Eye-opener at the gas pump tonight

way to go Clayfish

+1 on that! It always works the other way 'round with the hubster. If he does get gas for me, he never ever ever fills it up. Drives me batty. But hey, after you've been married 24 years, a few bats are allowed :D

This was nothing that required your hand moving to "right about where my G30 will be next month" This wasn't a situation that even required the thought of using deadly force and you're moving for a weapon?

Nothing wrong with paying attention to your surroundings but I think you're a little paranoid if everyone that approaches you is deserving of you reaching for a weapon.

Maybe some training is in order before you strap on the handgun?
Good Point ---

This definatly was NOT a hand on gun situation, no where even near, moreover if one is a "questionable" area dealing with "questionable" individuals (forgive me but that is about what I am getting out of this thread) than there is a fine line that seperates situational awarness and projecting a non-victim / confidant stance and projecting something provocative --- if they guy in the hooded shirt was a goblin --- not intent on harming you "just hang'in" seeing a gun reach / or even just a pat, combined with the wrong look from you might be enough to make a passing encounter into something more ---- aside from wanting to decondition yourself from reaching or touching your gun you will want to have the arto of looking without really looking down pat --- how to keep an eye on a suspected goblin (my dam truck takes forever to fill so sometiems I have all too long to sit and watch the comings and goings at an all night station) without them noticing your watchfull eye. A good excuse incase you fail always helps too --- I rode / drove one of those a few years ago or something else mildly complimentary and non-confrontational is always good.
FYI, a law was just passed here in Texas a little over a month ago that allows you to have a handgun in your auto without having to have a CHL. Once you get out of the car with it you're in trouble, but using it from within the auto as a defensive device is where you are protected. I parked next to a phone booth about twenty miles out in the desert down on the rio grande one night, not a soul around for miles, and a car load of mexicans, five of them pulled up, looked at me and parked. the driver stepped out and stood by the car, two of them started around toward the back of my truck as the other ones were headed to the front, i came flying out with my service auto backing away from the truck to keep them from surrounding me. fortunately, they slid on the gravel trying to scramble back to the car. i covered them until they squauled out of there and finished my phone call to another officer i was talking to. bottom line... BE ALERT

protect yourself and your girl.
another thing, a hood isn't necessarily just going to walk up to you and rob you. he's going to hand you a church flyer or ask you for some change, or see if you've got change for a twenty, or he needs to sell a watch or a raffle ticket or something... something to feel you out to read the ease of his situation. he walks up, say, "i don't know what you want but back the F away from me now. do not approach any closer or i will be forced to defend myself. that makes it very clear that you are ready, and your intentions are clearer than he wants them to be.
I think its best to avoid trouble before it becomes so. A gun is for life or death protection, not for defense against any and all perceived threats. I put the gas in my wifes car and would never do so at night if I was in a strange or bad neighborhood. And every time a guy comes near you it is not good to reach for where your gun would be, in some states thats just as good as drawing a gun and can get you arrested. I read a story the other day on a forum about a guy who likes to jog and was carrying, but he was jogging at 3 am, who the hell does that? Is it a wonder you may get attacked or have the police stop you? Think ahead and plan to avoid trouble, its a lot easier and safer then relying on a gun, especially if you have some type of vision problem.