Extremely happy with my Ruger American

Biggest thing we can shoot with rifles here in Illannoy is coyotes. A target bullet from a .308 should still have plenty of smackdown on 'em. And generally, the target bullets are much cheaper, and often just as or more accurate.
I shot a doe once with my mosin nagant that was loaded with 174gr SMK's and it blew a hole as big as my fist out the back side of that deer. The ammo was S&B factory loaded with the sierra bullets. I was amazed at what that match bullet did to that doe. Other than that shot Ive never used a match bullet for hunting but they will kill!

Oh and BTW I have been thinking about a 308 Ruger American but something like the Predator or Compact model instead of the standard. The 450 Bushmaster Ranch would be a cool rifle to own too. Hmmm

Reports of the American series being accurate and a real value abound. While I am not fond of the path that new Ruger has tread since the death of the old man, the American is winning me over and I see a Predator, maybe two, in my future.
I have the 30-06 and it's VERY accurate and consistent... I feel the simplicity of their free-float barrel setup is pure genius.
I purchased a Ruger all American in .308 win for a friend, who needed to downsize from a Weatherby 270mag, I sighted it in for him and with the second group of reloads I had all 3 touching , Impressed at the group , to say the least .....the scope on the gun was a Zeiss Conquest 3x9 .....if anything it's a rifle suited for hunting, and lighter than the Weatherby , and I know the .308 won't kick anything like that 270WTHBY mag.
I need to buy one, it's just trying to squeeze it into the safe that is the issue.

I own a RA Ranch in 5.56 and a RA Predator in 6.5creedmoor and both shoot over their heads. I mostly shoot cheap stuff in the 5.56 and it still shoots pretty tight. The 6.5cm shoots terrific!

Im set on getting another Ranch in 450BM.
My Ruger American 7mm-08 with foam filled buttstock and Witt machine muzzle break. My baby is a long range tack driver. Obviously not sub MOA but darn accurate for me.

I bought two Ruger American Rifles in 243 for my boys first deer rifle. Bought them for the price incase they didn't like to hunt. But these Rugers shoot great. They shoot 1/4 inch groups and tighter. One I have to use 100gr speer bullits and the other likes 100gr Hornady Interlocks.