Favorite animal to hunt?

Birds, birds, and more birds! Developing a love of jackrabbit hunting as well. Contrary to popular belief, tastes great. >>> Gotta soak the meat in a beer with a fat slice of onion for one hour before throwing it on the barbecue.
turkey, spring gobblers

- The one on one nature of calling a specific bird. You locate him, set up and call, and maybe you get a shot. You seldom if ever kill a spring gobbler "by accident".

-The calling, though I don't necessarily kill all my birds by calling. He gobbles, you call, he answers and maybe comes in. I will never get tired of it.

-Great time of year. Well most of the time anyhow. Mild temps, blossoms (redbud and dogwood at the same time some seasons, gorgeous!)

-challenge, and satisfaction. Taking a buck, with the advent of green fields and shooting houses, is not to difficult, comparativley speaking. Locating a tom, setting up in the open woods on the ground,and taking the bird in shotgun range, is an accomplishment.

-easy to clean and youy don't have to drag
For my area my favorite animal to hunt Turkey,Deer,and Varmint...
I really miss the quail hunting,at one time the quail flourished here in MO. now we rarely hear the Bob White :confused:
Coues deer. For the challenge.

The country these deer typically inhabit is rough, steep, rocky, and therefore hard to stalk in. I've hunted a lot of critters in my life, but none more challenging than these little deer.

Add to that the fact that the area they inhabit is limited to Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico so they're sort of unique.

My Favorite would have to be Racoon, The Reason is because I can hunt them with Hounds, and really enjoy Listening to the Hounds Run and Tree.
Deer, elk, and squirrel take up most of my time. I'd love to hunt hogs, but I can hunt the first 3 within 30 minutes of my house.
Was sent out on a fool's errand to hold the burlap bag on a snipe hunt. Didn't like that so much, never did it again.

Hunt coyote and woodchucks. Haven't hunted whitetails much in past few years.
Spent a few decades hunting ducks and geese on Ohio's north shore.