FBI: "Oops! Guess we did use incendiaries at Waco"

The Waco cover up continues to unravel.

"Ummm, what was that again, Ms. Reno? You take full responsibility?"
ps: As we call for LE heads to roll, let's not forget the political bravery of the Texas Rangers in protecting the evidence and continuing to voice their objections and suspicion. There's a thank you note worth writing.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 25, 1999).]
They're still trying to claim that the fatal fire was started by Koresh's followers and not a result of their use of pyrotechnic devices.

I got ya', you were lying to me then, but you're telling me the truth now!

Sure. Now where did I put those hip boots and snorkle?
I agree with your statement about the Texas Rangers. It's good to see someone pressing for the truth without trying to cover their ass. Texas may well be the last free State.

Want to feel your age?Check it out. http://web.superb.net/boy/age1.html

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited August 25, 1999).]
Let's see - who has that contact info to thank the Texas Rangers?

(I'll bet Ranger Walker headed the charge for the truth! Him and Trevett threatened to kick some judge ass if he didn't comply)
Well, here's a thought, gang.

FBI guys hanging around, listening to bugs planted in the compound, allegedly hearing Davidians discussing spreading fuel around the building. The light goes on, "Hey, if the Davidians were to spread fuel around the building, and, say, a tear gas canister just happens to land in a puddle of that fuel... Whatcha think guys?"

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
I like the opening statement.

The Texas Rangers, one of the oldest law enforcement organizations on the North American continent, investigate major felony crimes such as murder, rape, robbery and burglary as well as white-collar crimes and cases of governmental corruption.

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited August 25, 1999).]
Hopefully the higher-ups in the Rangers will keep their nerve and not fold to career threats.

Your bold didn't work because you typed *bold* */bold* instead of *b* & */b*.
Just use the "b" with the brackets

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
So are they trying to say pyrotechnic devices dont start fires?

Well - if THEY say it... Must be true right?

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Naw...they're just saying these particular devices didn't start the fire.

You see, after six years of denying they used them at all, they now recall EXACTLY how many they used and at what time of day they were fired. And they didn't lie about not using them, they "misled" us - you notice that there are no more lies, only misleading statements. And through careful calculation of the time of firing, temperature and duration of the ignition, the time that flames were seen in the compound, yadda, yadda, gag, puke...they couldn't have started the fire that forced the Davidians to try to exit the building only to be shot by someone that wasn't there (misleading?) and thereby forcing them to choose between burning to death or being permanently rehabilitated by their own government. Thank God they did it for the children...if it had been for any other bogus reason....

How did any of us ever stand for this?

And don't forget, the BD's were using kerosene lanterns, Coleman lanterns and stoves for light and cooking because the Feds had cut off the electrical power to the building. Do you think that maybe when the building got hit with the APC's, just maybe, that the lanterns got broken?

Now if the Feds can come up with a good explanation of why they prevented the fire department access until the fire was really going good.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
This must be more of that 'inappropriate behavior' I've been hearing so much about ...

I hope the Texas Rangers are like a dog with a bone on this one. If some of these recent allegations are true, the people involved, including leadership, should be tried for murder. Anyone want to go for premeditated? Death penalty? How disgusting that in 1999 we are trashing the Constitution because of school shootings, but in 1993 we had the FBI and ATF presiding over the murder / manslaughter of 24 children. I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about FBI personnel 'transferred' or 'retired' when they have a little 'oops' like killing innocent people, tampering with evidence and lying about it. Not to mention being promoted.

More and more this is beginning to look like gross negligence, at the very least. I too have always found it incredible that the LEO's breached walls with armored vehicles when they knew damn well the BD's were using lanterns for light in a wooden building.

I can't fully express my disgust on this issue within the bounds of civility. I admire the courage of the Texas Rangers, and I hope they continue to stand strong.
Too late, too late, too late. Sure, wait 6 years and come out with the truth. Johnny R. aint sweating this one and i have a suspicion the Texas Rangers have to absolve themselves of their part as bystanders in the murders at Waco. The Waco hearings whitewashed the murders and now this is another scam. Johnny R. will be praised to high heaven by the politicos of both parties as she defends her"credibility" The masses didnt give a damn 6 years ago and they sure as heck dont care now to find the truth. Uncle Scam is at it again!
I sent an e-mail to the Rangers urging them to find the truth. I hope some of you will too.
The Texas Rangers is an organization steeped in a proud tradition. One of the things they are most proud of is their integrity. They don't like being used by the feds any more than we do. If anybody can get to the truth, the Rangers can.
The Rangers were equally as critical at the original Senate hearings...tough guys to buy; tough guys to beat. It's important to recognize your friends as well as your enemies.

On another note, I see that Ms. "I take full responsibility" Reno is now "shocked and frustrated that the FBI wasn't forthcoming with her". Obviously, it's no longer her responsibility.

Oy! So much for taking responsibility. So much for plausible denial. So much for excuse by way of having your head up your butt!
I also am very proud of the Rangers for sticking to their guns from day one of the Waco situation. Let's hope they continue to do so. They have always shown that they have Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity. Hmm, that would make a good motto, wouldn't it? I think it's available since the original owners no longer need it.

As I recall, the "railway killer", Ramirez, negotiated with and eventually turned himself in to the Rangers instead of the FBI. You know that has to stick in their craw.
Gosh reno's people lied , can't be, must be a mistake , the president doesn't tolerate lies ............does he? ;)
wow now I'm a senior member........at 18 years old , when can I start collecting my social security checks?.

[This message has been edited by frogman6 (edited August 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by frogman6 (edited August 27, 1999).]
Let's hope this leads to something significant. Personally, I am praying that Freeh and Reno both get forced out of office in disgrace and disgust. I intend to write my Congress critters and let them know of my viewpoint. It'd be a good first step in taking back our democracy.
The latest "oops, we forgot to mention..." is that there was a cadre of Delta Force personnel at the scene.

Now we all know that using the US Military against civilians is a violation of every principle we stand for as well as inumerable laws - posse comitatus.

What the hell was that all about? Are we beginning to figure out who the concealed snipers firing into the back of the building were?

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
My money is on the FBI as shooters, if there were any. They certainly have more than their sghare of qualified snipers and it would be surprising to me that they let the turf go to Delta.

While I do believe the Delta guys were there, I would like to think they were observing and advising only. (Still a major violation of posse comitatus). In general, I think the guys from Delta Force are far too intelligent and dedicated to the Constitution to get involved in this stuff...this goes for the brass also. I have absolutely no backup for my views, other than my hope that the military brass is a cut above the Reno's and Freeh's of the world.
