Favorite machine gun

10 years later and I'm still pretty darn happy with my AC556. Rock solid receiver; parts sets are becoming available; barrels can be replaced and I like the stock I have it in (SCAR). I actually would prefer to have it over an M16. I wouldn't mind having a Thompson SMG, however.

The larger caliber Machine guns are just too expensive to shoot. The submachine guns don't as much intrigue for me, except the Tommy Gun.
Mac 10

My favorite is the only one I have, mac 10 in 9mm.

Although I would REALLY love to have one of the Norrel trigger packs for the 10/22
We did a post sample 10/22.
Its ok. The total lack of recoil is nice. The only hicap mag that will keep up with it is the ruger factory 25rd, the gun was unreliable until those came out. However, its just so fast, that there isnt much fun time to it. Even after i put a retarder in it.
If the norrell pack is slower, that would be better.
I've never shot a full auto, or even seen one in person, but I'm a bit of an H&R fan so I'm going to say the Reising in 45 ACP.
Using the M-2 usually meant there was something between me and the target besides grass and trees(like an armored vehicle or sand bags) so that was a highly preferred position. The "Swedish K" was quite popular and available when I "might" have needed to use such a weapon. Other than those, I wasn't really tasked with using "go fast" equipment-more of a one shot at a time sort of thing.
For me, it depends on what you're shooting at and who's paying for the ammo :-) I've shot a fair number, and it probably comes down to the specific types within each group (1st gen, 2nd gen, etc.) and class (SMGs, "assault rifles", GPMGs, HMGs).
My list, to the best of my memory:
Type 56
Converted Glock
Converted Browning HP
Thompson M1
Thompson M1928
Converted Gevarm 22
Converted Type 97
and a few others that have slipped my mind since.
For SMG's my clear preference is the H&K MP 5 series.

For light/medium machine guns it's a toss up between the M249 SAW (LOVE the high cyclic rate if I am shooting someone else's ammo), or the M60.


I've shot:
Mac-10 in .45 with the can (and without)
Colt XM-177's
Colt M-16s
Colt AR pattern Sub gun in 9mm
MP-5's of every description (K, SD, etc)

The MP-5s were sweethearts.

If someone was giving them away, an aircraft mount Lewis gun might be cool.
I haven't shot all of them, so its hard to say what my true favorite would be; from my research an MP-5 is covetable, but here's another nod to the venerable "Ma- deuce" which I have actually fired.

But for pure fun.....the Thompson.......hands down.
Some Russian AA gun with four barrels we found in desert storm. We figured out how to work it then ensured all ammo was "destroyed"

I liked the M2 the best, I often volunteered to be on crew served weapons so I could shoot it.... Just don't rip off a fingernail while charging it, that ends the fun for a few minutes.

Outside the army I have no other experience. I'm sure there's some really fun ones out there.
SMG: MP-5, followed by Walther MPL/MPK in Portuguese trim.

RIFLE: STG-58 (or select-fire equivalent), or M14.

LMG: BrEn in 7.62x51, or M240, or maybe a Lewis (in 7.62x51).

NOT b/c I know what I'm talking about, but because I think they'd be fun!
Of all of the machine guns that I've shot over the years, I'd have to give my biggest thumbs up to the Bren.

But, my absolute favorite, the one I would buy in a heartbeat, and I have NO clue why, is the MAS 38.

I just think it looks so damned strange and cool all at the same time...
"maybe it was just me, but I always had better luck using palm up on the M2"

It has been awhile, but I thought we were taught that was the way to do it.
Palm up is correct, talk to 18yo Rickyrick, he won't listen. 19yo me was better lol.

I'd love to shoot one of each MG in existence. Probably won't happen.
Mini gun is on the top.

Since we're all over the map here, LMG's, HMG's, sub guns, GP guns, and even CANNONS for gosh sakes, I'm going to list mine.....

..........the Browning Automatic Rifle.

No, I have not shot one, I have not even held one! And yes, I am aware of the weapons short falls, no quick change barrel, ONLY a 20 rd box( as opposed to a belt) no easy way to load the mags, heavy for what it is, an automatic rifle, maybe other faults of which I am not aware.

But is is walnut and steel, genuine USA design from our nations top gun mind, and carried and loved by many in harms way and dealt with many of our enemies foreign and domestic, for 20-30 yr or so.

I will never own one, but someday I will shoot one.