Mine is a KMK-512, the 5-inch bull barrel stainless model Mark II, 1994 build. There's a hundred million just like it, so mine is also nothing special. Only minor change is the Pachmayr grips that I do like. I bought it new, I love it immensely and if I should happen to be having a lousy range day, I can pull it out and get myself back on track. It inspires confidence and it reminds me that some guns get purchased ONE time and will then offer a lifetime of enjoyment. Perhaps more than one life time.
So no picture of mine... you can Google it, there's many of them.
I will have to say, however, even with the pretty pistols pictured in here,
Hal's post #6 wins the thread. And it ain't even close!
That post was pure pleasure to read and envision. And yeah, I'll believe him when he says it, and NO, I don't know the man. But he posts it with conviction -- I can't imagine anyone could make that up. He also writes with confidence that it's "not that hard to do" but I would take exception to that assertion.
Fact is, I've met and shot with people whom I am reminded of when I just read
Hal's post. And you know what? They were a bonus to me on that day, and if even for a little tiny bit, they made me a better shooter.
So here's a cheer to you,
Hal, 'cause I'll just bet that you'd be a heckuva nice guy to run in to on a range day and if I did, I'd leave that day a little better than I arrived to it.