Fighting a maniac with a samurai sword

True about a longsword or katana not being concealable.
However such as coustilles and such were...and its likely a matter of time before the looney fringe realizes that...
Concerning all the conjecture about firearms vs general that debate was resolved some centuries ago.
That said, a competant hand with a katana, longsword or even rapier is nothing to lightly pass off...
And the consideration needs to be made, that in a potentially crowded church, emptying a weapon could be very, very problematic. Sure the maniacs done for, but there will be rounds which penetrate through...even for a good shoot in an ideal condition. So mayhaps the German police handled the whole situation as best as could be expected.
In some ways, maybe the best that could be learnt from all this, is to not underestimate an adversary (or his weapon) and don't overestimate your own abilities and weapon.
Most that train in edged weapons train with the entire weapon. In otherwords, the handle is a part of the weapon also, as is the sheath. A master of a weapon can use it in many different ways. In a body contact situation you may be suprised (as you lay unconscious on the ground) to find out that the master did not even pull the weapon from the sheath before using it on you.

Most that train with weapons also train up close, such as body contact distance, as well as a distance as seen in the movies.

Many that train with edged weapons also have backup weapons (just like many that train with handguns carry a bug). I know people that have knives designed specificaly for body contact combat...

All in all as was said before, usually by the time a person is trained with weapons they have some discipline. More then likely that a person with a ccw would never be confronted by a person that has mastered a weapon in martial arts for the same reason that most of us CCW would never confront them.

We are not looking for trouble, we are looking to stay out of trouble.

All of the above said - A guy with a drawn sword is a deadly threat plain and simple. The LEO's in Germany had a situation, they responded, and it worked. It was that simple for them that time, would I do the same thing, no, I am not an LEO. If others were in danger and could not escape and I was packing I would draw and fire (if the line was good and the target was good). If others were not in danger and I could run, I would.

Knowing what I do know about edged weapons, would I have chosen to use pepper spray if I was carrying that? No I would not, either shoot or run for me in that situation.
Para - you happen to be Frank Dux?

No. Just a fan with a similar background and deep admiration for Mr. Dux. Very astute of you to have caught the reference. One of only two people who realized it. Congrats on being so well read. Few have read the classics.

Hard to believe. And impossible at bodycontact (as I posted above).

Correct, there are minimum and maximum contact distance with a sword, knife or any other edged weapon but remember I mentioned close quarters, not body contact range. Plus most kendo swordsmen are usually cross trained in Aikido for body contact engagements.

I do not think there is a debate here in Gun vs. Sword, but as in most situations most likely the person with the better skill, luck, and situational advantage will likely win.
I do not think there is a debate here in Gun vs. Sword
you are right. It's just always nice to discuss with a martial mind coming from a similar direction, even if we agree. :)
Have a nice weekend, Duxman.
From page 338

Next to picture of World Championship trophy.

Frank Dux, Who duped Judith Regan of Reganbooks into publishing his bogus "true story" The Secret Man. The martial arts trophy allegedly won "in a world championship" was made in North Holywood, near Dux's home.

I loved the book but had to put it down over anger.

Sorry for the thread drift but BS needs to be exposed. Especially when it involves my 58,000 brothers (heros) on the Vietnam wall.
Lets hope he does not learn the art of the "shiv" in prison. Hope it was worth it. In my opinion he should have gotten more than 11 years.

Actually saw Bloodsport as a kid, and recently, its not as good as I remembered it to be.

Actually saw Bloodsport as a kid, and recently, its not as good as I remembered it to be.
:) Brother! :)
I was fascinated then, but actually it's crap. Any Seagal-Movie shows better combat skills.... :cool:
Usually I found that most the people who go nuts with swords that we see on the news are usually wannabes with mental problems. They usually buy one or more of those swords you find for display. They tend to be cheap steel, but yes its going to still do horrendous damage as long as it doesn't hit anything too hard and bend some. Its highly unlikely you are ever going to be attacked by a skilled swordsman anymore.
We have had two deputies killed with swords in the last 15 years! And another nut stood off the entire city department in broad daylight for nearly 6 hours not long police were afraid to use force, go figure.
Maniacs are not mere mortals

Was Deputy Herzog carrying a powerful brand of pepper spray or was it a weaker formula so he wouldn't have to baby sit a crying slobbering perp he sprayed.

