FBI Targets TFL Members as Potential Terrorist Threat?

An intersting article appears at http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/1999/12-06-99/vo15no24_dissent.htm regarding the FBI's Project Megiddo, the FBI’s "strategic assessment" of potential millennium-related domestic terrorism. The report which was unveiled on November 2nd at a conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police at Charlotte, North Carolina, has been distributed to law enforcement agencies nationwide.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Basically the report asserts that "extremists" can be recognized, according to the SLATT grant proposal, as those who "identify with one or more of the following philosophies: anti-tax, anti-federal government, anti-state government, anti-authority, anti-world alliances, pro-racial purity, pro-white supremacy, anti-Semitic, and a fear of loss of Constitutional rights … with an equal fear of a one world order...." Under SLATT’s definitions, any American who looks upon the central government with educated mistrust, who has concerns about the protection of his individual rights, or who believes that we should dis-entangle ourselves from entangling alliances abroad espouses a "domestic terrorist philosophy" and should be monitored by the police as a potential terrorist.[/quote]

Clearly, the New American has placed it's own spin on this report. However, I'd be interested in knowing more about Project Megiddo.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited December 09, 1999).]

The New American Magazine (The John Birch Society) has an excellent track record for exposing government conspiracies, corruption, and dirt. Eventhough William Norman Grigg does put a certain amount of passion into his work, I think you'd agree that its healthy, intelligent, and well investigated.

When you read The John Birch Society's purpose and cause, you can't help but realize how far left our government has gotten to begin a finger pointing campaign against organizations that hold the U.S. Constitution sacred. This would include of course, any organization that supports the Second Amendment (NRA, GOA, SAF, JPFO, etc.).

The only threat that conservative, Constitutionally based organizations pose, is to expose the finger pointers themselves, and to spotlight the government corruption and usurpation that's been covered up in order to systematically erode every American's Constitutional Rights.

Please explain to me though, how TFL posters who have not provided a means of personal identification in their profiles, can be singled out and tracked as terrorist threats.
this software that we are using has a feature to record the IP address of evry post

Rich has the feature turned off on TFL
Any black ops web hacker worth his GS14 salary could find out the ISP origins of most of us.

Cross reference a few records and there ya go...

I have heard rumors that people applying for CCW's and Gov't security clearances have been asked questions about specific guns in their collections.

Data bases are out there and the more they interlink them the more we can be monitored

link IRS to DOT and search for $25K per year people with Mercedes cars. Crosslink to CCW records...

i will bet my tinfoil hat that even if 1984 is not stiring now, in 10 years we will be quite monitored.

Lets run a data sweep on all the postings on TFL by member "Big Gun"

now lets cook out the common phraseology
and reference agains other subversive Posts

Makes one wonder about privacy keys...

doc Zox
Although I have made some efforts to protect my privacy, I have always assumed that a dedicated government snoop would ferret me out. I don't care.

If they go after people like most of us who post on TFL, then things are getting damn serious, and their world will begin to crash down on them.

I don't mean this as a veiled threat at all - I literally mean that if they begin going after otherwise law-abiding, honest, productive citizens because we believe in the RKBA, well then we're in deep doo. And, I'll bet a lot of those government snoops know that is the truth.

It will get interesting if California's mania sweeps across the country, and we have governments arresting people and searching their homes for the latest 'prohibited' weapons, magazines, ammunition, etc. From what I hear, even guys / gals in the BATF aren't welcoming that kind of foolishness.
From what I hear, even guys / gals in the BATF aren't welcoming that kind of foolishness.

