Fair Hunt or utterly unethical?

No it was not acceptable!! Nor was it "right"...
Sounds darn right dangerous, actually...

Alas, as all have said on here. Sorry you had to go through that, and public ground is public ground, no matter what creten goes on there.

Have had several run ins on public grounds.
"I'd of have the game warden involved so fast it'd make their heads spin."

This was about 8 or 9 years ago; my wife and I were elk hunting in the White Mountains of Arizona We were going up a road to get to where we wanted to hunt when my ife spotted elk disappearing into a stand of trees. I bailed out and while headed to where thy went was loading my rifle when these yahoos damn near run me over with their ATVs chasing the elk. I yells at them and got several one finger salutes from those worthy gentlemen. :mad: About a half minute later it soulds like Little Beirut with all the shots. My wife and I contunue on to where were had planned to be when we spot more elk. I get out and do a stalk and take the shot at a cow elk and drop her. I wait a couple of minutes, then go over and tag her. I then walk the mile back to the truck to get my wife to help me do the gutting and quartering. As we go back, there are two more worthy hunters who half cut my elk in half, tied it to their ATVs and are hauling their rear ends as fast as they can to get away. I find my torn up tag on the ground. Try as we might, there wasn't a game warden of cop to be found anywhere. I haven't hunted elk in Arizona since, partly because of that oncident and partly because I can't seem to draw a tag. These days, I just pay the price for a guided land owner hunt in New Mexico. Nobody there to shoot at me by mistake or steal my game.
Paul B.
On public land it happens sometimes. I had a cousin who experienced a similar situation with a white tail. Problem was the other hunters couldn't shoot. After they reloaded a few times and still hadn't hit, god alone know why the deer didn't run away, he popped his head out from behind a tree and shot it.
Husband of a coworker of mine is on his horse working cattle on the BLM land of northern NV. His horse has a blaze orange blanket on it and he was in blaze orange coveralls with a blaze orange hat and yes, someone shot his horse out from under him thinking they were shooting a deer. he held them at gunpoint until the sheriff and warden arrived whereupon their guns and truck were confiscated, they were charged with attempted murder and had to pay all sorts of fines and restitution.

If you really want to bring out these kind of idiots, have a casino sponsor a "big buck" contest. They had to stop when folks were shooting big deer, measuring them and when they weren't as big as the ones already entered, leaving them lay and going after another one.

Human greed and idiocy really amazes me sometimes
If you really want to bring out these kind of idiots, have a casino sponsor a "big buck" contest. They had to stop when folks were shooting big deer, measuring them and when they weren't as big as the ones already entered, leaving them lay and going after another one.
That's one of the primary reasons why ANY contest involving big game is illegal in Utah.

I'm very vocal about my disapproval of Utah's management methods and wildlife regulations; but the "no contests" regulation is one I support completely.
All these stories of jerk (FL doesnt allow more expletive words) hunters makes me want to support the Wardens and LE all the more. I dont understand why people shoot animals to let them die and not recover them. Or why people will risk other hunters safety for a shot. The ones who shoot when they dont even know what they are shooting at. If someone shot a horse out from under me I likely would have returned fire.
Call game warden and report the dangerous behavior. This would probably be my first choice.. At the very least, there will now be a report about these idiots for future reference.
Hummmmmmmmmmmm. They must be known as what is usually refered to as LA hunters. You know the ones. "City boys" with no manners, ethics, or reguard to safety. The ones who shoot the brush because it moved. The ones who say "nah, that ain't too far, I can nail him from here". It makes you wonder how they got their licence in the first place (sometimes the didn't). Thank goodness that they usually stick to easy access areas. Sometimes I wish the ATV was never invented. What used to be isolated and difficult to get to has changed.