Appleseed with one of my M1 Garands.

I shot Rifleman with a Standard 10/22 with Tech Sights and a GI sling.

My wife uses a Marlin 795 and my daughter uses a Mossberg 702. Both are good rifles for an Appleseed.

You definitely need to sight your rifle in at 25 meters/82 feet before you go to an Appleseed. It will save you a lot of time and frustration if you do and you will get a lot more out of the initial exercises. You shoot several exercises before they go over Inches-Minutes-Clicks and zeroing. At both events that I went to, people showed up with unzeroed rifles and I think that interfered with their learning all that they could have.

Use the Squares/Sight-in target that you can find here:

You will shoot at that one a lot at Appleseed.

There is also some good info here:

It wouldn't hurt to look over the links there before you go.

Have Fun!
Thanks for posting that, my wifeand i are very interested. One, apr 19th is my birthday and most events are right here in georgia. Could you tell me a little more about what are the events there and what the, i dunno, results are? I see one on my b-day in apr, but its only a one day event, what woukd that day look like?? She prefers to shoot her 9mm carbine(which seems fine apparently) and i will probably shoot either an ar15, vz2008 or sk bullpup. Is everything at 25meters? Sorry, just trying to understand what the day is all about, thanks

It says evrything is 25m, why does it say to zero sights at 2in above 100yards???
Hello Caliper,,,

Thanks for the good info my friend,,,
And welcome to the forum.

Where in Michigan are you from?

I lived in Marquette, Negaunee, and on Drummond Island as a wee lad,,,
I spent many an evening hunting jackalope on the island,,,
Until my Mom finally ratted my Grand-dad out. ;)

That old fart had me out in the middle of the night,,,
With a whistle, flashlight, and my trusty Daisy.

I wouldn't advise the Neos carbine, however. Reason being that the 9mm (or .40?) holes it punches...

This isn't a problem,,,
The NEOS Carbine is a .22 rimfire,,,
It's the add-on kit to make a carbine out of the NEOS pistol.


I do need to figure out a way to mount a sling though,,,
I really don't want to drill holes in the stock.

Other than that I'm ready for it.


Where in Michigan are you from?

I'm in the southeast, Genessee county (you'll have to forgive me not posting city on the great wide web ;) ) Sounds like you had a good time up here back then!

I do need to figure out a way to mount a sling though,,,
I really don't want to drill holes in the stock.

Zip ties (slightly loose) around the barrel to hold the sling. We're very familiar with field expedient solutions for slings and cheek risers.

It says evrything is 25m, why does it say to zero sights at 2in above 100yards???

I'd say that goes back to the older days of Appleseed when .30 cal surplus ammo was plentiful and I'm told that the line was full of M1's, M1A's, FAL's, etc (before I first attended an Appleseed). For typical .30 cal battle rifles, a 25yd zero will put you high at 100 and then back on zero at 200yd. ie: battlesight zero. If you are coming with a .22LR, just zero at 25.