"Until the republicans BREAK with the religuous right and step into the pro-choice realm, not too many feminists will stray to the republican side of the room." Dr. Rob
Their is a statistic that says that over 4000 babies are aborted every day in this country, multiply that by 365 days and I call that a significant problem. If somebody attacks me and I use a firearm to defend myself, I call that self defense. I won't have any problem living with myself afterwards as long as I know I had no choice and they did. Abortions on the other hand are about murdering a human being that had no choice, who's done no harm, how can any decent person be pro-choice. I listen to the media ramble on every time their is a gun related death where some child dies. They can't talk about anything else for days, but they seem to forget about the thousands of deaths every day that they are supporting. President Clinton has no problem with this, he's in favor of pro choice (thats why the feminists love him) so he condones the murder of babies in the clincs, but he damms you and me for carrying on in a sport that we love because once in a while some body crosses the line with a firearm and a child dies. The Catholic church understands this and well I don't go along with everything they preach, I will support them in their fight to make abortion illegal until the day I die. And if the Republican party ever even thinks of supporting pro-choice rights, I will break with them in a second.
Alex Johnson
NRA Life Member
...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. John Donne