Faked Iranian-US government incident

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This whole thing is ridiculous. You have a poster who is utterly biased posting an article written by someone who is utterly biased. Add toplausible that the fact that Iran has already demonstrated its propensity to do stupid things with its "navy" as demonstrated with the british incident, and you have something that is not only entirely plausible, but likely, and absent CREDIBLE evidence to the contrary, should be taken seriously.
Yeah, whatever, Stage. Everyone knows that this is a big conspiracy, just like when the US government blew up the twin towers. And when they said we landed on the moon. The entire US Navy is involved in the conspiracy. The speedboats are actually digitally created. So are the US ships. So is the water. My sources indicate that George Lucas helped the Navy to create this whole thing out of thin air. :eek:

After all, Rosie O'Donnel, Iran, and Huffington all say it's a scam. What we need is a congressional investigation by Nancy Pelosi; maybe Ron Paul can co-chair that committee.
Yeah, I'm sure we faked the whole thing.I know the 3 times, on 3 sdiferent carriers when I was in the gulf, we were constanty spending our time setting up elaborate frame jobs.:rolleyes: I also find it funny how if Bush is such a complete idiot like people like to claim, how he can be smart enough to pull off all these elaborate conspiracies the same people are always accusing him of.Also, I'm sure we faked it, as it's not like the Iranians have NEVER done anything like this before....just ask the 15 British saliors that were taken prisoner off the coast of IRAQ, by the Iranian navy (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6484279.stm).Its not like they also have a history of harrassing ships in he gulf by putting mines in the inernational shipping channels(http://www.navybook.com/nohigherhonor/pic-ffg58damage.shtml)That apparently never happened either, or dumb 'ol Bush got those British sailors in on his evil plots.:rolleyes: Pretty cunning for a moron....

I'd also greatly appreciate people not accusing my fellow sailors of being dishonorable, by accusing them of lies, incompetance,dereliction of duty, frame jobs, and vast conspiracies.Especially coming from people I'm willing to bet have no idea what thier talking about, and have never served on a ship with the Navy,and thus know NOTHING about what goes on and how things are done.So,unless there is some kind of proof of wrongdoing on the Navy's part, (and Iran's claims of thier peaceful nature, always the innocent victim of evil western powers isn't proof of anything), I think its VERY wrong to accuse honorable military men and women, risking thier lives every day to protect all of us,of dishonorable actions base on wild conspiracy theories and ZERO proof.
AT3 USN 2001-2006
USS Enterprise
USS Roosevelt
USS Nimitz
something that should have precluded his earning a bachelors degree from Harvard, much less a masters.

Pat, I'm pretty sure that the Prez did his lowly undergrad work at one of the lesser schools...Yale, I believe.

FWIW, I think he got this country into a horrible mess into Iraq. However, I doubt that his intellect had anything to do with that. You might recall that Bush's IQ is higher than Kerry's, and, I'd venture a guess, higher than Pat's. :D
Pat, I'm pretty sure that the Prez did his lowly undergrad work at one of the lesser schools...Yale, I believe.
The focus was on his attendance at Harvard, but, yes, his undergrad school was Yale, he was a legacy admit there.

FWIW, I think he got this country into a horrible mess into Iraq. However, I doubt that his intellect had anything to do with that. You might recall that Bush's IQ is higher than Kerry's, and, I'd venture a guess, higher than Pat's.
I know of no reliable measure of the Bush II IQ, I've seen a comparison of what was alleged to be his SAT score with Al Gore's SAT score, both were within a few points of each other.

Your last statement is funny. Thanks.
The willingness to believe the worst about our country, and to be so obsessed with hatred for our President that one is ready to take the side of our enemies and assume we are at fault is really a measure of the absence of patriotism and self-hatred so many on the left seem to possess. If you truly believe that this incident was somehow staged or faked by our U.S. Navy, and that this is typical behavior for our government, I assume you are already packing your bags and leaving for what you believe to be a better place to live. We are facing a real threat from Islamic extremists who mean us harm, and I for one would welcome the America-haters to leave this great country and let those of us who love America and all that it represents stand up for her. This country is not perfect, but it is the last great hope of mankind, and undoubtedly the greatest nation on the face of the earth. I have nothing but contempt for the cowards who so fear for their well being that they are ready to throw this nation under the guns of our enemies so as to not have to stand up like men and fight. God help us if those of you that I am describing are more than a sick minority of our citizenry. I am proud of the 24 years I served in the U.S. Army, and though I am now what most would call an "old man" I still have more fight left in me than you losers who hate my nation.
IIRC President Bush is a YALE graduate. Was an Ivy League school the
last time I looked. Though as a Rutgers grad I think we need a moratorium
on elite school graduates holding high government office.
I know of no reliable measure of the Bush II IQ, I've seen a comparison of what was alleged to be his SAT score with Al Gore's SAT score, both were within a few points of each other.
IQ scores mean nothing. I have a 162 IQ (or at least I did in high school, I feel a little dumber now) and I am a total bum. :)
I saw the video. I've seen more aggressive maneuvering pretty much every weekend around the Port of Miami. The audio at the end was weird, and the fact that no shots were fired tells me this wasn't much of an "incident" at all.

