I always thought of Fudds as the type of gunowner who are ready and willing to throw those of us who enjoy EBR's, handguns, and whatever else they don't have an interest in under the bus so long as their precious deer rifles and trap guns are left alone.
I started hearing the term in the late 1990's, when one segment of the gun culture claimed that a bunch of sporting shooters had somehow "thrown us under the bus" by not being vocal enough in opposition of the AWB.
While it's true that there are some in the culture who see no need for high-capacity magazines and such, I can't see how they threw anybody under the wheels of any mode of public transportation, metaphorical or not.
In all truth, the same guys griping about the "Fudds" were the ones cackling while they sold off 30-round AK-47 magazines for $100 bucks at gun shows during the ban.
The most ironic part? Those "Fudds" were lifetime NRA members, and many were quite active in the community, while the ankle-biters couldn't be troubled to do anything but write angry missives on rec.guns. I know, because I was there.
The term "Fudd" is inaccurate, unfair, and in my opinion, it qualifies as a cheap shot and a counterproductive stereotype.