Right, because they know they'll be the ones going up against seriously pissed-off people with guns. The tripeheads issuing the orders are safe in their secured offices with armed guards; they're not the ones out on point.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Thanks Outlaw-
Interesting reading indeed.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>...the FBI sought to analyze a number of variables that have the potential to spark violent acts perpetrated by domestic terrorists. Religious beliefs, the Y2K computer problem, and gun control laws all have the potential to become catalysts for such terrorism.[/quote]

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Larry Pratt goes on to say that the “UN is increasingly assuming the jurisdictional authority of a federal world government with the U.S. as just one of scores of member states. And gun control -- meaning civilian disarmament -- is high up on the agenda of the UN.”18 Speculation like this only serves to fuel the already existing
paranoia of militia and patriot groups.[/quote] Well, guys...how 'bout refuting the claim and giving us all a warm, fuzzy feeling about the UN, then?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>In his book, Pierce writes about the United States government banning the private possession of firearms and staging gun raids in an effort to arrest gun owners.[/quote] Let me get this straight: if the forces that openly lobby the federal government for firearms confiscation win the day, are we to assume those who continue to own firearms won't be arrested?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>There is not a simple definition of how a group qualifies as a militia. However, the following general criteria can be used as a guideline: (1) a militia is a domestic organization with two or more members; (2) the organization must possess and use firearms; and (3) the organization must conduct or encourage paramilitary training.[/quote] Thank heaven they're not broadbrushing anyone. Looks like Gunsite, Thunder Ranch and the TFL Shootfests fall into this "militia" category, though. I'll be closely monitoring the Colonel for signs of a "dark side" when I take his Rifle course at Gunsite in February. ;)
I reckon that according to the definitions of what constitutes a militia, then the wife and I are a militia. Huh!!! Learn something new everyday. The Longhair Militia: Southern Division Geez, these people are getting way on out there now.


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited December 09, 1999).]
Thanks for the heads up.

I'll assume that those government hackers you mentioned are reading this, and they know my every move. Probably videotaping me for all I know, so I'll add this...

I'm now standing up to my office window, unbuckling my trousers and pulling them and the boxer briefs down around my ankles, leaning against the glass so...THEY CAN KISS MY FUZZY BUTT. Videotape this ya spooks!
Brrrr! THAT conjures up some ugly visions!!

:D :D :D

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Mental image cribbed from "Network":

Thousands of gun owners all baring their fuzzy butts to the feds and yelling "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"

(added post cdf's reality-check below)
Dear Feds: BITE ME!

And have a *great* day! :)
"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited December 09, 1999).]
We should always assume that everything we post here is monitored. It's GUN-RELATED! And there isn't a system out there the good boys and girls at No Such Agency cant worm through. Yeah, we're being watched, and most of us are on some kind of list somewhere. If you purchase firearms at a store, you're on a list. If you have a CCW permit, you're on a list. It's bad. They have many ways of identifying us. Imagine if they put forth this time, effort and attention to detail to crack down on drug dealers and pedophiles.
But you see, actual criminals do not threaten the ruling political class.
Oh, I almost forgot. I just wanted to say "Hello" to the members of the FBI, ATF, and NSA who are lurking here. Have a nice day.
In a somewhat related topic,
I usually don't bother to read Anthony Lewis' columns as he has proven himself to be way too liberal in the past. He has also been a dedicated apologist for our fearless leader through every sordid episode of his Billness' presidency.
However, this one caught my eye. It appears that he may be becoming a little disenchanted with that clinton clone over in U.K.

That's right Tony, ... read the handwriting on the wall!
(bold emphasis is mine)

December 7, 1999


Big Brother Pounces

In a book on a long-running civil conflict, the author briefly describes how his government uses surveillance systems to trace suspected enemies of the state. He is arrested, charged with a serious crime, his house ransacked and papers seized.

Did this happen in China, or perhaps Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore? No, it happened in Tony Blair's Britain. It is an astonishing story, and it discloses a dirty little secret: The Blair government has authoritarian instincts.

The author is Tony Geraghty, a respected journalist who was the star defense correspondent of The Sunday Times of London in its glory days and has since written half a dozen books. This one is "The Irish War," about the centuries of conflict in and about Ireland.

A year ago this month, six Ministry of Defense police officers appeared at Mr. Geraghty's home on the Welsh border, searched it, seized a mass of his papers and arrested him. He is charged with violating the Official Secrets Act by publishing material given him without authority by an
official. The maximum penalty is two years in prison.

