People of foreign decent do not trust banks or government, SEEMS THEY ARE SMARTER THAN MOST OF US!!! Some Americans dont trust banks and perhaps the woman had cash because some of the money was cash transactions and maybe she didnt want to pay taxes, who knows the whole story. I wonder if she ever had a criminal record, I know for a fact profiling is a major tool used by ALL law enforcement, and it isnt just foreigners.I dont think it would be hard to check the womans story, she must have had contact with a doctor or some kind of evidence to back her story. As far as the agent making the your body looks fine to me, isnt that SEXUAL HARASSMENT? Look at Pam Anderson, she didnt know when to stop!
Didnt some guy by the name of Bubba Clinton and his cohorts give this kind of power to our Federal agents, remember Waco? Sadly some Americans never learn and it wouldnt surprise me to see the only woman in America wearing a cast iron jockstrap become president, yup Hillary RODHAM Klingon, Why not, Bubba got in twice even with all the scandals. I wonder why my usually fearless vicious dog cowers under the bed and wimpers when Hillary comes on TV? I've read where animals have great instincts when it comes to sensing the presence of evil. The is Clintons real legacy
I question if we really do have the most freedom of any nation or country, sadly I am beginning to wonder. When I read these things it makes me sick, I spent 20+ years with the Air Force defending a constitution that at times seems to be bogus. We must remember, Hillary is one of the politicians
( mostly if not all Democrats ) who feels the constitution is a living document, it is outdated and needs to be rewritten. I fear America has seen its finest days pass, and if the U.N has anything to say about it we will be part of a socialist union.
Sadly most Americans are to absorbed in their daily struggle and a minority of others enjoying the fruits of life to even care. We have an educational system ( JOKE) that teaches very little about the true history of our country, our constitution which empowers the people, though less and less as time progresses and what freedom really is or means. I think our federal agencies have a shoot them all and let god sort them out mentallity, with zero common sense. Just remember POWER CORRUPTS and with some people its a mental illness. There is a reason why some people pursue these positions and it isnt to serve and protect!
The biggest problem are the liberal judges and parole boards, how many times have you watched a real crime program, first 48, forensic files etc and the perp has a lenghty record of violent crime, drug distribution and whatever else
and he or she is on the street commiting yet more crime. We, the 90% or more of decent law abiding citizens are now treated just like them by law enforcement with a shoot them all and let GOD ( the courts ) sort them out mentallity. How are we to respect people like this when they show absolutely no respect toward us.
I sit here on the 4th of July and it really saddens me to think of all the brave men and woman throughout our history who fought and died to make this country and defend this country and the constitution so many sacraficed for, and look at where we are today. We may be the greatest nation, but where are we headed and what will the future hold for our children and grandchildren.