FAA "No Pocket Knife" rule Ticks me off.

Had to go for jury duty requring a trip through the metaldetector I (City County building must be a high priority target?) demagnetised myself removing all metal I only carried my car key and drivers license even made sure to wear pants with plastic fasteners I thought this would facilatate a quicker process. To my supprise it frustrated the youngster with the wand wanted me to lift my pant legs up above my socks it upset him when I told him they went to my knees. He coped a mild attitude. Poor fella. He probobly thinks hes doing a real job there. I have been back for other buisness since then it seems to realy bother these kids when you don't ring the bells.:)
homefires said:
If I can't drive, I just don't need to go!

I agree. Not only do I get to my destination cheaper (even in a V-8), but I can carry what I want, I can carry all of the baggage I want, stop when I want, eat what I like, sleep where I wish and even begin my journey at the time I see fit.

If you have to travel 800 miles or less, you're a chump to fly.
The rule is stupid, and they're not particularly good at enforcing it either. The other day, my brother forgot to pack his pocket knife and wound up flying with it on the plane. That is the 3rd time he has done that since 9/11, but he hasn't hijacked any planes yet.

I make sure to bring a sharpened pencil, but the no knife rule is very annoying. I had remembered to pack my knife, then almost couldn't break into the little cup of orange juice they gave me on the plane. I instinctively reached for my knife, remembered it was below in my luggage, silently cursed the idiots who won't arm the pilots but insist on trying to disarm me, then broke into the juice using the sharp point on the ends of my reading glasses.
Not so much unemployed, just lucky to have the option to take leave time in one or two large chunks per year instead of only a few days at a time.

I admit it's tough for everyone because it's so dependant on work and other comittments, but if you have the option to drive, it's really nice. You can (to a point) set your schedule, you can take what you want, and the hassles are fewer and farther between (as opposed to airline travel, anyway).
I just hate driving for long distances. :o Even though I can take a couple days to drive to 'Frisco I'd rather fly there and have more time to chill with my friends and enjoy that incredible city.

Work is a different matter but still, even if I had the time to drive I probably wouldn't. I have to go to New York and New Jersey every few weeks or so and having to suffer the same visage of frakking cornfields, cows and colleges in Ohio would be bring me to tears.

I don't mind going on road trips and seeing the countryside - we do have some beautiful land out there - but if the point is to get to a destination I want to be there, not numb my ass and put undue stress on my back for half a day each way. The convenience of flying is worth the hassle of not being able to carry. I fly from major hub to major hub so I have no problem setting my own schedule, I always check a gun in my luggage and I like being able to beat the living crap out of rental cars when I get there. :D

But whatever floats y'alls boats. :p
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I carry almost all the time, gun and knife. Everyone I work with knows about the knife and laughs. The latest is a sweet Eickhorne lock blade I bought on a business tripp to Switzerland last yers.

At the same time I travel for work, often to places like IL. Very often I do not check a bag which means I cannot even send a pocket knife through for when I get there. What bothers me most is not that I am "Disarmed and Helpless" but that whenever I go to open a package or do some other task I use my knife for daily I reach down and find it not there. It is damn inconvienent.

People need to chill a little bit. All prepareness also has to do with playign the odds. If I carry 300 days a year odds are those will be the days a lethal force encounter happens, which in itself is a very rare prospect. Mental awareness can do far more for avoiding trouble than a gun. I still ahve the gun for the rare chance it will be absolutely needed, but I am smart enough to know I can avoid most anything without it. The aggravation about not having the knife is convience.

