Well, I sent my "*OAD" letter to the "Honorable" :barf: Senator Feinstein last night.
Dear Senator Feinstein,
I felt a need to write you regarding the sunset of the 1994 “Assault Weapons” ban which you have championed for so long.
Even though as a resident of California and supposedly “represented” by you in Congress I can say for certain that you come no where near representing my views or needs as a citizen of this state, or this nation for that matter.
Your blatant and reckless disregard for any semblance of truth when it comes to firearms and the law-abiding citizens that own them is nothing less than a disgrace to your office as a United States Senator.
Even though the sunsetting of the “Assault Weapons Ban” has no effect on me since I cannot legally own one as a resident of California I celebrate its passing into history. Gone, but NEVER to be forgotten by law-abiding gun owners and those that honor and respect the guarantees provided by the Constitution of the United States. Something that you seem to have no grasp of, judging by your championing of such a blatantly Unconstitutional law that restricts the clearly enumerated and easily understood Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Today, in honor of the expiration of the Federal “Assault Weapons Ban”, I enrolled as a Lifetime Member of the National Rifle Association. The same NRA that has caused you and your rights-restricting colleagues so much consternation.
I should also point out that I am a member of the California Rifle and Pistol Association, The Gun Owners of California and The Gun Owners of America as well.
It shall be my distinct pleasure in a few months to leave the state of California, never to return. Yet another home-owning, taxpaying citizen of the “Golden State” that has had his fill of the restrictive, dare one say “socialist” government polices and laws that are so prevalent in this state. Polices and laws that seek to constantly increase the power and influence of the government, rather than allow the for the freedom of the Citizen.
I will most likely be moving to the state represented by one of your staunch opponents, the Honorable Larry Craig of Idaho.
In watching Senator Craig's performance during the attempt to attach an extension of the “AWB” to SB1805 I saw a man that had no problem defending his position with nothing more than the facts and conviction. Yourself and your colleagues in the form of Senators Schumer and Kennedy were disgraceful by comparison. It was a blatant and reckless attempt to pass the extension at all costs, the truth, desires of your constituents and the Constitution of the United States be damned.
It was also an EXTREMELY eye opening (and disturbing) experience seeing how the inner workings of our government function, where emotion bordering on hysteria has as much to do with the outcome as do things like facts and truth.
Since it seems impossible for those of us with more conservative values to vote you from office due to the unquestioning support of those in the Los Angeles and Bay Area, it is I that will remove myself from California and to a state whose people and government representatives more closely mirror my own values, desires and needs.