Favorite Game

Favorite Game

  • Deer

    Votes: 42 33.1%
  • Small Game

    Votes: 12 9.4%
  • Water Fowl

    Votes: 5 3.9%
  • Bear

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Elk

    Votes: 15 11.8%
  • Moose

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Boar

    Votes: 6 4.7%
  • Turkey

    Votes: 7 5.5%
  • Varmints

    Votes: 15 11.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 20 15.7%

  • Total voters

I knew you were going to say something like that with your nick. So what's it like to shot a gun that costs that much? does it really feel better than an Citiori or 682/6?
I consider upland game birds - small game

That's what most of us around here classify them under. I didn't take into account that might different in other areas of the country.

Lo Siento!

Pheasants first then rabbits for a close second behind my 2 beagles. I live to watch those hounds work a bird, all excited, then whining, then yapping..........
Callin' is fun!

I like to call predators to me and my rifle.....Sometimes nothing happens....and Sometimes too much at once does!!!Callin' is a different sort of huntin', tho'....because the hunter tries his best to become the hunted....There's something about watching a coyote or fox close in on you, not realizing you are What you Are, with their many times better hearing and sight AND smell....once you are "bit", it is all over, man.
what I like most to hunt - buffalo, an inspiring experience.
What I would like to hunt, in a permanent basis: Tyrants, just like SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI, but I could go to jail...or to the wrong side of a firing squad... Hey, STGM, is VANITAS VANITATEM OMNIA VANITAS your cousin?
Biganimal, you don't have to clean or gut your harvest, but teel-me: do you eat'em broiled, fried, roasted or what?
luck to everybody:D
My favorite is good ole Southern Bobwhites with Doves holding a very close second. I now have a Red Setter with which to find the few bobwhites left around here and we'll see how he does retrieving on the dove field this fall!

You poor Ohioans - 2 a season, geez, try 2 a day and the longest whitetail season in the good ole U S of A - South Carolina Lowcountry! Even my brother-in-law goes out of state from O-HI-O for his deer!

I still like the looks of that 110gr. .30-06 bullet intersecting with the cranium of Wiley and there are more and more of those around on which to hone my skills!
Great question. For me it's a toss-up between ruffed grouse and whitetail deer. Any day spent hunting is a far better day than spent at the office, though! :D

T-U-R-K-E-Y. Fun and exciting to hear those toms. I have gone hunting turkeys one season, came back with two jakes. Tastey too.
MOOSE! I have been hunting HARD for moose this past week, and they are just coming out of the rut. It is a rush to scrape a dried out shoulder blade on the willows and give a coupla grunts, then have a 800 pound moose charge out of the bush about 30 yards from you....gets the heart pumping to say the least. Just got my bull 2 days ago, and the tenderloins done on th BBQ were heavenly.:p
I have to go with Erick, Elk...challenging and very rewarding.
You have to go to Gods Country to find them.
also Colorado:D

I like birds best (dove, quail, crows) because I'm more of a "shooter" than a "hunter".

Deer are fine and I do a lot of deer hunting every year; but that's mainly because I like to eat 'em and I really enjoy hiking in the mountains with a rifle. Weird?
To eat, I like cow. To hunt I like something that might hurt me back. Unfortunately I haven’t had an opportunity to hunt in Africa yet. I am going to try some hog hunting with my bow this year and that is about as close as I can get for the next few years.

I have heard about some Flu-flu arrows that work good with rabbits and I am giving that some cogitation. I figure that will be lots of fun.

- - -to a First-Poster,
from Switzerland.

Of the many replies to this thread, you are the only one to mention stag (by that term) and certainly the only one to write of mountain chamois.

Tell us a little something about the surroundings and the procedures, the guns and ammo and gear you use. Maybe you could start a new topic in this forum with some comments.

We'll all look forwad to reading your future posts.

Best Regards,
Howdy, Collani! Welcome aboard!

My vote was for elk, even though I've never actually shot one. I've been up to southwestern Colorado to hunt them, twice, but never even knocked my safety off, and still had a wonderful time. If I can have THAT much fun without bagging one, imagine how much pleasure I'd get from actually bagging a big bull!

As I get older (I'm just now 30), I'm finding more and more that the terrain that I hunt in is as important as the game. Elk are hunted in the most beautiful places on Gods green earth. When I was a young boy, it was about success. I once hunted dove in Montague County, TX where we all limited out, fished successfully in a stock tank for catfish and black bass, caught frogs and turtles, and small game. As a 12 year old, this was the most successfull hunt I'd ever been on, and for years thought of it as my best hunt ever. But looking back on it, we were hunting over a flat (flat!) plowed-under field, in a rather borring area. The hunting was good, as was the comeraderie, but it didn't hold a candle to my empty-handed elk-hunts with my father. :)

A VERY CLOSE second was hunting mule deer in far west Texas. Again, it was the terrain. Didn't even see a buck (until I pulled out of Alpine and was on the highway!) to shoot, but had a great time!.
Heck, I'm easy! ;)
