Extra Magazine....Where do you carry and How?

Usually in a shirt pocket or coat or vest pocket on the right breast.
I dont carry an extra mag in case I run out of ammo. In the real world any self defense shooting you get in will be about 3 rounds at ten feet.
I carry an extra mag because in the real world, the majority of auto pistol malfs are magazine related.
According to the FBI statistics from the past 30 years, you can get into two shoot outs a week with a k-frame .38 before you have to reload fellas. Spray and pray looks cool in John Woo movies, but its horse crap.
move your phone to a pocket seeing that you dont really need to get to it as fast as a spare mag. then keep your spare in your phone pouch! takes a little practise to get the speed up but it works. i just kep mine in my left front pocket. tried the pouch thing then found the pocket to be a bit easier (no flaps or velcro)
I wear a lot of cargo pants and shorts, many of them have an extra interior pocket located within the front right pocket, I find it's the perfect size for an extra magazine.
I don't really understand these holsters with a mag pouch sewn on them. If you carry strong-side, how do you reach your spare? Maybe you have really long arms and a small belly? Do you change hands with your pistol and swap mags with your strong hand?

For me, the quickest reload is to carry on my weak side, and use my off hand. Maybe I've been dong it wrong all these years? :rolleyes:

Anyway, when not wearing a covering garment, I use an old nylon wallet with the mag and a small light carried in my left rear pocket. The wallet helps protect the mag from lint somewhat and keeps it from shifting position.

With a cover garment, In a Wilson combo that carries one mag and my Surefire 6P.

Always carry a spare, even with hi-caps. Some malf's are best cleared by dropping the mag in the gun and reloading with the spare.

I know the pocket you're talking about... It also helps because it keeps the mag in an upright position. I used to use that pocket for my foling knives. Always knew where the thumb lever would be! Same goes for the mag, always sure of how it will come out of the pocket. Consistency is good.
On or off duty, "Buck" knife sheath on left side belt next to the cell phone. Just right for a 13 round Glock 23 mag., with a snap flap for security.
Fairly high ride belt pouch just behind the hip or in backleft pocket.

Sometimes suit coat left pocket if I'm wearing one.
Safariland 123, horizontal

horziontal on weak hand belt side in a safariland-holster. looks like a cellphone...
When the Magazine is there it totally fits and becomes all rectangular...
You froget that it's there, it's safe and very fast to access. I even use it in IPSC competitions and I don't loose time compared to other holsters:


Model 123
Concealment Magazine Holder, Horizontal
Single magazine holder— carries magazines in a horizontal position
Hook-and-loop belt attachment wraps around belt
Hook-and-loop flap keeps the magazine in the pouch
Available in Plain Black finish
I personally like to "surprise myself" and carry the extra mag in a new place everyday. Mondays I prefer it in my left front pocket, tuesdays I really feel better if its in the right front pocket. However on Thursdays I like to cram it in my right rear pocket between my wallet so it messes up my back when I sit down. And on the sabboth I have a lanyard that I hang the extra mag around my neck with. :D

Seriously though? Left front pocket.
In the smartcarry pocket if I'm wearing smartcarry, in a double mag pouch on my left side if I'm wearing that, in a double mag pouch under my right arm if I'm wearing my shoulder rig, or in my left front pocket if I'm wearing none of the above. I highly recommend against carrying the magazine in alot of different places, but I clearly don't follow my own advice. Typically I carry between 25-46 rounds when I leave the house. Most likely I'll never need that many, but if I ever do I'll be glad that I have it ;)
Man, You guys must think im crazy. I got 5 shots, and thats it, my backup is my fist

I always carry at least one reload, whether it is my Keltec .32 or an AR15, or anything in between. :D
I can hear the DA now, speaking to the Jury in the murder prosecution case:

"The defendant has the right to defend himself from imminent deadly harm. However, this defendant carries with him on a daily basis 32 bullets for his 9mm pistol. During the altercation, the defendant shot all 16 bullets from his gun, stopped, reloaded his gun, and then shot several more times."

I think that it would not sit well with a Jury in most anti-gun courtrooms in America. It seems that carrying one gun and ammo for it is justifiable. But when you are carrying an arsenal, you may destroy your credibility for "self defense." I think carrying more ammo makes you look like you're looking for a reason to get into a gun fight. Also, in my opinion, if you can't handle a garden variety self-defense problem with 1 magazine, you're in over your head. It's either because
A) you're a really really bad aim, in which case you need more practice
B) you are severely outnumbered and have no business drawing your gun, you should leave the situation immediately
C) you are severly outnumbered and should draw your gun and leave the area immediately
I always carry a spare mag for my Glock 26, though usually in a pocket rather than on my belt. My pistol might malfunction. The mag might get knocked out of my gun in a fight. I might run out of ammo and need to reload.

I have to dispute Leadcounsel's statements:

"A) you're a really really bad aim, in which case you need more practice"

Skill degradation in gunfights versus "practice" has been estimated by many authorities to be in the 50%-80% range. This means that even a well-practiced shooter who scores 100% on a qualification course may only shoot half that well when under deadly stress.

"B) you are severely outnumbered and have no business drawing your gun, you should leave the situation immediately
"C) you are severly outnumbered and should draw your gun and leave the area immediately"

If I am severely outnumbered, I am MORE likely to need my gun (and maybe a spare mag), not less. Obviously, if one can safely withdraw from a situation, one should, but this applies equally to situations where one faces a hostile individual or a gang.

I also find this "I can hear the DA now" stuff pretty amusing coming from the guy who, in another thread, says that he:

* wears a threat level IIA vest regularly (I can hear the DA now, asking why a mere citizen needs body armor like that used by police)
* uses a Glock 35 .40 with a 15 rd clip (I can hear the DA now, asking why a mere citizen needs a high-capacity pistol firing high-powered police rounds)
* suits up with pistol, flashlight, phone, vest and electronic ear protectors when there's a noise in the house (I can hear the DA now, asking why a mere citizen needs to outfit himself like SWAT cop to confront a teenage burglar)
* uses hollowpoint Corbons (I can hear the DA now, asking why regular or police-issue bullets weren't deadly enough for this mere citizen)

My point is that this fear of hearing what a politically-motivated prosecutor MAY say to a jury seems pretty silly. I am willing to bet that neither Mas Ayoob nor Leadcounsel can produce a case where a defender was convicted in an otherwise righteous shooting simply because he was carrying a spare magazine.

Recycled scare stories about courtroom theatrics from anti-gun DAs helps fill Massad's monthly columns, and probably sells issues of "Combat Handguns" to lots of petrified, underconfident new shooters. I'm not sure they should materially affect the choices of serious gun carriers, whether the issue is carrying spare magazines, wearing body armor, or anything else.

With some of the high-cap guns out there, some of you are carrying 25-30 rounds with an extra mag. I'm carrying 6+1 and feel confident I can get myself out of harms way. Why in the world would you need 20+ rounds?