Fatal Police Chase, who's fault?


Man fleeing Brooklyn Park police killed by car

A man died Saturday after being struck by a car while fleeing Brooklyn Park police.

Officers said that the man ran after being stopped about 4 a.m. Saturday for a traffic violation and while officers were attempting to check his identity. He made his way through a residential area and jumped a fence before being struck by a car while attempting to cross West Broadway Avenue, police said.

The car's driver was arrested but was released pending an investigation, said Brooklyn Park Police Sgt. Marcus Erickson.

The dead man's name had not been released as of Saturday night.


You'd think the Police would know better than to get involved in a dangerous pursuit over a minor infraction. I know that usually they don't end this bad, as most end with the out of breath suspect collapsing from exhaustion, or at most getting a few scrapes from being tackled, but hey.
Guess it's just another "Pursuit" death to be laid at the feet of "The Police"....

Who's fault? Well, in reality it's the perp's fault for running into traffic without looking both ways. In the court room, who's fault? I can almost guarantee the local PD will be paying this moron's relatives a nice settlement. :mad:
Sad outcome, but the choice to run was his, along with the consequences. Now if the man were running from a dog or jealous husband, the headlines would've read "man dies after being hit by car" with no mention of the circumstances.
Lawful stop. Suspect Runs. Suspect Runs into 4,000 LB Weapon.
I'm moving this one to Training and Tactics since the only issue seems to be the importance of lOOking before running into traffic; or perhaps, the importance of defensive driving. There isn't a whiff of Legal or Political to it.

All yours, Denny. :D If the cops were carrying wheel guns, you may wish to pass it over to the Revolver Forum. Tam's should really appreciate that.
We talked at length about this type of situation at the academy. The argument from the family will be, "If they hadn't chased him, he'd be ok now." On further reflection, I believe that what we actually talked about was if an innocent was hurt/killed during a chase. So maybe the PD will be ok afterall.
It depends on color of individual and many other things .In the Howard Beach NY incident an individual [perhaps on drugs] was being chased by neighborhood youths , ran onto a highway at night and was killed by a car.He was black chased by whites the whites were given the most severe punishments !!
Yeah, there's nothing about race in this story... as well there shouldn't be.

Clearly it's the fault of the BG. He ran. What's he expect? To NOT be chased? Then he ran out in front of a car further proving his brilliance.

Now as far as the driver of the car and why he was arrested: it doesn't seem right to us. However, we're only getting part of the story. Maybe that guy had had a little to drink earlier. Or perhaps he was going a bit fast. These are all things that in the eye of the law can make the driver responsible for the accident. This IIRC is because you could have avoided it by obeying the law. If the investigation proves that the accident was unavoidable under normal circumstances, then he'll be free to go.
Without more info, this is just a guess mind you, but I suspect the driver was detained, not arrested, for investigation of vehicular homicide. That would be SOP in that situation.
"I'm moving this one to Training and Tactics since the only issue seems to be the importance of lOOking before running into traffic; or perhaps, the importance of defensive driving. There isn't a whiff of Legal or Political to it.

All yours, Denny. If the cops were carrying wheel guns, you may wish to pass it over to the Revolver Forum. Tam's should really appreciate that."

I can see how one would have trouble with where this fits, but I think it was made clear by these comments:

"You'd think the Police would know better than to get involved in a dangerous pursuit over a minor infraction."

"Guess it's just another "Pursuit" death to be laid at the feet of "The Police".... "

This is obviously just another attempt to take a swing at the police while demonstrating ones ignorance regarding police pursuit policy and attempting to ignore that the suspect was wrong in his actions. That's pretty pathetic!
You'd think the Police would know better than to get involved in a dangerous pursuit over a minor infraction. I know that usually they don't end this bad, as most end with the out of breath suspect collapsing from exhaustion, or at most getting a few scrapes from being tackled, but hey.
Guess it's just another "Pursuit" death to be laid at the feet of "The Police"....

What are you talking about? How do you know that this is a minor infraction? It was my understanding that the police were trying to verify the identify of the person that subsequently ran into a moving vehicle. He wasn't training for a marathon, he was running for a reason. Why would you assume that the police made a mistake in chasing someone that fled while they were trying to verify his identity? It's sad that anyone would assume that the police did anything wrong. It's even more sad for you people that say this is racially motivated.

As far as the driver goes, he was arrested for a reason. People don't just get arrested for no reason. I feel bad that the fleeing subject died, but unfortunately it's his fault.
Sounds like the guy was at fault.

Sounds silly if a LEO can't chase after someone without getting blamed for some injury sustained by a clumsy criminal.
Call me cold but I hope the guys estate has money to pay for the poor motorist's damaged vehicle and someone for them to talk to becuse it takes a heck of a toll on the person behind the wheel even if they know it's not their fault.
nah its the cops fault. they should have known better to oppress the poor folks who cant get no job and have to commit crimes. i mean, if that poor guy who ran wasnt committing crimes his family wouldnt have a roof over their heads or food on the table.

:eek: :D :rolleyes: :cool: :p