What the Blair government apparently objects to is five or six pages in a long, serious book. Those pages say that the British government has computer systems that work with cameras and microphones to keep track of suspected I.R.A. terrorists.

The book is a straight, highly professional account of the Irish conflict, not at all skewed toward the I.R.A. Nor could anyone doubt Mr. Geraghty's British patriotism. During the gulf war, when he was 58, he volunteered for duty in the Royal Air Force.

Ministry of Defense representatives visited HarperCollins, a publishing firm owned by Rupert Murdoch. It had planned a paperback edition of "The Irish War" but postponed publication indefinitely after the visit.

"It is a surrealistic experience," Mr. Geraghty said when I telephoned him, "to find that Cromwell's style of government has returned to England -- a determination to quash anything that looks like dissidence.

"The system in Northern Ireland is to penetrate your target's entire life. That's fine if you're stopping bombers. But the surveillance machine, for want of employment, is now increasingly being turned on Britons at home. The British population is now the most intensely surveilled in the world. The terrorist's loss of privacy is progressing to the ordinary citizen's."

The prosecution must prove that Mr. Geraghty, who for the moment is free on bail, damaged national security. But the damage need only be minuscule, because the statute does not balance it against a public interest in openness.

When the Official Secrets Act was revised in 1989, the Labor Party and Tony Blair, then in opposition, proposed an amendment to include such a public-interest element. It was defeated. Now Prime Minister Blair evidences little sympathy for what Americans would call First Amendment rights -- or other civil liberties.

In a speech not long ago Mr. Blair said he was sick of "libertarian nonsense masquerading as freedom." His home secretary, Jack Straw, ridiculed civil liberties lawyers as people "who get into their BMW's and drive off to posh suburbs."

Labor's election platform promised a freedom of information act. Mr. Straw has introduced a bill giving the government so much power to prevent release of information that a number of Labor members of Parliament are threatening to vote against it.

Mr. Straw also has a bill to deprive many criminal defendants of the right to trial by jury. And an anti-terrorism bill targeting, among others, anyone who seeks to overthrow a foreign government -- as many anti-apartheid campaigners in Britain did for years.

The Blair government, commendably, has acted to bring the protections of the European Convention on Human Rights into British law. But in his own actions, The Economist wrote, Mr. Blair has acted as if he had "a license to trample down civil liberties."

The prosecution of Tony Geraghty is plainly designed to intimidate those who would disclose official policy or criticize it. And the intimidation seems to be working. HarperCollins caved in. And the British press has had relatively little to say on Mr. Geraghty's behalf. The case is a test of how much people care, and will dare, for liberty.

Gee, I guess it's going to get a little rough regaining your liberty when the only people who have guns are the government!
Hmmm... Thought crime. Double plus ungood.

The next thing you know, those whiny Britons will be complaining about the barcodes tattooed onto their forearms. Then the PM will have to remind them that the barcodes are in full accordance with European Union standards.
Actually he will remind them that the microchip implanted in their brains can not only bring about blissful relaxation, but also pain. :0

[This message has been edited by TAZ (edited December 09, 1999).]
Hi Rich...thanks again buddy...we are now linked .......as for this topic .....we (American Freedom Network) just had 3 members of the Denver office of the FBI in our studio last week to discuss "Project Meggido"...the head guy was a decent fellow but failed to go against his boss on this....so here are the facts

The Making of Project Megiddo

  Conservative Christian=Right-wing Extremist=Domestic Terrorist

This is a two-part study entitled The Making of Project Megiddo & The Secret Agenda to Destroy Christianity in America. It delves into the FBI's Project Megiddo (PM) report and into the writings of the three primary outside authorities who, it is believed, were relied upon for the report's support material. It appears that the personal beliefs and agendas of these sources are in large part now reflected in the government report.


Most Christians believe there exists an agenda to get prayer and the Bible out of the classroom. Most are aware of the aggressive agenda to get homosexuality accepted as an approved "norm." Few would deny there's a rather successful agenda to get abortion accepted as a legitimate method of birth and population control.

