FBI Agent Loses Gun During Back Flip...

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This is where I have a problem with the idea that Law Enforcement,even the FBI are somehow superior,or to be trusted with a firearm more, than a civilian with a concealed carry permit.
In particular,those who think the teachers and other school staff that choose to train and be armed should not be allowed to be armed.

I don't think your average armed teacher would be doing back flips on the dance floor of a whiskey bar packing in a holster with such poor retention it dumps the gun.(I refrained from saying the FBI agent had been tasting the whiskey at the whiskey bar before doing back flips on the dance floor. That would be speculating. Why would I think the "Water of Indiscretion" could have ANYTHING to do with back flips on the dance floor?As Columbo might say,"There is one thing that bothers me....Why did the agent re-holster and leave the scene without rendering aid to the man he shot? Or sticking around for the Denver PD? Something to hide?)

And it MIGHT be that a trained teacher would pick up a dropped gun without putting a finger inside the trigger guard.(Which he did)

The competence /incompetence thing certainly CAN be about lack of training

But I find those who are so kool they are above the rules
Are the ones as likely to break the rules.
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There are several other reports, some by witnesses that say similar things, he's just too cool for the rest of us...

It's unfortunate that he was released to his FBI work supervisor. Idiots like that shouldn't have guns. In the event they do, they ought to know how to pick one up off the ground without grabbing the trigger.

I sincerely hope he loses his job and a massive civil suit, he's a terrible poster-boy for a fed with a gun.
"Agents are allowed to carry their service revolvers if they so choose"?

There's one newscaster who needs to retake "Firearms for Journalists 101"

Better video in the second link than I had seen before. You can clearly see the gun flying out, and the fibbie fairly lunges to grab it as soon as he lands from his back flip. Then it looks like he just walks away -- no attempt made to find out if anyone was hurt.
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But I find those who are so kool they are above the rules
Are the ones as likely to break the rules.

Most likely, most likely says I.

I am thinking he was drinking alcohol too, that is one of the key activities at bars and, if Brad Paisley is correct, one of the prerequisites to getting white people to dance.

This guy is going to be king of the internet for a while, just like that ATF Agent who shot himself in the leg at the gun safety class at the school.
You can call it an accidental discharge, but I don't think that accident is the proper term when someone is engaged in such absolutely foolish behaviors.

When he is discharged from the bureau, I don't think that the word accident will come into play either.

I have a really hard time forgiving anyone who goes out for a night of drinking and partying while carrying a gun. It's one thing to stop in and have a drink or have beer with dinner. If you are doing backflips, you've blown everything.
He was released to a supervising FBI agent (apparently with no bail), and his name has not been released.

I doubt any private citizen would be accorded the same courtesies in a similar situation.
[QUOTEBut when a loaded firearm is falling, it is best to not try to grab it. ][/QUOTE]

Sound advice. This incident was video'd Its on YouTube.There is a link in the OP.
It did happen fast,but he is a right handed shooter with a left hand holster at 6 oclock,similar to SOB carry. "Posterior cleavage crossdraw" He does his flip and dumps the gun.The gun was drop safe. It came to rest on the floor.It fired when he scooped it up left handed with his finger on the trigger.IMO,he had a little telltale glitch in his balance as he scooped it.

No one was shooting at him. He had time to be safe. Circumstances suggest his cognitive and motor skills may have been impaired,IMO.
Dropping the gun was one incident.The gun came to rest.
The ND was a separate/connected incident around picking up the gun.
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I have always been told that picking up a gun that has been dropped can be dangerous. The gun may not be in the same condition it was before it hit the floor. The safety may be in a different condition, the magazine may have released, the gun may have caught on something, the gun may be even be broken internally. Lots of things could have happened.

He seemed a lot more concerned with recovering the gun quickly than safely.
Even more dangerous after you have been drinking enough to make a fool of yourself in front of that many people....
Apparently, his deep cover wasn't deep enough....

It was a teachable moment at our house "When a pistol drops, let it go."
So many things wrong in this story. I believe the worst is the Denver PD did not arrest him confiscate the pistol and hold him until trial or he gets bail, then let the FBI have him to do what they will with him. The example set by him and Denver PD and FBI is outrageous.
So many things wrong in this story. I believe the worst is the Denver PD did not arrest him confiscate the pistol and hold him until trial or he gets bail

How do you know his pistol wasn't confiscated?

Also, if charged it most likely will be a Class I misdemeanor.


(1) A person commits the crime of assault in the third degree if:

(a) The person knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another person or with criminal negligence the person causes bodily injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon;

What that means is under Colorado Law the police can't arrest him without a warrant unless they observed the behavior directly. So it seems the local police followed the law correctly in regards to this case.

Showing "criminal" negligence is going to be the bar they have to overcome to get a warrant. The agent was clearly negligent.
There are many things that puzzle me about this video; but...

1) That gun launches from the holster pretty well. Admittedly, I’ve never attempted to do a backflip on the dance floor, so maybe that flaw is more common to holster design than I think; but all of my holsters will at least pass the shake holster upside down test of retention. He’s an FBI agent. He should have a decent holster.

2. Small of back carry? I get he is trying to carry a service-size pistol in a fitted shirt; but maybe go with a different cut shirt? Smaller pistol in a more traditional IWB holster? Heck, he could have just missed the back flip and given himself a nice spinal injury with that move.
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