Favorite Color for Front Sight

I saw a nifty Wilson 1911 that had a black rear sight, and a polished gold bead on the front. Never tried that combo myself, but would like to one day.
Nakanokalronin, great link.

The other part of the color selecion issue is the need to contrast with background color.

In the 70's Mercedes did a study as to the safest color for a car. They picked a medium orange as it constrasted with lighting and enviroments. Snow , dark , rain , fog , bright sun.

Remember, red is a dark color if you are looking for contrast with a light background.
Well, I just put a red fiber optic front sight on my S & W 625 and was stunned by the difference it made. Instantly, my groups improved by 50% or more. I was impressed, so much so that I've just purchased another red fiber optic front sight for my CZ 75B. Is green better? I dunno, all I know is that the red sights work great for me.
I am pretty happy with either green Trijicons or green TruGlo TFOs. (Maybe it's my aviation background--three green is good :))
My recently acquired DW CBOB has the yellow/green combo. Methinks it will be going back and getting re-fitted with three green.
Range work = black on black
SD = 3 dot tritium if I could afford it, most of my sd guns are still black on black.