Facebook Ammunition for your Anti "Friends"


New member
I have a good sized family as friends in Facebook who are at the opposite end of the political spectrum than I. Where that comes into play here is on the 2A where most are Fudds. They have no problem with a deer rifle or trap gun (except for the total pacifist vegan) but handguns and anything else are people killing machines with no purpose. Being in the NYC vicinity the Empire State Building "shooting spree" caused another wave of nonsense "handguns have no purpose" posts.

I have taken to linking a story from here http://nraila.org/gun-laws/armed-citizen.aspx every couple of day. So far none of them have responded but a fair share of others have "come out of the closet" in support of self defense.

If you are like me and have a diverse friends list on Facebook then try this out. Our biggest problem is we preach to the choir. This is a simple way to get the point across to those not already openly on our side.
I frequently read the Huffington Post to get "both" sides of a story. RKBA types can really raise their blood pressure by reading a lot of those comments, by the way. At any rate, i couldn't help but respond to a commenter who claimed that no lawfully armed citizen had ever stopped a violent attack, because if that had occurred the NRA would have been shouting it from the rooftops!

I felt just a little smug in pointing out to that commenter that the NRA's montly magazine has a section at the beginning of every issue which re-prints those very types of stories from all media outlets.
Skans, Facebook is a great way for quazi and full fledged criminals to get your personal information for personal gain & nefarious purposes.

Beyond that, I don't know.
Facebook is a great way for morons to give out personal information to those they do not want having it. For those with a brain in their head it is an exceptional way of keeping up with a large, dispersed family and group of friends.
In all of those cases on the website, the armed citizen should have:
A, first tired too talk the other person out of what they were doing
B, used a non leathal alternative like pepper spray
C, shot the intruder in the leg to incapacitate them

All joking aside, what more evidence do you need that armed Citizens are the best defense against people who are willing to break the law to get what they want.
In my view anyone who breaks the law and endangers another person has given up any human rights they had and if they get shot then so be it.
I only have a few friends on FB who are into guns. I don't post anything at all on FB. FB is the biggest piece of spyware ever created.
For those with a brain in their head it is an exceptional way of keeping up with a large, dispersed family and group of friends.

Gee, so does a phone call or Skype video call with a more personal touch

Back on track, for those who DO post, remember not to get into emotional postings, just post positive posts than show again and again how gun ownership is positive

BTW - OP, FUDD is a derogatory term when applied to us older folks who may not totally agree with your choice about EBR's etc. The LAST group you want to alienate are fellow gun owners who may view things differently than you due to their experiences

Make sure you present a united front
FUDD is a derogatory term when applied to us older folks who may not totally agree with your choice about EBR's etc. The LAST group you want to alienate are fellow gun owners who may view things differently than you due to their experiences

Make sure you present a united front

I always thought of Fudds as the type of gunowner who are ready and willing to throw those of us who enjoy EBR's, handguns, and whatever else they don't have an interest in under the bus so long as their precious deer rifles and trap guns are left alone. Given that I've heard lots of comments along the lines of "nobody needs more than X number of rounds" or "handguns aren't good for anything but killing people" from Fudds, I have to wonder who is alienating who.
You can control who yhou want as friends on Facebook. Why let the anti-s be yiour friend.Unless you like the debate?

I have a variety of friends, with many different beliefs regarding guns, political/social issues, religion, etcetera. I'm not going to unfriend someone on Facebook just because our views don't line up 100%. Now, if I knew someone whose only reason for being on FB was to espouse their views, and who wasn't interested in reasoned responses to their posts, I'd probably remove them from my list of FB friends.
Fudd definition

Fudd: hunter of wabbits; one who aims at, shoots, and does not hit said wabbit; hunter in non-camo attire who welentlessly hunts wabbits.
I always thought of Fudds as the type of gunowner who are ready and willing to throw those of us who enjoy EBR's, handguns, and whatever else they don't have an interest in under the bus so long as their precious deer rifles and trap guns are left alone.
I started hearing the term in the late 1990's, when one segment of the gun culture claimed that a bunch of sporting shooters had somehow "thrown us under the bus" by not being vocal enough in opposition of the AWB.

While it's true that there are some in the culture who see no need for high-capacity magazines and such, I can't see how they threw anybody under the wheels of any mode of public transportation, metaphorical or not.

In all truth, the same guys griping about the "Fudds" were the ones cackling while they sold off 30-round AK-47 magazines for $100 bucks at gun shows during the ban.

The most ironic part? Those "Fudds" were lifetime NRA members, and many were quite active in the community, while the ankle-biters couldn't be troubled to do anything but write angry missives on rec.guns. I know, because I was there.

The term "Fudd" is inaccurate, unfair, and in my opinion, it qualifies as a cheap shot and a counterproductive stereotype.
I always thought of Fudds as the type of gunowner who are ready and willing to throw those of us who enjoy EBR's, handguns, and whatever else they don't have an interest in under the bus so long as their precious deer rifles and trap guns are left alone. Given that I've heard lots of comments along the lines of "nobody needs more than X number of rounds" or "handguns aren't good for anything but killing people" from Fudds, I have to wonder who is alienating who.

Tom Servo said:
The most ironic part? Those "Fudds" were lifetime NRA members, and many were quite active in the community, while the ankle-biters couldn't be troubled to do anything but write angry missives on rec.guns. I know, because I was there.

The term "Fudd" is inaccurate, unfair, and in my opinion, it qualifies as a cheap shot and a counterproductive stereotype.

Concur with Tom. We're all in this together. Many of the "Fudds", (I resemble that remark) are very active in 2A related activities. I'm a hunter. I don't compete, I don't worry about who has the latest and greatest accessory. All of my gun-related activity is focused on the game fields. However, I'm a big proponent of concealed and open carry, I instruct young shooters in the various disciplines, and I've brought dozens of folks into the shooting sports.

Oh, and I don't do Facebook. I had an account for awhile, but realized that I was the product, not the user.