As far as flying, I am not worried in the least that not having a knife will leave me at the terrorist's mercy. There will be NO plane hijackings. After 9/11 people are not going to sit back and let the plane be flown into a building because Ahkmed has a box cutter. If something like that were to happen I would be up, bare handed if needed but more likely using any object, including the tray table I will rip off the seat infront of me, to beat him to death. I also very much doubt I will be the only one doing so. There have been more than one incident on flights where a passenger flipped out and was "restrained" by the other passengers. They don't like to talk about it but it happens. The terrorists know this. They will most likely not even attemtp to hijack the plan. If your flight has been targetted the first warning you will likely have will be a guy yelling "Allah Ahkbar" followed by an explosion. No Swiss Army knife is going to matter in such a situation.

At the same time the chance of my flight blowing up from a terrorist bomb is far smaller than the chance of me being killed by a drunk driver while making sales calls. Again people, keep perspective here.

You are not going to get to carry guns or knives ever again on an airplane, except as checked luggage. I am happy I can at least bring some toothpaste so I can stop buying it every time I reach a new city when not checking luggage! Now that was a stupid rule!

Any person who complains about how the Gov't forces us to live in fear of terrorists by not allowing them to bring a knife on a plane while at the same time refusing to fly because they are afraid of not having their gun or knife on them needs to really look at what the definition of "living in fear" is.
What if you take off say WA and land in Texas where your CCW isn't valid?

You may not be able to carry in such a case but as long as you are not going to a place like NY where it is illegal to even have a handgun that is not on your NY State Pistol Permit you can still travel with it.

If you find yourself landing in a place like NY with a handgun in your luggage, say a diverted flight or missed connection DO NOT CLAIM YOUR BAG!!!!! Insist the airline keep it for transfer to the next flight. If you claim it and then come back to the NY airport later they will arrest you for having an illegal handgun. Federal Transportation Laws will not protect you as you will have likely stopped in the state overnight in such a case. Perhaps you can win in court but it will cost you thousands of dollars at a minimum and time in a NY court. Just don't claim the bag and tell the airline why. As long as you properly checked the firearm on the way out to begin with and you never take possesion of it in NY you will be fine.
Musketeer said:
the Gov't forces us to live in fear of terrorists

Oh, we do a pretty good job of that amongst ourselves. Face it, if some loon chooses to blow himself to smithereens at social distances near you, that folding knife is going to be totally worthless.

My point is that the government/airlines don't trust their own people and have chosen this worthless parlor trick to show that "they care."

To my knowledge, no gray-haired, middle-aged, Harley riding, strict constructionist has even blown up an aircraft. However, if I casually remark, "I still have my knife" while in an airport I will be wrestled to ground faster than a rice cake at a professional photo shoot.

I am punishing the airlines the best way there is.

Retired people travel. I have money and free time. I will not patronize airlines.
Large zip-lock bags now on the list?

Someone who just took a commercial plane flight yesterday mentioned to me that security screeners have apparently banned large ziplock bags. I'm not kidding. They let him take a small (maybe 6"x6") one through, but a larger one (gallon size, empty) was prohibited.
Someone who just took a commercial plane flight yesterday mentioned to me that security screeners have apparently banned large ziplock bags. I'm not kidding. They let him take a small (maybe 6"x6") one through, but a larger one (gallon size, empty) was prohibited.

Maybe they are afraid Terrorists will now threaten to put a gallon size bag over someones head and suffocate them. :rolleyes:
Someone who just took a commercial plane flight yesterday mentioned to me that security screeners have apparently banned large ziplock bags. I'm not kidding. They let him take a small (maybe 6"x6") one through, but a larger one (gallon size, empty) was prohibited.

No. He is referring to the bag that is used to carry liquids through security. You can take as many zip locks in as you want in any size you can carry. The limit for the bag used to take liquis onto the airplaine is a 1Qt. aize clear ziplock containing liquids and gels in containers of no more than 3 or 4 oz. each. I believe 3 oz but have to double check.

People from time to time show up with 1 gallon ziplock bags holding the BJ's family size containr of shampoo they use at home. They also jut fill up the 1 gallon bag with tons of smaller containers. The ban is no on 1 gallon bags but on using larger than 1 Qt. bags for carrying liquids.