Factory ammo 270 wsm

I'm not saying I will take an unethical shot, just that I will take the first good shot I get. I'm very familiar with the anatomy of deer and if I can put a shot in the vitals I will. I don't understand people's aversion to quartering shots, I would say well over half of the deer I've killed were with quartering shots.
Nothing at all wrong with quartering shots. It is about bullet construction and understanding how the bullet you are using works. Actual bullet failure is extremely rare. People using bullets to do jobs they weren't designed to do is the real reason why people often scream that a particular bullet failed. Or they didn't make a good hit.

Softer bullets tend to expand better at longer ranges where they are moving slower. Not a good choice for quartering shots at close range. Harder bullets often don't expand enough at longer ranges where speed is too slow, but penetrate much better on quartering shots.

Caliber is almost irrelevant anymore. Pick the bullet construction for the task and game most likely to be encountered, understand how it works and use it right and they all work.
I don't understand people's aversion to quartering shots
As I mentioned before, an oncoming deer that presents a front shoulder is almost sure to give you a better broadside shot at closer range. But if they are quartering away, they are going away and it's the best shot you will likely get and a very good one at that. The aversion is about wasting meat. A full broadside shot through the lungs wastes no meat. It's the ideal shot that you don't always get. Quartering shots are do-able. But if I have reasonable hope of a better shot by waiting, I will.
I know bullet construction is paramount when considering what shot angle to take, I probably wouldn't take a hard quartering away shot with the Winchester ballistic silvertip but as long as I could flip the last rib I would.