Why are the politicians on both sides making a big deal out of it?:confused:
Mossad false flag operation sounds more like it.

Gee it didnt take more than a page and a half to see them come out.:barf:

I've lost 10 pounds, inventory is done, Ron Paul is finished and I am going to enjoy the Shot Show and keep my blood pressure down. Congrats, you can join my extremely small ignore list.

WildtahtahAlaska ™
The willingness to believe the worst about our country, and to be so obsessed with hatred for our President that one is ready to take the side of our enemies and assume we are at fault is really a measure of the absence of patriotism and self-hatred so many on the left seem to possess.
Uh-huh. I've never had an issue with America. The US government has never been America, isn't America now, and will never be America. I'm a patriot for America.

If you truly believe that this incident was somehow staged or faked by our U.S. Navy, and that this is typical behavior for our government, I assume you are already packing your bags and leaving for what you believe to be a better place to live.
The incident was a non-event. Several boats under Iranian control were lawfully operating in Iranian coastal waters, that by International law with which they do not agree are available to the US Navy. The intimidation is on the part of the US navy, not Iran. What was it, five fiberglass speed boats vs. the two carrier groups operating in the area with a compliment of about 200 combat aircraft. I'm shaking from fright now.
We are facing a real threat from Islamic extremists who mean us harm, and I for one would welcome the America-haters to leave this great country and let those of us who love America and all that it represents stand up for her.
America faces an inconvenience from Islamic radicals, it is threatened by US government encroachments on our freedoms and liberty.
This country is not perfect, but it is the last great hope of mankind, and undoubtedly the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
Could have been, but is not. Could still be, but for false patriots loyal to government and not to America.
I have nothing but contempt for the cowards who so fear for their well being that they are ready to throw this nation under the guns of our enemies so as to not have to stand up like men and fight. God help us if those of you that I am describing are more than a sick minority of our citizenry. I am proud of the 24 years I served in the U.S. Army, and though I am now what most would call an "old man" I still have more fight left in me than you losers who hate my nation.
24 years. Not quite as many as I did, but close.

Before I end this, let me refer you to the late Smedley Butler, Maj. General, USMC, retired; two time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor. He became a patriot.
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The incident was a non-event. Several boats under Iranian control were lawfully operating in Iranian coastal waters, that by International law with which they do not agree are available to the US Navy.

You simply don't know what you're talking about here. The Strait of Hormuz is an international waterway. Under international law it is open to all shipping, including US Naval vessels.

International law does not recognize the Strait as Iranian territorial waters, if that's what you meant by "Iranian coastal waters."

The intimidation is on the part of the US navy, not Iran.

By that statement you've proven your anti-American bias once again. You're saying that the lawful transit of US naval vessels through an international waterway constitutes intimidation. Your statement is so bizarre it could have been uttered by Ron Paul himself.

What was it, five fiberglass speed boats vs. the two carrier groups operating in the area with a compliment of about 200 combat aircraft. I'm shaking from fright now.

You seem to be as much of an expert on naval air power as you are on International law.

Hitting a small speedboat from a US Naval aircraft would be difficult at best, and the aircraft would have to be in the immediate vicinity as the speedboats approached.

And do please share with us your deep, special insider knowledge of how close the US carriers were to the location of this incident and how long it would have taken the Navy to: 1. rig a fighter with the armament appropriate to take out one of these speedboats. 2. launch the fighter, 3. get to the scene.

You and Ron Paul both dismiss the potential damage that a 35 ft. speedboat packed with explosives could do to a US warship. I am left wondering whether you people have ever even heard of the USS Cole.

Just more anti-American crap from Ron Paul and his Blame America First Brigade™
70% of Americans want the US government to stop intimidating everyone in the middle east.

The Iranians are no threat to America and never have been.

I, like Ron Paul, am a patriot for America and don't care one whit about what the US government does or does not want.

The US government needs to obey the law and do what they're being told by American patriots.

The notion that US warships "were just motoring along, minding their own business" is ludicrous at best. They need to be ordered to their ports in America, not to leave US waters for the foreseeable future.
1. What factors caused the commanders to perceive a threat from the speedboats.

2. How the perceived threat from the speedboats changed during the incident, from the beginning, to the middle, to the end of the incident.

3. What factors caused the commanders to not fire on the speedboats.

4. If the commanders were somehow "derelict" in their duty by not firing, please tell us exactly when they should have fired at the speedboats.

This ought to be very interesting, I'm sure I'll learn quite a bit. Thanks!

I don't know, because I was not there. But if they jeopardized the safety of their ships and crew, then I think thats pretty bad.

They should have fired when they felt threatened, and not risked another USS Cole incident.

If they did not feel threatened, they should not have fired. This is apparently what happened. The subsequent spin may have blown their concern out of proportion.

Do you think they should not have fired if they felt their ships and men were in danger???
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