External Safeties for Glock

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Hello all.
Is there any 3rd party Gunsmith that installs external safetys for the Glock 19 or 26. I have seen picture of a Glock 19 that is sold to New Zealand or Australia LEO's that has an external safety. I have seen the blocks and they seem OK, but I would like to see if I can get an external safety.

When you want the gun to shoot, you don't want a safety. When you don't want the gun to shoot, it should be unloaded.

Glock in it's most simplistic form.

The best safety is keeping your finger off of the trigger untill you are ready to shoot. An external safety is just one more thing you have to remember under the stess of an actual situation.
maybe cuz he lives in CA and SB15 says that if the gun doesn;t have external safties its not legal

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
It is true. SB15 bans "Saturday Night Specials" and calls any pistol that doesn't pass their criteria such. One of the criterions is an external safety. Also, there's a, if I remember correctly, 4000 round function test that must be performed without any malfunctions.

I was led to believe that Glock received an exemption, probably at the request of law enforcement.
Destructo6 is right the new SB15 says any handgun without an external safety is a Saturday night special this include the Glock and Sig Sauer. Glock does make model 17 and 22 with an external safety for some country that requested them. Also if you go to www.fullautoglock.com you can get the patent number for a device that replaces the rear cover on the slide that convert your Glock to full auto and it also includes a safety. I don't know if Glock will import the model with the safety or not but they could sell alot in Kali.
Technically the Glock has an external safety. It is a passive trigger safety, external to the firearm. The pistol can not be made to fire unless this safety is deactivated EVERY time you want to cause the weapon to discharge.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

In regards to the new California law, Senate Bill 15:

The statute specifies a 600 round test to include the first 20 rounds without, "a malunction that is not due to a faulty magazine or ammunition." This is from Chapter 248, Section 12130, subsection 1.

In addition the firearm must be submitted for testing by the manufacturer in the configuration it will be sold in. See chapter 248, section 12127a. This means that the Glock would not be legal if modified aftermarket to bring it "up to" specs. The Glock will not pass anyway because it, "Does not have a positive manually operated safety device, as determined by standards relating to imported guns promulgated by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and firearms." This is chapter 248, section 12126b1.

One final clrification, the correct term used is "Unsafe" not Saturday Night Special. This is a significant point because as usual LE is exempt from this law. A LE officer can shoot you with a Glock pistol, but you can't use the identical weapon because the State of California declared it "Unsafe". Many LE agencies were against this wording because of the liability lawsuits sure to come by their officers walking around with "Unsafe" weapons on their belts.

There are other equally insane and illogical provisions in this law.
I can think of two practical reasons for an external safety on a Glock:
1) Mexican Carry
2) A place to rest your thumb and keep it away from that danged mag release button.
I like manual safetys, they don't really slow you down that much. And if somebody else winds up with your gun by wrestling it away from you, then it can buy you some time while they try and figure out how to shoot you. But then again, I'm one of those people who like the mag disconnect on a Smith for the same reason.
A little tangent: I liked having a decocker on my Ruger pistol, because I envisioned this possible scenario: BG threatens me with weapon. I pull out my CCW Ruger and point it at BG, taking it off safe. BG gets look of surprise and fear on his face. [The gun was carried cocked and locked]. I intentionally drop the de-cock lever. BG hears the click and think I pulled the trigger but my gun has misfired. BG regains evil grin. BG re-threatens me, giving me excuse to use deadly force. I then pull the double-action trigger and BLAM. BG meets his maker.
I can think of two practical reasons for an external safety on a Glock: 1) Mexican Carry

Rule #2: Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.

But maybe you have a different value of that organ pointed at during a Mexican Carry. 8-|
SB15 covers all pistols, not just semi-automatics.

This bill is part of the reason why San Francisco soon will have only one gun shop.

Imagine a gunshop suddenly having a very large portion of their merchandise declared unsafe due to no "external safeties" and because the weapon cannot be submitted for testing (the shop has guns for sale that are no longer being made and the new rules says the manufacture must send the gun in for testing). Also, this shop had a large antique gun collection that saw some trade.....can't sell any of those once the law goes into effect for the above mentioned reasons.

Anyway, a "good" thing about SB15 is that any guns that get sold in-state here, once the law goes into effect, should be pretty reliable because I think the new law states that it must be fired 500 times without mechanical failure or jam.

Of course the real reason for the "can't jam" part is to provide for instant disqualification and then that particular model can't be sold in California.


[This message has been edited by Duncan (edited October 07, 1999).]
FUTO: That's positively diabolical! I won't confirm or deny that it made me laugh. I take the 5th. I claim Executive Privelege..if it's good for Billary, it's good for me.

I go away for a day and there is 15 replies.

O.K. I used to own a Glock 19, got a great deal and I was extremely accurate with it.

I sold it when I needed some extra cash and now I plan to buy some weapons to replace my dwindling collection. I am going to purchase a HK USP 9C, and at least one Glock.

I live in Washington State where the carry law are not too restrictive, so the California Prop is not an issue. I just happen to like an exteral safety. Kinda like Cocked and Locked even though a Glock is C&L. I just prefer it for carry. I will buy a Glock anyway, but just was interested in an extra feature if it was possible. Any way I am looking at Glock 30, this time. I have been reading the posts in this group and everone who owns/shot them rave about them and I presently only have a coulple of 9mm's and want to get a bigger bullet to help round out my collection.

Thanks for all the interesting posts.

Apart from a smattering of pawn shops, San Francisco now only has one gun shop: High Bridge Guns on Mission St. After 52 years of service, the San Francisco Gun Exchange closed its doors last week. One more excuse not to go to San Francisco.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
If you think you saw a photo of a Glock with an external safty - it was probably a Glock 18, and you saw the selector switch. It actually DOES have an external - its on the trigger... unless tha Kali code said different. (didnt read it all, cause I dont like Kali)

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
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