Favorite game to hunt?


New member
I am curious what everyone else on this forums favorite hunting is and why. Mine is deer. I find it challenging and very rewarding. Getting out and hiking in the scenic forest and hills while hunting is a real adventure.
i was a deer fanatic until the age of thirty, when a friend introduced me to my first real duck hunt, with decoys/calling etc.--now when i deer hunt it's for meat only and horns don't mean anything anymore, i'd give up 90 days of deer hunts for just one awesome mallard shoot in flooded timber. it's something i scoffed at until i tried it, and now i'm a complete "quack fiend"
I am going to assume that by asking what game we like to hunt you mean game animals and not varmints. My favorite game animal to hunt is wild pig, followed by upland game, then deer or elk, then geese. But I would drop the chance to shoot any of those for a varmint hunt.
Scorch do you hunt varmits in Wa? I never got into it just becuase there was no where localy that I knew of or no one introduced me to it. It sounds like a blast though. Also to Quack Fiend I never hunted duck w/calls and decoys. Just hid in the bushes and shot a couple, waded out and got em. These one tasted like mud. See now I have 2 new things to try when its not deer season. Thanks. :)
It's a toss up between whitetail and black bear. Both are challenging and both are good to eat. Deer season lasts much longer than bear season, so I hunt deer more often. There's nothing quite like bear hunting for excitment, though. Whether chasing hounds or hunting peanut fields that bears frequent, there's really nothing else around here that even comes close.