Fatal Police Chase, who's fault?

Call me cold but I hope the guys estate has money to pay for the poor motorist's damaged vehicle and someone for them to talk to becuse it takes a heck of a toll on the person behind the wheel even if they know it's not their fault.

Call ME cold, but if someone ran into my car's path and ended up crunched to death because he was a criminal fleeing from the police, I wouldn't shed a single tear, and I would sleep soundly that very night. Screw him. He punched his OWN ticket, as a consequence of his OWN misdeeds.

Am I uncompassionate?

HELL no.

I just reserve my compassion for those who deserve it!

Blackmind, yes I agree with you, but that is an easy position to be in when you are removed from the situation, now imagine that you are a 19 year old kid, not very worldly and you splat some one, blood, guts, cops everywhere --- you can KNOW in your mind it's not your fault, you can HEAR when the cops, family and all that say it's not your fault, it still screws you up short term at best and takes it's toll on you.

Saw if first hand, dumb butt known for his stunts and showing off on his crotch rocket lost it compleatly in a curve, witnesses reported he had been up in the air doing a wheelie at about 80 --- bought it head on into the front of a VW jetta --- he was DOA, put my fingers in some part of his brain doing inital acessment, felt bad till I saw the kit who hit him who I pray is over that bad scene by now (number of years latter) but who the hell knows --- It's hard to see especally when you did't ask for it or expect it.
You blame the moron who decided to run from the police.
In our area a stupid criminal got shot following a police chase. Of course some local media types who dont know anything about law enforcement, tactics or public safety went around going on and on about how the career petty criminal had been "murdered" by "dirty" cops. He kept babbling about how they shot the guy twice. I guess he gets his concepts of gunfighting tactcs from reruns of Gunsmoke or Mannix....

I feel he would have had a different opinion had his wife been killed in a head on collission because some scumbag decided to try and outrun John Law.

One of my friends who spent 30 years in LE once told me that the only time he had to draw his weapon in the line of duty, he was halfway tempted to use it upon himself as he knew that he would get crucified in the media and sued by the perp.
I guess white cops can only chase white perps, black cops black perps... patrol cruisers will have to be 15 pax vans so we can have one each of white, black, asian, native american and whatever else just in case they run into a suspect of that ethnicity.

It depends on color of individual and many other things .In the Howard Beach NY incident an individual [perhaps on drugs] was being chased by neighborhood youths , ran onto a highway at night and was killed by a car.He was black chased by whites the whites were given the most severe punishments !!
I totally agree with k9lwt. If it was a car chase, and a innocent bystandard was injuried, it might be a different story. That would start to get into what the reason was prior to the pursuit. But when it comes to a foot pursuit, give me a brake. I've been a State Trooper for awhile. If someone runs from you, you chase them. If the bad guy wants to run from you whether its in a car or on foot you chase them until it becomes a danger to the public. If the bad guy wants to put his life in danger, thats his choice. The officer has to think about the innocent bystanders. The officers where trying to ID the guy. So apparently, they had no idea who this guy was yet, whether he was wanted or not. Obviously there was a reason why this guy ran. You don't just run from the Police for no reason. From what I've heard, there was no danger to the public at the time. If it had continued, that could have changed, but at that point there was not a danger to innocent bystanders. Mabe we should restrict TheeBadOne to a democrat forum.