Feeling of Dread for Democrat Convention in Denver


New member
I have to travel near the Denver Pepsi Center all the time, and travel through DIA all the time too. If this nomination is not clear, I predict it will be worse than Chicago '68. I predict that every anarchist group, communist revolutionary group and eco-terrorist group will be well-represented in the streets. Are there any SUV roof-top pepper spray dispensers?
Dillion Aero

You might prefer one of these. ;)


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My barber, who has an uncanny ability to predict the future, believes that the Clintons will cheat Obama out of the nomination, and we will have widespread race riots throughout the country.
Like your barber, I expect the Clintons to cheat Obama out of the nomination one way or another, but I don't think riots will ensue, race or otherwise. More likely, many Obama supporters will just give up on the rigged system and not bother voting in the future. This will guarantee Republican rule, but unless that party becomes a lot more libertarian and a lot less fascist, I don't see this as 100% wonderful.
I predict race riots in many places as Hillary takes the nomination in a super delegate power move that opposes the popular vote. The worst will be the convergence in Denver at the convention. Others will be in NYC, Detroit and LA. I will do my best to avoid the Denver area as there is no way to effectively defend against 1000's of anarchists. Let the Dem Colorado House, Senate and the corrupt Gov Ritter (D) deal with their own.
Some of us here in Colorado Springs are talking about putting a roadblock/checkpoint on I-25 at Monument. We don't want any of that crowd here.:D
What's the difference between them and the people that vote them their candidate of choice in office? They're everywhere.
My barber, who has an uncanny ability to predict the future, believes that the Clintons will cheat Obama out of the nomination, and we will have widespread race riots throughout the country.

I hope your barber is wrong about this one. If he's right it will mean SHTF is slated for August. :eek:
Unregistered wrote:

My barber, who has an uncanny ability to predict the future, believes that the Clintons will cheat Obama out of the nomination, and we will have widespread race riots throughout the country.

If anyone could do it Unregistered it's the Clantons IMHO! I think we all know that buddy!!

Some of the talk from the Clanton political hacks, about why the super delegates should go against the popular vote if Obama wins, is just plain laughable.

"We want to be able to vote for who we think will do the best in November". (You know, "they" know what's best for their party, to heck with the individual, popular voting results. Nothing but a bunch of Communists IMHO.)

Obama is way too liberal for me but he is so much more honest and decent than the Clantons it's ridiculous IMHO.

Btw, I say "Clantons" as in Ike and Billy Clanton, (i.e., the Old West cattle rustlers and horse thieves).

I know and work with alot of black people and almost all of them say "oh Dak, that better not happen".

Many have said they'd probably vote for McCain if that happened.
Nostradomus the barber.:D

Hell.I respect his opinion better than any of the press maggots.;)

Guess,I better look forward to some time off to protect the home front.

Thanks for the tip.
I'm enjoying watching the Democratic Party self destruct.:D Hillary and Obama are going to fight it out all the way to the convention. When Hillary and Bubba "steal" the nomination through a backhanded superdelegate deal, all hell will break loose.:D Hopefully, Obama's supporters will say "to hell with you Hillary" and stay home in the general election. Even Al Sharpton on O'Reilly's show said that he would not support the ticket if Hillary steals the nomination, thats a huge statement, and a problem.:D The Dem's created this monster, and it is destroying them, I love it.:D
McCain doesn't need to come up with ideas on why Obama or Hillary are not qualified to be President, they are doing a great job of providing a list for him.

Also, don't you like it when Hillary gives all the reasons why Obama is not qualified, then out of the other side of her mouth she courts him to be VP so she doesn't have to worry about not getting the top job.
There appears to be a group that is called "Recreate 68" trying to cause violence at the convention. There will be many others, I am sure.
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While I'm no fan of McCain's I feel he now has the enviable task of bringing as much rope as he can for Hill and Barry to hang themselves. McCain can just sit back and let them beat the snot out of each other without appearing either sexist or racist. Thank God Hill managed to stay in the race. As a conservative this is great fun to watch:D.
Well it won't really be a party unless we can find a Way to get Rev Wright to the podium. Do that, make some salsa, that's class entertainment.

The only thing I dislike more than a gun grabbing rino like Mc is a gun grabbing Dem like Hil or O. So good times for now. I don't think it will be like 68, but hell I ain't the man's barber. I am wrong all the time when attempting the crystal ball trick.
My dad swears that the Clanton's (Amazing...He used that too...sorta gives you their impression eh ;) ) will let Obama get pretty much ahead, or win the dem nomination, then have him assinated.
Goals: #1. Opposotion neutralized.
#2. At the same time ensuring your own position and gaining your now deceased opponents followers (Which might leave otherwise).
#3. Use it as a launching platform for new, tighter and more far-reaching gun control...

I dunno, but it sounds logical to me....
These are just some of the people who are trying to stir up trouble at the Dem Convention (Marxists fed up with being sold out by the Democrats):


Welcome to the "Re-create 68" website, your virtual activists' Convergence Center for the Denver Democratic National Convention of 2008. This website was created for all the grassroots people who are tired of being sold out by the Democratic Party.

R-68 agrees with the proposition, POTESTAS IN POPULO, "all power comes from the people." What stands between the people and power are the party machines. The parties were devised as a means to represent the people. Today they represent nobody, not even party members, but only party bureaucracy. The people have been left without appropriate institutions for their representation. We intend to create those institutions!

Join us in the streets of Denver as we resist a two-party system that allows imperialism and racism to continue unrestrained.

Assist Us Logistics August 24 - 28, 2008 Resources Media Communiques
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm (until further notice)
Gypsy House Cafe, 1279 Marion St., Denver
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