FAA "No Pocket Knife" rule Ticks me off.


New member
Just wanted to know if anyone else is ticked off about this stupid rule? I've not flown since before 9/11/01 mostly as a protest to their stupid "no pocket knife" rule but my wife has talked me into going to Phoenix, AZ. in early Dec. to visit her family and not being able to take my swiss army knife and my lock blade knife on board the plane has really been doing a number on me. I'll wake up early some mornings and just lay there and wonder what I'd do if my seat belt jams in a crash and I don't have any thing that I can use to cut myself free with. I wonder what if hi-jackers manage to sneek something aboard and I'm left helpless in the face of this.
It just seems like "the powers that be" want to make us more and more helpless so we'll have no choice but to keep them in power to protect us and as someone that likes to take care of myself it really sticks in my craw.
I really wish they'd allow at least pocket knives on planes, even if I couldn't carry my lock blade. At least I'd not feel so helpless. :(
Sucks but it's not gonna happen any time in the near future. We're "lucky" they "let" us take lighters and shampoo on planes these days. :rolleyes: Don't y'all just feel so much safer?
Remember the movie "Evil Roy Slade" with John Astin, the part where they were trying to teach him to go without his weapons and when he was finally disarmed he couldn't even walk? LOL, That's me, LOL. I've carried a pocket knife of one kind or another since I was 6 years old and it's just so hard not to have one on my person at all times that I almost can't function without it.
I know it sounds crazy but you don't know just how many times the sissors or toothpick on my Swiss Army knife have come in handy. It's just a little tool kit that I rely on all the time and not to have it is going to be a really hard thing for me to deal with.
I guess another thing that bugs me is how Bush came on the TV and said that the government wasn't going to let the acts of 9/11 affect our lives. That we(the government) weren't going to let it affect our Freedoms because if we did then the terrorist would win. Well, looks like it HAS affected our Freedoms so I guess the terrorist have won because they've totally changed the way we do things in this country.
Oh, I understand. Ever since Scouts I rarely go anywhere without a pocket knife or a leatherman. I often have a Gerber EZ-Out in my pocket just because, I keep at least one Leatherman in the truck at all times - I consider it part of my absolutely-necessary-emergency-kit - and my laptop bag has its own dedicated Swiss Army knife.

I hate flying without one but both my job and my lifestyle demand frequent traveling so I've had to suck it up and hope I never need something I don't have. :(
I wonder what if hi-jackers manage to sneek something aboard and I'm left helpless in the face of this.

You could always throw your peanuts - OH WAIT, they don't serve peanuts anymore because of people's allergies - AHEM...pretzels at em!

"Take that you Jihadist-type, mean man!" LOL

Really though, I would just charge the guy. Even if he shoots me or stabs me, it isn't gonna stop my big butt from knocking him on his butt and giving other passengers a chance to secure him.

The rules and laws which have affected us may be with good intent, but I feel they are without justice to the freedoms we fight for in this country.

Imagine if everyone on those planes were allowed to carry a handgun with them. Do you believe the hijackers would have gotten into the cabins of those planes? Even if they just allowed or required the pilots or the stewards to carry a weapon...the evil would have been stopped.

Our laws, those keeping us from our inherent freedoms, are causing loss of life every day.
You want to talk about the death of common sense?

Having to throw away my cigar cutter getting on the plane from Kuwait back to the states, because we had to generally follow all the same FAA rules of a civilian flight. But, of course, government-issued weapons are excepted. So I could have my M16 and M9 bayonet.


