Favorite Targets and Distances

Another really "fun" pistol target that I used in years past was ice cubes. You know imediately if a hit was scored. And thew price in unbeatable!
In my range container I have a bag of water balloons. At the dollar store they are like one dollar for like 50 of them. Blow them up and hang next to targets. Tie them on a piece of one foot piece of thread and let hang. The breeze if there is one will move targets. Eggs are also fun, a dollar at dollar general for a dozen. I also like to get a BG target and hang another next to it like a hostage. Try shooting BG without touching hostage, really fun when you can only see about 4-5 inces of BG.
I have 3 steel plates for distance. A bit leary using them inside about 75 feet. I just lean them up don't have a hanger yet. Also we shoot whatever trash the jerks who shoot in our area leave on the public lands. And we take it with us when we leave. Those irresponsible people will ruin it for everyone.

Oh and I've got 3 broken POS "smart phones" - watch for my upcoming video - "iphone vs 44mag," trying to decide if we should give them blindfolds or not. I'd do "iphone vs 20 lbs of tannerite, but they have already cost me a grand down the drain.
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Getting a good belly-laugh.......

..... out of these superb target ideas! I guarantee the range will NOT let me use most of them. But..... MUST.......TRY.......SOMEHOW. :)
Limited in Miami gun ranges. Just paper and cardboard.

When I branch out...old stereos, steel, wood, etc. Aren't far from shooting.

I'd love to shoot me some steel on the regular. Only time I can is every Thursday.

I envy all of you people with land and freedom to shoot whenever and whatever you want. Envy.
Unless I'm hunting, which isn't nearly often enough, I don't get much opportunity to shoot anything but paper targets. With that said, I've always enjoyed chasing a target across a pasture with a .22LR.
For the indoor range I print out 25yd pistol targets and shoot them at 25yds.

Plinking It's whatever is out there.

For the rifle range it's various sizes of cardboard.


My favorite target for training? Realistic human size torso at realistic self defense distances.

For fun, clay pigeons with the pistol (on the ground).
Mobile targets, if the range allows, are fun.

Tennis balls, golf balls, hell, dad and I played "russian soccer" (soccer ball and a Siaga 12 gauge) a couple weeks ago.

Make 'em bounce. :D
For fun plastic bottles from gallon milk jugs to small pill bottles filled with water or sand. Shotgun and handgun mostly. For serious 50' small bore targets at 100 and 200 yards. With long guns I expect all black and with handguns I count anything within 4" a hit.
I usually use paper plates with a dot sticker in the center or if I'm shooting my Ruger 22/45 I'll use playing cards. You can get two decks of playing cards at the dollar store for a buck. For longer range rifle shooting I'll use what ever the range sells.
I like to shoot a 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 foot course that shoots up 50 rounds.

You fire 10 shots at a specified circle of a certain diameter (I'm still using 6 inches).

You score 1 point for each hit at 5 ft, 2 points for each hit at 10 ft, 3 points for each hit at 15 ft, 4 points for each hit at 20 ft, . . . and 5 points for each hit at 25 ft.

You cannot move to the next stage until you have shot a full string of 10 with no misses. For example: first string, 10 shots, 10 hits = 10 points / second string 10 shots, 8 hits = 16 points, and you have to shoot stage 2 over at 10 feet. Obviously in this scenario, you will not shoot stage 5, because you shot stage 2 twice.

I save this exercise for last, . . . and go inside with this score in my head, . . . comparing it to the one prior to.

It's fun.

May God bless,
Such vivid imaginations!

I love the Russian soccer and tennis ball ideas! Guaranteed the range wouldn't allow such a thing even if I was ready to try it! I'll have to seek out an appropriate place when the time comes.

I will give the cards a try when I think I can hit the things. Maybe a set at close range, like 10 yards?

But Dwight's "game" is a perfect exercise for personal bests that I can do at each range visit. Thanks for that one! Now the range will be more fun!

I also discovered a GSSF shoot just south of town that I'll check out this weekend. Maybe that'll be something I can learn to do when my 19 comes in.
A couple of my favorites:

aspirin tablets

dandelion heads/the white puffy stage

Both are a "aim small miss small" type of target; not much doubt if you hit an aspirin tablet, and the dandelion head will only completely be gone with a direct hit to center otherwise you can see by the missing section where you hit. (Free target with feedback; however, depending on personal location can be very seasonal.)

At this point, for me, still too early for the dandies; the plants have not even started growing yet.

Pretty simple for me....generally paper targets, bullseye type. Pretty much all of my pistol shooting is at paper targets at 25 and 50 yards.
Occasionally, I will plink at a clay pigeon at 100 yards.
Rifles.....paper bulls at 100 and 200 yards.
A couple of my hunting rifles, I will shoot off hand standing at 50 and 75.
A little bigger then asprin tablets, we used lollipops (the cheap flat round kind) for a goofy compitition at shooting camp. They shatter nicely. Plus, you can have candy while shooting.

I'm sure the sight of a fireing line full of 3P shooters popping away with lollipop sticks poking out of each mouth was hystarical.
I'm sure the sight of a fireing line full of 3P shooters popping away with lollipop sticks poking out of each mouth was hystarical.
There must be some reason why that would be really dangerous, but I'm darned if I can think of one. :p

It is quite an image. :D
I'm sure the sight of a fireing line full of 3P shooters popping away with lollipop sticks poking out of each mouth was hystarical.

Who loves ya' baby.

I sometimes put just the 3/4" center dot target paster on the big, blank cardboard at the range. I can still see the dot at shooting distances, but the lack of the rest of the bullseye or other contrasting target area causes my "wobble zone" to get smaller. ie when the 8" rings are there, I wobble through 8". When the 1" dot is there, I wobble much smaller.

Another favorite is the leftover sticky borders from a shoot n see target. Once you use the target part of the thing, you're left with a plate sized opening in a square, adhesive backed frame. Peel that thing off and stick it on the cardboard. I like to set up several on the same cardboard and practice rapid fire moving from one to the other. Like shooting plates.

Another is "hostages". Stick two targets on the cardboard, one overlapping the other, as if a bad guy had a hostage in front of him. Obviously, the goal is to shoot the bad guys "crescent" part of the target, not the hostage. I kill a lot of paper hostage eyes and ears that way.

Sgt Lumpy