Maybe you missed this part of what I said : "LEO strength pepper spray".
When I stated that merely drawing a gun may not stop someone, that doesn't necessarily mean they should go for the pepper spray.

That's contradictory enough to cover all of your bases. And some say you can't have it both ways.
Carry the best product available and use common sense as to whether lethal force is really necessary. In some cases it will be and will be the only thing to save your life. Maintain a respect for all life though and don't be so quick to escalate. Your life will be much less complicated

The lesson that Deputy Herzog's situation teaches (some of us) is that giving the benefit of the doubt to a murderer can get one killed.
------------------------Well Said------------------------------

I have sprayed myself both with Mace on a dare and Pepper Spray(Pepper Mace Bear Spray)on accident trying to protect myself from an angry raccoon and I can tell you that on any normal Joe walking down the street, "It will incapacitate you!" I was barely able to breath, or see for what felt like forever, and I had a headache for 2 days. With the bear spray I made the mistake of urinating shortly afterwards and I burned down there for half a day. The pepper mace bear spray was by far, longer lasting as it burned the skin and was hard to get off. I had to stay in a cold tub of water for a day to reduce the pain.

When I watch real life videos like cops and shows like Mad Dog the Bounty Hounter and I see these crazy criminals get a mouthful of mace and still beat down the guy spraying them it makes me realize their are guys out there who just dont have a reaction to pain like normal humans. They are either lacking in nerve endings or so angry and doped up, they dont feel it either way. This being said, due to fear of litigation, I will always resort to Bear Mace as first option and my gun as second and final solution if the BG is armed but not packing a firearm. I urge anyone thinking of using sprays to try them out and spray themselves at least once to understand the effects and to be prepared in case you get it on yourself.

Best Regards,

taser not peper spray for me

if I was going to try to stop a man with a sword in a nonleathel way(witch I would not)I would use a taser with at least a 20 foot range.peper spray has been known to have no effect on people on even the lightest of drugs or alcohol.
I would argue that at close range a good sword is probably THE most effective CQB weapon ever invented, as you can use it much faster than a sawed off shotgun, and it has more "stopping power" and lethality than just about any handgun.

While most swords out there are flee market junk sold on ebay with rat tail tangs and untempered blades, the fact is that because of excellent bladesmiths and the increased interest in the replicas market, there are probably more good quality swords out there than ever before. My house is full of them, from makers all over the world and the USA.
With a good rolled point edge a single sweep can take off a limb as fast as the hand can swing the blade, most of which are around 3 pounds or less.
The reason I carry a handgun instead of a sword is simple. They are more concealable.
Howver a gladuius, or shortsword could be concealed under a trench coat. And in all honesty, were I to lose my vision, there are two companies that make excellent sword canes that hold ninja type striaght samurai blades inside them, that I would use for a walking stick.
Most hardcore sword enthusiasts are a lot like gun enthusiasts. Decent, rule obeying, law abiding folk. But just as a bad guy can get ahold of a Glock or Smith or HK he can also get ahold of a Del Tin, a Paul Chen or an Atrim.
A man with a sword and homicidal intent is just as dangerous as a man with a shotgun or a meat cleaver or a fire axe. Personally I would not rely on pepperspray in that situation.
Did you watch Max X yesterday

I was watching Max Ex, the show that showcase extreme accidents and idiocy. There was a master swordsman who was showing off how proficient his sword swing was and had his student put a cucumber on his stomach while the master sliced it neatly in half. This worked without incident, but the next slice required the student to put the cucumber on his throat. The teacher did his neat little slice, but this time the students throat split open when the cucumber fell to the ground. The master wipes the blood off his sword and leaves the student to walk away and didnt even help him when he collapsed from the wound. It was a very small measured slice, but it looked like it cut the students throat wide open. I definitely would not want to be faced by that kind of weapon and I definitely would ask for a refund from that dojo.