Fighting knives?


When I was considerably younger, and a bit more full of myself, my guro asked me why a eighty-pound dog can always take down a 200 pound man, even though the dog has never been trained in close combat.

Ever wonder why that is?

The worst butt-whipping that I have ever taken was from an emotionally disturbed man. He had no training, at all, in any form of martial art.

I was, and am, considerably taller, faster, heavier and better-trained than he was, or is.

He damn near beat me to death with his bare hands.

At another time, I was present when a Child Protective Services worker told a family that she was going to take their youngest child away. The situation went rodeo, and I wound up going toe-to-toe with the fourteen-year-old sister and barely came out on top. That untrained little bit stomped a mudhole in my butt and was in the process of walking it dry before I managed to choke her out.

During my hiatus from Law Enforcement work, I bounced in a gang-banger bar. The combined formal training of the patrons of that establishment might have added up to a week. Maybe.

My fellow bouncers were hired from dojos and training halls around the area. Muay thai/BJJ, shootfighting, White Crane, JKD, Shotokan, hell -- you name it, one of the bouncers was learning it.

Those undisciplined, untrained gangers were never taught the right way to fight. And they were never told that they should just go ahead and put their hearts in their pockets for safe storage.

They just kicked the snot out of us on a regular basis.


The answer to my guros question about the dog is because when a dog attacks, he puts his entire heart into the attack.

Just like the people in the above examples.

But, heck, what do I know?

That is bull Lawdog. You can have the heart of a damn lion but if you aren't trained properly then you might as well tear your own heart out with your hands and put it in your pocket for storage cause it aint gonna do a damn bit of good.

I am reminded of a very old saying. Something about "the size of the dog in the fight", or something... :rolleyes:

To take this back on topic, I don't think there's any such thing as a "best" knife. Myself, I really like my Corkum "Shobu"; for situations that require a folder, either my Microtech Lightfoot DA or my Emerson Commander both give me warm fuzzies.
For a look at the Warhawk mentioned above by Boris49, check

I've been playing with one for awhile and it is pretty impressive. Beautiful piece of work. Nonetheless, I'd probably prefer a large Bowie or short sword because I have more experience with those weapons.
War Hawk

For training on a tomahawk, check out Chris Caracci's "tactics & training" on I don't know Chris, but he shows some tactics on the site that you might not have thought possible with a Hawk. In many ways, it's more versatile than a fixed blade knife...alot harder to butter your bread with though!
Good reference. Interested persons may also want to check out the hawk and axe forum at Bladeforums. It's a little slow right now, but it goes in spurts and is sometimes very active.

Good point. A few years back, I ran into a buddy (big 'ol Southern boy) who looked like he got run over by a train. -Turned out all he did was try to buy a loaf of bread at 7-11, except he ended up between two girls from different gangs, they beat the crap out of him because he was in the way.

They had an advantage because they just didn't care. All they wanted to do was to destroy what was in front of them.

I am fortunate to have learned this lesson the easy way because it didn't happen to me.
I can only tell ya what I like in knives.......
-Walter Brend of Waltersboro S.C. makes an exceptional knife, and is my preferred maker att. I dont believe Walter has a web site. I dont have his number at hand right now either.
--Randall really started the custom knife craze in this country and still produces a fine product at a reasonable price.
--- .....makes some fine knives, I especially like the bowie he makes for Les Robinson. Here is a link to the knife.... .......Les will usually have some very high quality blades from various makers including Brend.........
----Unfortunatley there is a fella out of texas that I am having a senior moment with........Ill work on it..and post it when I get it.....

I dont have much experience with production knives, although cold steel seems to make some very servicable ones.......fubsy.

Tamara......that old saying is "its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog"........fubsy.
well, I am not a martial arts major, or a knife fighter. I still have though, and carry on a regular basis, an old Randal1 #1. On my web gear, is a Cold Steel Recon Tanto.