Feeling of Dread for Democrat Convention in Denver

I do profess i am not a bigot... But I am aware... I am betting that black voting age voter registrations have increased if not sky rocketed due to obama. I am betting that "first time" voters of blacks of many various demographics are on the rise.
For the first time in american history has a black person had a chance. Given the devient youth groups in the black populace are violent and excessive i see the potential to be quite high for rioting...
women also

Hotdogs do you think the increase in women registering as a result of Hillary be a candidate will also cause riots lead by women. Your logic is faltering and your bigotry is escalating.

Fact voter registration increases in that segment of the population who identifies with a candidate. Add a new segment to the candidate base and the related voter increase happens. I'll bet more POWs are active in this campaign in support of McCain than there have been in many years. They identify with McCain and become involved. Likewise when there is no candidate from a particular segment related voters drop off.
Hotdogs do you think the increase in women registering as a result of Hillary be a candidate will also cause riots lead by women. Your logic is faltering and your bigotry is escalating.

That is the same logic that the TSA uses in screening airline passengers. Most hijackers are middle-eastern men, but the TSA thinks we need to screen 5 year old girls the same way.

Thats stupid.

More riots have been started by black people than by women. That is statistical fact. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
I was just in Denver for my little brothers wedding and saw Yoga centers
on every corner. I agree that the area is cleaner but all the libral
latte drinking yoga nuts make me fear for my old home state.
I grew up there and I felt out of place after 15 years. The Democrats
can have it.
My barber, who has an uncanny ability to predict the future, believes that the Clintons will cheat Obama out of the nomination, and we will have widespread race riots throughout the country.

Interesting. Don't see it happening but you never know. The race riots by the way are what I don't see happening. I can see the Clinton thing.
I don't really see race riots. I see the kind of thing that happens at G8 meetings. I see the Anarchists, Marxists and general troublemakers with some supporters of whoever loses the Dem nomination thrown in for good measure. The "youths" rioted and burned cars when the Broncos won the Superbowl the first time. This promises to be much the same.
Still tilting toward anarchy. Today protest groups had a government sponsored drawing for where they will be permitted to protest at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Somehow the cards requesting venues for Recreate68, the group most feared to cause trouble, went missing! The drawing was cancelled.