     However, these same Christians find it somehow difficult to believe that the individuals and groups working to accomplish separate goals would also engage in a unified effort to destroy Christianity as a whole. The truth is, the same individuals, groups, and organizations who are working to destroy traditional Christian values in the areas of Bibles in schools, abortion, opposition to pagan practices, and particularly with regard to calling homosexuality a "sin," are using the most vile and deceptive techniques available to man to link Christians with "intolerance," hatred and even violence.

     These issues are at the forefront of the religious debate. They are an integral element in the discussion of political, social, moral and ethical matters. These separate individual issues cannot be selectively weeded out as is often suggested. They are each inextricably woven into the fabric of the discussion.

     The agenda against Christianity is "secret" only to the extent that the "anti-Christian" activists often do not openly state their goals and objectives. Instead, they cloak their programs in deceptive terms like "tolerance," and they frequently imbue common words and terms with new and perveted meaning. From these, they launch unfounded accusations of bigotry, hatred and racism. The religion of these activists is premised almost universally upon the pagan philosophy, "do whatever you like as long as it harms nobody."

     In the eyes of those who would destroy it, Christianity is viewed as the only religion that is "intolerant" of everything they desire to accomplish. Whereas they perceive Christians -- i.e., those who identify with Christ -- as being the only thing standing between them and their agenda, it is the Christian principles and beliefs which must be destroyed. In one sense, the cry "Give us Barabbas" still rings out.

     Those who identify themselves with Christian religion, and do not instead identify themselves with the "state approved" religion called Tolerance, will in the future be treated as the most vile, most despised, least tolerated creatures on earth. This is borne out in the Project Megiddo report as will be shown.
It is safe to assume they are watching. Indeed, I really suspect they are. If so, then, I'll say this.... Mr. Fed, You don't have the resources to investigate every American who thinks our freedoms are being taken away. What you will end up finding is a great number of ordinary Americans (your brothers, sisters, aunts, cusins, friends)who want nothing more than to protect their God given and constitutional rights. (shades of Randy Weaver and Waco come to mind) It's gonna look kinda funny when you have to go around arresting thousands upon thousands of everyday "bubbas" because they won't turn in their guns......likley they'll turn them against you if you come for them! Be warned! One thing's for sure, you can't say I didn't warn ya.
I was visiting with a couple of ATF agents at McBride's Guns in Austintatious during the summer of 1968. This was during the debates on the Gun Control Act of 1968.

One of them commented that he hoped Congress did not pass any gun confiscation law, since he figured he would not live past the second house he had to "visit".

Now, the Schumer/Feinstein claque might not understand what the agent meant, nor Kofi Annan, but I imagine a goodly number of our elected and appointed officials know full well what sort of uproar would occur.

:), Art
Heres a follow up to the above report as I mentioned we interviewed 3 FBI Agents....joining in that interview was the author of this report David M. Bresnahan....i could recount to you what it's like to live in a police state ....but I'll leave that for another day


FBI spy 'fronts'
Expert: Megiddo is domestic
espionage network run amuck

By David M. Bresnahan
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

The Federal Bureau of Investigation employs leftist activist organizations to spy on Americans, most recently resulting in Project Megiddo -- which targets "right-wing" Christian-oriented groups and characterizes many as potential terrorists -- according to a national expert on political fringe groups.
The Project Megiddo report, which bears a striking resemblance to a similar report by the Anti-Defamation League, has been distributed to law enforcement agencies nationwide to alert police to the supposed dangers posed during the millennium transition by various religious and political groups, almost all of which are on the political right.

Named after the biblical location in Israel of the prophesied Battle of Armageddon, Project Megiddo warns of the dangers presented by certain "extremist" Christian groups whose objective it is to hasten the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The report claims that these groups may commit acts of terrorism within the United States.
Laird Wilcox, author of two comprehensive books on extremist groups on both the left and the right, as well as "American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen, Communists & Others," charges that the FBI, in the process of infiltrating potentially dangerous organizations, gets infiltrated itself.