Just another one of those rules that helps create the semblance of safety for those that know no better, while not actually doing anything to make them safer.
Took my laptop on a commercial flight recently. At the time, I kept a small pocket-size screwdriver & plier kit in my briefcase, in case I had to remove a component or tinker with the laptop. The FAA had a hissy fit! They almost didn't let me on the plane. I had to leave the security line, go to a gift shop, buy a parcel envelope, and mail the tool kit home before they would let me through the metal detectors. Had to get the full pat down, too.
And to think, I've got a CCW, the Local Sheriff, TBI and FBI have done background checks on me and think I'm a good "risk" to carry a concealed handgun on the streets BUT the FAA won't let me have a pocket knife, go figure. I think those of us with CCW's should be allowed to carry on aircraft so long as we use proper ammunition(frangibles) and we keep it conceled so we won't freek out other "non-gun" passengers. Like you said, it'd make a terrorist think three times before he tried anything like 9/11 again. Instead, we're made even more helpless in the face of a terrorist threat all in the name of "keeping us safer". These warm fuzz feel good laws and rules are really not doing us any good and if anything they're doing us more harm.
Maybe the FAA can come up with a special "Pocket Knife Permit" that we can get so we can carry again, just a thought. LOL.
Well, the FAA shouldn't bar us from carrying but the airlines would still have the right to place their own restrictions.

But I have strong hope that there would be at least a few airlines willing to take the politically incorrect risk. Or maybe a new one would start up just for us. :D I know I'd be first in line to fly GLOCKAir. :cool:
Funny you should mention that Redworm. I was thinking the same thing. If an airline would start up that would allow those of us with a CCW to carry I'd bet it'd do a heck of a business AND I also bet it'd NEVER be Hi-Jacked either.
It seems that the FAA along with our government has been doing the totally oppisite thing that it should, instead of trying to dis-arm everyone they should be trying to arm everyone so as to make the odds more even.
Don't give the TSA that much credit. I keep several tools on my keychain that I forgot to take off and went right through security. No one saw it and I realized what happened once I was on the plane. The same thing happened on another occasion with one of my swiss cards.

Don't interpret this as me saying its ok to take these things on the plane or that you will get them on. Its against the rules and I've seen plenty of people get things confiscated or have to do the whole mailing routine.

What I am saying is that in the rush of packing for a trip and trying to remember everything I sometimes forget to not take things, and thus far they have been missed by the monkeys that work at the airport.
I'm Not Giving Up My P-38 I have been carrying sense 1979! Period! Or my Smith and Wesson screw driver! Both on my Key Chain! :mad:

Oh! Piss on it! If I can't drive, I just don't need to go!
I forgot to search my briefcase before flying recently, they got my Swiss Card. I've been known to mail a pocket knife to my destination and back.
My girlfriend are going on a vacation. We could fly on a one hour flight, or drive for 7 hours.

We now choose to drive. Driving was cheaper, even with an overnight hotel on the way. And much less hassle than flying. Oh, and we didn't need to rent a car when we get there. And we get to bring a pocketknife along.

Airlines are losing business. They are losing mine.

If I can't drive, I just don't need to go!


With the cost of airline tickets anymore, it really doesn't cost me much different. Ocassionally saves me $$, too.

The time-savings and "convenience" of flying just can't make up for the stupid rules, the discomfort, the waits, the delays, the irritation, and (lately) the cost.

Airlines will figure it out eventually, and I'm sure more than one small carrier has thought, as they were closing their doors, "letting the government control our business was a really dumb idea".

Sorry guys, in a cynical mood lately:(
I guess a lot of people here must be unemployed and have lots of time to drive to places.

I personally could not spend 3 or 4 days driving to California, and 3 or 4 days driving back. That would cost me way more in lost wages than the price of a ticket.

Not so much unemployed, just lucky to have the option to take leave time in one or two large chunks per year instead of only a few days at a time.

I admit it's tough for everyone because it's so dependant on work and other comittments, but if you have the option to drive, it's really nice. You can (to a point) set your schedule, you can take what you want, and the hassles are fewer and farther between (as opposed to airline travel, anyway).
I agree; it's stupid.

It just seems like "the powers that be" want to make us more and more helpless so we'll have no choice but to keep them in power to protect us and as someone that likes to take care of myself it really sticks in my craw.

You're starting to understand correctly how politicians think, exactly.
When I do have to fly, I try to use the commuters that fly planes small enough to be exempt from the TSA routine.